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= Сообщение: 2572 из 2655 ================================== RU.BLOG.MITHGOL =
От   : @FidonetRunes                    2:50/88            12 Apr 18 04:26:24
Кому : All                                                 12 Apr 18 04:26:24
Тема : Twitter: @FidonetRunes
FGHI : area://RU.BLOG.MITHGOL?msgid=2:50/88+5aceb5c0
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Fascinating Pictures (@Fascinatingpics) 2018-04-11 21:11:02 (UTC)


A few moments before disaster strikes...

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dah_yadWkAEYLHh.jpg:orig "zoom")

Shitty Future (@Shitty_Future) 2018-04-10 19:57:45 (UTC)


](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaclavoXUAE3d0q.jpg:orig "zoom")

Словарь Ожегова (@ozhegov_ru) 2018-04-10 10:00:04 (UTC)


ЖОР &+IBM-; сильный клев рыбы.

Словарь Ожегова (@ozhegov_ru) 2018-04-11 06:00:03 (UTC)


КАЛОРИФЕР &+IBM-; прибор для нагревания воздуха - система гладких или пластинчатых труб, по которым идет горячая вода, пар или нагретый воздух.

Словарь Ожегова (@ozhegov_ru) 2018-04-11 15:00:02 (UTC)


ПОЯРОК &+IBM-; шерсть ягненка, полученная от первой стрижки.

Nippon.com/ru (@nippon_ru) 2018-04-11 23:47:22 (UTC)


Японский император Акихито и императрица Митико не будут присутствовать на церемониях, связанных с принятием наследным принцем Нарухито титула императора 1 мая 2019 года. https://www.nippon.com/ru/behind/yjj2018040900958/

Let's Encrypt (@letsencrypt) 2018-04-09 15:22:00 (UTC)


We have had a busy start to 2018! We are excited to continue making security on the Web more available to users. https://letsencrypt.org/upcoming-features/

Mithgol the Webmaster (@FidonetRunes) 2018-04-12 00:00:45 (UTC)


В комментариях у микроблогозаписи https://twitter.com/Tele2Russia/status/981557914224775168 прочёл ругательства абонента из числа сайтовладельцев, досадующих о том, что @Tele2Russia показывает свою рекламу поверх сайтов, открываемых во браузерах у абонентов мобильного Интернета. Ругается зря, но мыслит правильно.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Daimnf3WsAAv9vU.jpg:orig "zoom")

Programming Wisdom (@CodeWisdom) 2018-04-09 12:37:00 (UTC)


"A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work." - John Gall

Programming Wisdom (@CodeWisdom) 2018-04-09 13:34:04 (UTC)


"Even if you don&+IBk-;t intend anybody else to read your code, there&+IBk-;s still a very good chance that somebody will have to stare at your code and figure out what it does: That person is probably going to be you, twelve months from now.&+IAo-;" - &+IAo-;Raymond Chen

Programming Wisdom (@CodeWisdom) 2018-04-10 13:34:01 (UTC)


"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time." - Tom Cargill

Sergey Eybog (@vibe_crc) 2018-04-10 08:02:58 (UTC)


весна весна весна весна весна весна весна весна весна весна весна весна (глубоко и счастливо дышит)

Ben Carlson (@awealthofcs) 2018-04-10 12:54:16 (UTC)


how to be a billionaire (per the internet):

-sleep 10 hrs/day
-read 6 books/week
-meditate for 2 hrs/day
-post motivational quotes
-wake up before 5am every day
-work 14 hrs/day
-workout 2 hrs/day (before work)
-but also have a good work-life balance

voila that's it

Emojipedia &+2D3c2Q-; (@Emojipedia) 2018-04-09 16:27:10 (UTC)


Spooky secret emoji for Samsung users only: &+Jvw-;


Emojipedia &+2D3c2Q-; (@Emojipedia) 2018-04-11 18:19:11 (UTC)


Twemoji 2.6 is out now and replaces the realistic pistol &+2D3dKw-; emoji with a water pistol / squirt gun https://blog.emojipedia.org/twemoji-2-6-emoji-changelog/

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DahYdKZXcAAdaIp.jpg:orig "zoom")

Emojipedia &+2D3c2Q-; (@Emojipedia) 2018-04-11 18:21:46 (UTC)


