Пункт 4.5 ПДД - это презумпция вины пешеходов. Потому, что он должен убедиться, что переход для него безопасен. А если его сбили, то значит он не убедился, что переход безопасен. Все... https://twitter.com/varlamov/status/935917668103749632
People have enormous butthurt about bitcoin not because of the price: there's luck in other markets too. Bitcoin is special because to consider it seriously you need a 180&+ALo-; turn on a bunch of myths you were indoctrinated with.
When BTC continues to exist contrary to your dismissal, you are forced to either dismiss it with more anger or to re-consider a ton of the conceptions that you were basing your opinion on. That experience is painful either way. https://twitter.com/oleganza/status/935966110788100096
No one is angry about some people having FB or AAPL stock when others were skeptical. Because success of FB and AAPL is _within the existing worldview_, even if it was not obvious.
I broke a story about an NSA domestic surveillance program targeting US citizens but nobody cares because Apple fucked up by letting anyone login to a Mac without a password.
В Краснодаре школу, где есть казачий класс (они сейчас во всех школах края есть) назвали именем Дзержинского, который казаков истреблял как класс https://www.yuga.ru/news/423379/
Для начала во исполнение намерения https://twitter.com/FidonetRunes/status/936036620121333760 я оформил подписку на микроблог @fontlibrary, а если у вас есть и другие идеи на этот счёт, то кидайте их в форме откликов к этой моей микроблогозаписи, сообщите адреса твиттеровских микроблогов о новых свободных шрифтах.
А вообще, в Киото от души не советую сейчас (и ещё год, наверное) храм Кёмидзу-дэра (там ремонт и все строительными лесами закрыто) и советую рядом находящийся Кодайдзи (красивый парк, сад камней и немноголюдно)
@chordbug @f1ac5 I am unaware of any MPEG4-SAOL implementation in the wild, mercifully. As @rygorous points out, the MPEG specs tend to be full of never-implemented magical fantasy features that are all insane.
Stephen Canon, Pope Santa IIII (@stephentyrone) 2017-11-28 22:10:36 (UTC)
@chordbug ~Every language that isn't explicitly designed to prevent being Turing-complete ends up being Turing complete. I'll be more impressed when someone finds one that isn't.
@stephentyrone oh, sure! that&+IBk-;s really the reason I can say &+IBw-;oh jeez this is TC&+ICYgJiAd-; with confidence the moment I found out there&+IBk-;s, like, loops and variables
@chordbug @stephentyrone To be pedantic, "variables" isn't enough; you need unbounded arrays for Turing-completeness. Unless you can simulate any TM in it, it's not TC.
Оператор сервиса BlaBlaCar &+AKs-;Комьюто Рус&+ALs-; пытается обжаловать решение суда, который запретил публикацию в интернете данных о совместных поездках на машинах: https://roskomsvoboda.org/33916
This would let us, for example, link to documentation in error messages without having to spam the terminal with the full URL. Or have @geteslint lint output link directly to the rules in question. Or have CLI `--help` output link to better docs about each command/flag.
There's a sort of populist conservative that likes to talk a lot about civilizational struggles, demographic suicide, the idea that Islam owns the future because Western nations don't have any babies, etc. etc.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 01:58:11 (UTC)
This group has generally been one of Donald Trump's key cheering sections. For them, a vote for Trump was a vote against Western decadence, a vote against a globalist corporate-dominated GOP and a liberalism ready for dhimmitude, etc.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:02:39 (UTC)
Okay. Well, guess what? We're in the middle of a major baby bust in the United States of America right now. Exactly the sort of thing these guys are always warning about. "You can't save your own civilization with other people's babies," that sort of thing.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:03:52 (UTC)
In the midst of this baby bust, the Republican Party is having a debate about whether its tax plan should take just a pinch of the money that it's devoting to tax cuts for globalist cucks -- er, sorry, corporations, and spend it instead on families with kids.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:09:14 (UTC)
The proposed tax credit is linked to having a job. It's specifically designed to satisfy conservative concerns about subsidizing dependency, welfare mothers, illegal immigrants, etc. Lots and lots of its beneficiaries live in Trump country.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:12:59 (UTC)
It's not going to end the baby bust. It's not big enough to have some major effect on birthrates. But it's SOMETHING. It's a conservative policy that's actually mildly responsive to the trends all these folks freaking about the Twilight of the West (TM) claim to care about.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:15:35 (UTC)
And guess what? Their great champion, their idiot's version of Constantine or Charles Martel or whatever, came out *against* expanding it today. Because he doesn't want to take any $ away from his yuge tax cut for the very globalist types that all these guys claim to be against.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:18:39 (UTC)
And naturally if you go to Mark Steyn's feed or Steve King's feed or the homepage of Breitbart dot com you'll find lots of outrage about this, because globalists are bad and demography is destiny and the family is the cradle ... oh, wait, no, there's nothing like there at all.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:20:20 (UTC)
THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS. It isn't a video of a Muslim doing something bad or a Hollywood sex scandal or a stupid left-wing academic saying something stupid. It's just a pro-natalist policy in the midst of a baby bust and who would care about THAT?
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:21:57 (UTC)
I give them a hard time, but I don't really blame the Wall Street Journal guys for being against the child tax credit. They have a theory of what conservatism should be, what tax policy should be, and this stuff doesn't fit. Opposing it is just their nature.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:24:54 (UTC)
But all these other "populists," these Trump-worshipers who presume to lecture the rest of us on how we're just surrendering to liberalism and refusing to charge the cockpit and blah blah blah -- what crap. What CRAP.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:27:29 (UTC)
And now I hear the liberals saying, "oh, you just discovered the clickbait populists are full of it and doing Muslim-bashing for bubbas, welcome to reality." No, I didn't just discover it. Thanks. I AM WELL AWARE OF WHAT THE SITUATION IS LIKE ON THE RIGHT THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:31:44 (UTC)
But there are people within this populist world who are not cynics, who are sincerely afraid for the West's future. And I want them to stop and think about why this actual REAL WORLD "natalists versus globalists" policy debate isn't getting any traction in their favored outlets.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:35:04 (UTC)
I want them to stop and think about why populist movements elsewhere in the West actually try to have a pro-family policy agenda to match their demographic worries, while American right-populism still lets Wall Street write its economic policy.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:37:51 (UTC)
And I want them to wonder, while Mike Lee and Marco Rubio fight a lonely battle for a *pittance* of a refundable tax credit for American families IN THE MIDST OF A BABY BUST, why nobody in professional Populist Conservatism seems interested in making this a cause celebre.
Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) 2017-11-30 02:40:55 (UTC)
I'd like to wake up tomorrow and find everyone from Steve Bannon to Tucker Carlson publicly hammering the president and the party on this issue. That would be nice. But assuming they don't, this thread is my way of saying to professional Populist Conservatism, to hell with you.
In Japanese Folklore, the "Nyoijizai" is a demon backscratcher. Its power is its ability to scratch that itchy spot on your back which you just can&+IBk-;t seem to reach, no matter how hard you try.