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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции IPV6
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции IPV6 с датами от 31 Jul 11 14:37:00 до 03 Oct 24 21:46:09, всего сообщений: 7440
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= Сообщение: 1733 из 7440 ============================================= IPV6 =
От   : Paul Hayton                      3:770/100          02 Oct 15 21:43:05
Кому : Markus Reschke                                      02 Oct 15 21:43:05
Тема : Re: Raspeberry Pi / SixXS
FGHI : area://IPV6?msgid=3:770/100+4742ad62
На   : area://IPV6?msgid=2:240/1661+56043313
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://IPV6?msgid=2:240/1661+56043314
Ответ: area://IPV6?msgid=2:280/5555+560e543c
On 10/02/15, Markus Reschke pondered and said...
MR> Hi Paul!

Hi there Markus

MR> $ telnet test.agency.bbs.geek.nz binkp
MR> Trying 2001:4428:200:816c::50...
MR> Connected to test.agency.bbs.geek.nz.
MR> Escape character is '^]'.
MR> .OPT CRAM-MD5-43d9bbc9c6a8d633e3fb551b1e7a84eeSYS Agency HUBZYZ Paul
MR> HaytonLOC Dunedin, New ZealandNDL 115200,TCP,BINKP%TIME Fri,  2 Oct 2015

Thanks, well that seems to be working and I can also poll you and get an ipv6
out as per logs below

call to 2:240/1661@fidonet
  02 Oct 21:37:32 [6108] trying fido.theca-tabellaria.de
  02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] connected
+ 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] outgoing session with fido.theca-tabellaria.de:24554
- 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] OPT CRAM-MD5-f812630690b86e4052c3c895692d30ee
+ 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] Remote requests MD mode
- 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] SYS theca tabellaria BBS
- 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] ZYZ Markus Reschke
- 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] LOC Butzbach, Germany
- 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] NDL 115200,TCP,BINKP
- 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] TIME Fri,  2 Oct 2015 10:37:26 +0200
- 02 Oct 21:37:33 [6108] VER binkd/1.0.4/Linux binkp/1.1

and I see Michiel also test polling me... I think :)

incoming from 2001:7b8:2ff:3a9::2 (1863)
+ 02 Oct 21:37:36 [7972] incoming session with cl-938.ede-01.nl.sixxs.net
- 02 Oct 21:37:36 [7972] SYS Blijf Tonijn
- 02 Oct 21:37:36 [7972] ZYZ Michiel van der Vlist
- 02 Oct 21:37:36 [7972] LOC Driebergen, NL
- 02 Oct 21:37:36 [7972] NDL CM,MO,IBN:fido.vlist.eu,U,RPK,NPK,ENC,NC
- 02 Oct 21:37:36 [7972] TIME Fri,  2 Oct 2015 10:37:38 +0200
- 02 Oct 21:37:36 [7972] VER binkd/1.1a-69/Win32 binkp/1.1

all good... and yet Bill and Nick I can't seem to reach when trying to poll
them. Here's the trace route

Tracing route to ftn.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  2001:4428:200:816c::1
  2    34 ms    34 ms    34 ms  gw-365.wlg-01.nz.sixxs.net
  3    34 ms    34 ms    34 ms  nzwlg01.sixxs.net [2001:4428:0:401::122]
  4    34 ms    34 ms    34 ms  ge0-1-6.v6wlg0.acsdata.co.nz
  5    44 ms    43 ms    43 ms  ge0-0-801.v4akl5.acsdata.co.nz
  6   171 ms   170 ms   170 ms  ge0-0-0-809.v4lax8.acsdata.co.nz
  7   280 ms   431 ms   699 ms  10gigabitethernet12.switch2.lax2.he.net
  8   180 ms   180 ms   181 ms  2001:559::385
  9   181 ms   181 ms   182 ms
he-0-4-0-2-cr02.losangeles.ca.ibone.comcast.net [2001:558:0:f557::1]
 10   218 ms   219 ms   219 ms  be-11315-cr01.dallas.tx.ibone.comcast.net
 11   227 ms   227 ms   227 ms  be-11314-cr02.56marietta.ga.ibone.comcast.net
 12   248 ms   247 ms   249 ms  be-10114-cr02.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net
 13   251 ms   251 ms   251 ms  et-0-0-0-0-ar03.audubon.nj.panjde.comcast.net
 14   252 ms   259 ms   356 ms  ae-3-0-ar03.absecon.nj.panjde.comcast.net
 15   267 ms   286 ms   284 ms  te-1-3-ur01.dover.nj.panjde.comcast.net
 16   242 ms   240 ms   240 ms  te-1-1-sr01.tomsriver.nj.panjde.comcast.net
 17   258 ms   247 ms   261 ms  2001:558:12:3f::2
 18   255 ms   255 ms   254 ms  2001:558:4033:79:6a89:2cff:fefb:fcd2
 19  Destination host unreachable.

Best, Paul

    Agency BBS, New Zealand | bbs.geek.nz | telnet: agency.bbs.geek.nz:23

--- Mystic BBS v1.10 (Windows)
* Origin: Agency BBS | telnet://agency.bbs.geek.nz (3:770/100)

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