In total there are 10 design changes in Twemoji 2.6 and these show for users of https://Twitter.com on desktop, mobile, and TweetDeck &+2D3cSQ-; https://emojipedia.org/twitter/twemoji-2.6/changed/

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DahY6GPXcBAVCCJ.jpg:orig "zoom")

Крымский мост (@Krymsky_bridge) 2018-04-11 12:28:08 (UTC)


Только мои строители могут похвастать, что укладывали асфальт между двух морей :) #ждеммост #ыстроиммост #стройкавека

[(video)](https://is.gd/qUlXp9 "runevideo")

Сергей Собянин (@MosSobyanin) 2018-04-10 14:09:24 (UTC)


Поручил разработать новую программу "Умный город". В двух словах об этом не расскажешь. Можно прочитать здесь: https://www.mos.ru/mayor/themes/14299/4684050/

Сергей Собянин (@MosSobyanin) 2018-04-10 15:32:50 (UTC)


Семь московских парков подготовили программу к 12 апреля. Можно необычно отметить #Денькосмонавтики: создать модель космического корабля из подручных материалов, понаблюдать за звездами через телескоп, инсценировать запуск ракеты и развеять мифы о космосе. https://www.mos.ru/news/item/38760073/

Сергей Собянин (@MosSobyanin) 2018-04-11 10:37:27 (UTC)


Планетарий не перестает быть одним из самых популярных мест в городе. #Московскийпланетарий

[(video)](https://is.gd/ROQJVC "runevideo")

John D. Cook (@JohnDCook) 2018-04-09 16:34:20 (UTC)


Technological Stockholm Syndrome: Becoming attached to a bad technology because you worked so hard to learn it.

Andy V (@steppentiger) 2018-04-10 11:38:42 (UTC)


Дональд Трамп, есаул, шел в Дамаск воевать.
На молчанье ООН и проклятья Асада
Он ответил: "Так надо, но вам не понять..."
Тихо обнял Конгресс и добавил: "Так надо!"

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaazMjgW4AAFj7I.jpg:orig "zoom")

Andy V (@steppentiger) 2018-04-10 20:14:50 (UTC)


Напоминаю, что при выкладывании фотки ядерного гриба в соцсети надо держать гаджет на вытянутых руках, чтобы расплавленный металл и пластик не капали на казенные сапоги.

Andy V (@steppentiger) 2018-04-10 22:56:49 (UTC)


Не надо шутить с войной. Твоих солдат здесь порвут на части. 250 тысяч отборных солдат Сирии! Дональд, сраный девелопер. Москва не хочет этой войны, и тебе наш президент это ясно, по-русски, сказал: "Не сметь стрелять по Дамаску". Лучше вместе ебанем по Мехико.

Andy V (@steppentiger) 2018-04-10 22:57:07 (UTC)


Мы направим в фейсбук еще 10 миллионов троллей и изберем в Америке своего президента.

Andy V (@steppentiger) 2018-04-11 05:27:20 (UTC)


Краткие итоги заседания Совбеза ООН по Сирии:

- Россия наложила вето на американский проект резолюции.

- США наложили вето на российский проект резолюции.

- Франция наложила в штаны.

Andy V (@steppentiger) 2018-04-11 05:38:26 (UTC)


Не пойму, чего так все удивляются фотке Цукерберга. Обычный кейс для ноутбука и документов, в котором рептилоиды прячут свой хвост, когда сидят.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaeqUhBXUAEEk17.jpg:orig "zoom")

Andy V (@steppentiger) 2018-04-11 14:17:07 (UTC)


Однажды Хемингуэй поспорил, что сможет написать самый короткий сценарий войны, способный растрогать любого.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaghC-iX4AERfhd.jpg:orig "zoom")

Bitmovin (@bitmovin) 2018-04-10 22:04:24 (UTC)


Christian Feldman and Nathan Egge demoing #AV1 Live stream in Firefox Nightly with Gabe Frost of @a4media at #nab2018

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DadCNpVU0AAkQ1_.jpg:orig "zoom")

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DadCNpXUwAEUwnj.jpg:orig "zoom")

Красивый Петербург (@peterburgkrasiv) 2018-04-09 10:37:48 (UTC)


Лифты подземных переходов развязки на Дунайском проспекте сломались, проработав пару недель. /  / Мы неоднократн.. https://vk.cc/7VPT8k

Only in America (@Crazzyintheusa) 2018-04-10 12:47:47 (UTC)


I for one welcome our new bird overlords.

