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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.BINKD с датами от 14 Jul 13 17:53:22 до 03 Jun 24 22:17:00, всего сообщений: 1930
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= Сообщение: 1442 из 1930 ========================================= RU.BINKD =
От   : Max Vasilyev                     2:5057/77          19 Apr 20 02:41:30
Кому : All                                                 19 Apr 20 02:41:30
Тема : Binkd 1.1a101 binaries for Win32, Win64, OS/2, DOS
FGHI : area://RU.BINKD?msgid=2:5057/77+5e9b821e
На   : area://RU.BINKD?msgid=2:5057/19+5b3358e3
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://RU.BINKD?msgid=2:5057/77+5e9c32cf
Hello All!



2020/04/05 20:33:09 git
Update README.md
Fixed incorrect instructions and beautified the steps into a tested and verified cookbook style Howto.

2020/01/30 10:21:49 1.1a-101 git
Fix an out-of-bounds error on sockaddrs.
The `invalidAddresses` vector in `client.c` is used
to hold invalid addresses `binkd` should not use.
However, the array was of type `struct sockaddr`,
which is not large enough to hold all of the
protocol-specific data of the `struct sockaddr_*`
structures.  As a result, `binkd` would access
out-of-bounds memory when examining elements of
the array.

Fixed by redefining `invalidAddresses` to be an
array of type `struct sockaddr_storage`, which is
guaranteed by POSIX to be large enough to hold all
data associated with a socket address for any
protocol family.

Signed-off-by: Dan Cross <cross@fat-dragon.org>

2020/01/30 10:21:13 1.1a-100 git
client.c,2.108,2.109 ftnnode.c,2.50,2.51 iphdr.h,2.28,2.29 protocol.c,2.236,2.237 readcfg.c,2.113,2.114 readcfg.h,2.44,2.45
Fix use-after-free bug in get_host_and_port.
Don't use pointer assignment in this function,
but rather, copy into a fixed-length buffer.

Fixes #15

Signed-off-by: Dan Cross <cross@fat-dragon.org>

2019/01/23 09:16:18 git
binkdfaq-en.txt,2.7,2.8 binkdfaq-ru.txt,2.7,2.8
add a question on non-ASCII domains

2018/05/14 22:32:57 git
configure,2.56,2.57 configure.in,2.56,2.57
Updated autoconf scripts

* Originally in RU.BINKD
* Crossposted in BINKD

WBR, Max. piwamoto!писем-нет
--- скучаю по FleetStreet'у :-(((
* Origin: Personal Reality (2:5057/77)

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