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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции R50.SYSOP
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции R50.SYSOP с датами от 13 Jul 13 00:00:02 до 13 Jul 13 00:00:02, всего сообщений: 14508
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= Сообщение: 8529 из 14508 ======================================= R50.SYSOP =
От   : Vladimir Fyodorov                2:50/15.1          30 Jul 18 09:03:40
Кому : Stas Mishchenkov                                    30 Jul 18 09:03:40
Тема : Re: [FWD] должность
FGHI : area://R50.SYSOP?msgid=2:50/15.1+5b5eacbb
На   : area://R50.SYSOP?msgid=2:460/58+5b5de81b
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Разнообразно приветствую тебя, Stas!

29 Июля 2018, Stas Mishchenkov писАл к All следующее:

SM>     Это гда такие эхи окабаневшие, что деньгу собирают с подписчиков?
SM> ;)

Я тут, выискивая информацию для календаря фидошных дат, всякого начитался. В том числе и такое было:

03/05   1990. В Z1 фирма "C_Tech's Computer Services" объявила о создании первой коммерческой небонной эхоконференции ADVERT. За подключение к эхе взималась плата в размере $1 в месяц, за каждое написаное письмо - $10.

Вот оригинал заметки из FidoNews Volume 7, Number 10:

                       Commercial Advertisement Echo

     For  months  now I have deliberated about doing this and  know  I
     will  probably  get all kinds of stones thrown at me but  I  have
     just about had it with:  We do not allow commercial advertisement
     in this echo, or we do not want anyone to make a profit from this
     echo.   It  is not that I do not disagree with all of that it  is
     just  that  I am sick and tired of all the whinney babies an  how
     much  it cost to send messages around the world.   Well guys  and
     gals who do you all think you are kidding.

     When  we (those of us who really do this for FUN) want  something
     the  cost is not the Object.   Nor is it the hold back.   Well  I
     think it is about time an echo where commercial advertisement can
     take   place.    A  place  where  sysops  can  post   their   BBS
     advertisement's,   or  if they have something for sale that  does
     not  belong in For-Sale,  or Modem or Hd or what ever.   A  place
     where  If  I  want  to advertise my wares or my  programs  or  my
     services I can do so.

     So  here is what I have done.   I have established an  echo  area
     called ADVERT.   There is one catch,  this echo is not FREE.   It
     will  never  be placed on a backbone,  nor will it ever  be  made
     available  for  free distribution.   There will be one  point  of
     distribution,  and  one point for delivery.   Connection to  this
     echo   will  cost  $1.00  per  month.    Payable  in  advance  of
     connection,  and  connection  will only be made upon  receipt  of
     payment and validation of correct node number.   I will also  not
     make  any out going distribution calls,  all calls must  orginate
     from  the receiving node.   The echo areas may be set up as  READ
     ONLY  or  Sysops May allow Users to Enter Messages.   Sysops  may
     establish their own fee for entering messages into the echo area,
     and will be responsible for content.

     As  I said at the start I am tired of hearing you can't so  I  am
     now  giving  all of you out there who have heard these words  and
     even violated the policy of entering such messages now You have a
     place to do just that.   But rememeber I warned you nothing we do
     any more is free.   I have established a Flat Rate of $10.00  per
     message and this may be used as a guideline.

     Echo Area Guidelines are as follows:

     1.    Only   commercial   advertisements   should   be   entered.
     Advertisements  of  personal  nature's may be  entered  at  local
     sysops discretion.

     2.  Messages should contain only standard american characters, no
     upper ascii should be used.

     3. Messages will remain posted on individual systems for a minimu
     of 30 days or deleted as often as necessary by the sysop.

     4.   Individual  BBS will be responsible for monitoring  messages
     entered by users, and so long as messages are not offensive or do
     not  attack any person place or thing there will be no ground for
     removal from the echo.

     5.   Sysops  may pay for as many months of receipt in advance  as
     they  would  like,  and will receive a full refund for  any  full
     unused months if they request connection termination.

     Ok there you have it.   A way and a means to advertise your stuff
     with  no  hassles and a promise you will not be told  you  cannot
     advertise that here.

     Payment may be sent to:

     C_Tech's Computer Services
     13 Osage Drive
     Los Lunas, NM  87031

     Connection  Notification will be made via Echo Mail  distribution
     within 48 hours of receipt.

     Come and get it, you have been wanting it. Now you have it.....

Всяческих благ. Искренне Ваш, Vladimir Fyodorov, эсквайр.
... А ну-ка поищите мой таглайн
--- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: Esquire Station (2:50/15.1)

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