[(video)](https://is.gd/beLoEL "runevideo")

Only in America (@Crazzyintheusa) 2018-04-10 18:35:47 (UTC)


Only in America.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DacSqiLW4AE9rtj.jpg:orig "zoom")

Only in America (@Crazzyintheusa) 2018-04-10 20:53:27 (UTC)


Camouflage level: 9000.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DacyLC4WAAIznNE.jpg:orig "zoom")

fat Q (@garqnik) 2018-03-13 21:48:34 (UTC)


LA traffic means dealing with airplanes now

[(video)](https://is.gd/sqgcMS "runevideo")

fat Q (@garqnik) 2018-03-14 20:09:07 (UTC)


Guys it was all just an elaborate McDonalds ad

Old School (@oldschoolvid) 2018-04-08 11:45:12 (UTC)


Members of the Ku Klux Klan on a Ferris wheel, 1926.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaQhf-zX4AA4YRR.jpg:orig "zoom")

Only in America (@Crazzyintheusa) 2018-04-11 21:19:21 (UTC)


Florida woman.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaiBsOjX0AEoNVN.jpg:orig "zoom")

Only in America (@Crazzyintheusa) 2018-04-11 21:25:08 (UTC)


Meanwhile in Alabama.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaiDBDEX0AYehKU.jpg:orig "zoom")

juxtaposed (@partlysunnyme) 2018-04-11 21:32:46 (UTC)


@Crazzyintheusa epic indeed

Only in America (@Crazzyintheusa) 2018-04-11 21:26:50 (UTC)


Least he&+IBk-;s honest.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaiDZ9HWkAEm_4J.jpg:orig "zoom")

Only in America (@Crazzyintheusa) 2018-04-12 00:00:31 (UTC)


Seems a bit creepy.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DaimlFAWAAADJ5Q.jpg:orig "zoom")

Only In Asia (@Crazyinnasia) 2018-04-10 11:25:11 (UTC)


The marbling on this Kobe beef from Japan. &+2D3eCw-;

[(video)](https://is.gd/KOdQkf "runevideo")

Only In Asia (@Crazyinnasia) 2018-04-10 12:39:07 (UTC)


Airport in China.

[(video)](https://is.gd/f2VIiV "runevideo")

Only In Asia (@Crazyinnasia) 2018-04-10 20:47:57 (UTC)


Asia isn&+IBk-;t concerned about fat shaming.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dacw6dcWkAAE3C2.jpg:orig "zoom")

Jolly Roger (@JollyRoger27488) 2018-04-10 20:51:29 (UTC)


@Crazyinnasia they should invert the arrows

not nearly overrated enough (@freedomcry) 2018-04-11 20:58:52 (UTC)


Если предположить, что "йцукенгшщзхъ", "фывапролджэ" и "ячсмитьбю(ё)" &+IBQ-; это один и тот же текст на трех языках, как на Розеттском камне, то каждый из этих языков как-то сразу ощущаешь и можешь себе представить другие фразы на нем.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:39:27 (UTC)


The thing that really kills me about the silicon valley hypercapitalist hell spiral is how many good, desirable ideas they're killing forever by implementing them so fucking horribly that when everyone wakes up from this daze we'll reject massive swaths of concepts reflexively.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:41:14 (UTC)


My phone is out of space. I know this is because I have a year+ of photographs on it, but I'm loathe to delete them because then I won't be able to find them. I have my phone photos for the last four years on my PC at home and I can't get to them when I want them.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:42:02 (UTC)


Call me petty or shit-talk my lifestyle if you want but I /am/ extremely Digital and I /am/ extremely Online and I do want to be able to recall images of anything I can recall, instantly, wherever I am, at a moments notice.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:43:51 (UTC)


What if there was a service that automatically uploaded every photo from my phone to a server I could get to from anywhere UH HUH and what if it used heuristics to classify those photos UH HUH sounds real neat except google and apple FUCKING RUINED THE CONCEPT, PERMANENTLY

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:45:27 (UTC)


thanks to the FUCKERS at these HORRIBLE COMPANIES we know that this /entire concept/ is rotten to the core and unfixable because it is *impossible* for any company to even discuss it without some marketing turd convincing them to steal our data and sell it

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:46:12 (UTC)


We KNOW this. We know that no company, regardless of size, can be trusted with this information. We KNOW it will not stay private, our photos of our partners genitals and tax documents will become public either deliberately or accidentally.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:46:50 (UTC)


We know that any company that tries to buck this trend can't be trusted, and even if they are completely, absolutely transparent, it doesn't matter because we will wake up one day to discover they were purchased at 2 AM and the data transfer /already started/

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:47:40 (UTC)


We represent billions in revenue but they hold our info in escrow and that means we don't have enough money to buy their loyalty, because a business considers business money more real than person money.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:48:34 (UTC)


I turned off the Google cloud services the moment I switched to Android, just as I'd done with my iPhone when I had it, and I did not end up regretting it. The shit they have since done makes me feel good that I did that.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:50:04 (UTC)


It's just like banks. I can't pay someone to hold my money. That's impossible. No business exists that will simply Hold My Money, every fucking last one of them is busy playing twelve dimensional Monopoly with it.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:50:43 (UTC)


All I fucking want is a website I can visit that shows me an account balance in dollars and cents and a plastic card to access it at stores. I can't buy that. That service is nonexistent. Instead I have to store my money with someone who is running thousands of dubious scams.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:51:37 (UTC)


So OF COURSE I am not surprised when their wheeling-and-dealing bullshit spills out of its lane and the tangle of their shitty lives invades mine in the form of an asinine account maintenance fee for doing nothing other than maintaining a pair of integers in a database.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:52:31 (UTC)


I do not want to be involved in their shit. I hate the banks and wish they would perish, but I don't even have the LUXURY of letting that be a passive disapproval, I have to ACTIVELY hate them because they are the only option available, they force me to be involved.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:53:13 (UTC)


So, same shit. Even IF there was an alternative backup service for my phone, it's never going to work 10% as quickly and efficiently or integrate as well as Google's because Google wants me to use *their* shitty service instead of someone elses

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:54:03 (UTC)


And even THAT doesn't matter because no matter how many backup services start up, every last shitty vowel-stripped startup is going to be sold to google within six months and my data will end up in their bastard fucking claws anyway.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:54:40 (UTC)


Or, sorry, no, let me rephrase: They will sell to google within six months and my data will be deleted unless I download a 580GB .zip of unsorted, unlabeled jpegs with UUIDs for names. And I have ten days to do it.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:55:08 (UTC)


That's what fucking FROSTS me about this era. What these shitty internet companies are offering are NOT BAD IDEAS. They are things we WANT. they are in some cases the ONLY SOLUTION to these problems. and they ruined them.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:56:18 (UTC)


google et al made it so normal, so completely expected to flagrantly, egregiously and unapologetically violate peoples privacy and ignore data security that the market simply cannot support any company that does any better, and we'd be fools to trust any such claims.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 15:59:19 (UTC)


So here I am, having to say "oh i wanted to take a video but my phone was full" because i haven't remembered to solve this problem when i was near my PC at home. like it's fucking 1999, like things haven't improved a lick in twenty years.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:00:07 (UTC)


i mean i could start complaining about the UI in the phone that makes it hard to scrub through my photos and clean them up - I have shaky pictures of cats and blurry nothing shots i took 11 months ago and didn't think to delete at the time which I can't find because the UI sucks

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:00:46 (UTC)


there's probably 20GB of photos on here I don't actually want at all, not even on some cloud service, but because the phone UI sucks shit and the PC interface sucks shit I can't do anything about it.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:01:37 (UTC)


the phone UI sucks shit because it just does, i'm not going to go into that, but i particularly resent that the phone>PC interface is literally like using an MP3 player in 2002. the broken fucking microsoft media protocol can't actually handle this scenario.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:02:25 (UTC)


so even when I AM home and i DO think about this problem when i'm in a position to solve it, i cringe and ignore it because i know otherwise i'll be stuck in literally hours of rage-inducing bullshit problems

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:03:11 (UTC)


oops the phone just DOESN'T SHOW UP in explorer, no reason! oops we copied 350 files and then the USB connection turned to This Device Has Errors And Cannot Start, no reason! IT'S FUCKING 2018 WE WERE DOING THIS IN 1998 WHAT IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM WITH US

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:04:09 (UTC)


so i have a Palm III. that's the situation now. i have a Hiptop, i have a fucking Ericsson flip phone, i have a fucking Newton, not a Nexus 6P. because a modern device shouldn't be a data island but this one is.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:04:53 (UTC)


i can have a fucking jpeg on my phone screen, i can be sitting at a computer with a USB cable plugged in, and if i use any method to move that file other than sending it to myself over Telegram i am a fool wasting his time

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:05:54 (UTC)


god fucking forbid we have something like a send option in the android UI that notices I have a USB cable plugged in and lets me send shit to my PC where i get a dialog asking where to save it. that's the work of a weekend but instead we've gone decades without it.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:07:04 (UTC)


god forbid my phone have the ability to zip up a library of gallery thumbnails, ship it off to my PC, let me pick the files i do and don't want, and then let me send back a simple list of files to remove so i can clean up my photo directory

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:08:12 (UTC)


no, instead all we get is ultra-high-level interfaces designed to allow absolutely nothing more complex than sending a selfie you just took to one recipient in one app or we get "lol idk here's a file listing nerd"

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:10:18 (UTC)


this is why i am more than hesistant about the impending PC apocolypse we've been warned of for years, the idea that these pissy little battery-dependant ARM shit-slates are going to replace The Only Fucking Things That Ever Even Kinda Worked is really shitty to me.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:11:06 (UTC)


i don't want my primary computing device to run fucking Java for the entire OS with all the problems that I said Java apps always have for the last decade, the incredibly long hangs and the apps that just stop responding because whoops we garbage collected the whole UI.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:15:51 (UTC)


I didn't ask for anything that mobile does. And that's fine, it's mobile. I wish I could not care about it. But this is the nature of devices like this: That's not an option. These are only USEFUL if you INTEGRATE them into your life.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:16:59 (UTC)


Taking a single photo on a mobile device is the act of signing a support contract with yourself. Congratulations, dipshit, you are now committed to Developing A Workflow, like this is your job. Or you can live as a beast and someday your phone fills up with photos you can't save

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:17:36 (UTC)


Taking a photo on your phone? Hope you have a gameplan. Hope you have contingencies. Hope those photos don't matter or you're REAL disciplined, because someday you're going to need to make a decision

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:18:09 (UTC)


You're leaving for Jamaica tomorrow - oops! your phone says your storage is full. You have to pack all your luggage and it's 11 PM and your plane leaves at 6 AM. what are you going to do, asshole.

Gravis McElroy (@gravislizard) 2018-04-09 16:18:48 (UTC)


Which one is it - wipe your phone and lose countless photos you can't even remember the value of, things you might deeply regret not having later? Or will you commit to two hours of sitting at your PC feeling waves of anger, defeat and hopelessness? The device cannot start -3921

Igal Tabachnik (@hmemcpy) 2018-04-03 18:11:03 (UTC)


Holy fucking shit, don't do this! https://holeybeep.ninja/

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZ4J15RWAAEuaxn.jpg:orig "zoom")

Simon Brand (@TartanLlama) 2018-04-03 18:13:37 (UTC)


@hmemcpy If you're happy running a random script from the internet as root then you're vulnerable to every attack, so the script should just return true;

Jason Imison (@JasonImison) 2018-04-03 18:24:05 (UTC)



](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZ4Mxz9X4AE_S7j.jpg:orig "zoom")

0day.marketing (@0dayMarketing) 2018-04-03 18:24:01 (UTC)


@hmemcpy But it is https!

Табличка &+IBw-;Сарказм&+IB0-; (@glorphindale) 2018-04-11 08:39:10 (UTC)


Случай в метро. Эпизод #11. Правильное питание. https://t.co/GlQAkYIwyY

41 Strange (@41Strange) 2018-04-10 22:00:33 (UTC)


In Japanese Folklore, Haradashi is a creature with a face on its belly. Haradashi appears to sad and lonely individuals, particularly those who are at home drinking alone. In exchange for Sake, it will perform a "belly dance" to cheer you up
(Art by niban-deidara-n-chan)

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dac-vycUwAEmnjO.jpg:orig "zoom")

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dac-wtSV4AA-PFY.jpg:orig "zoom")

безусловный джузеппе (@mellotron_fiend) 2018-04-10 16:04:08 (UTC)



](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dabv1mmXkAATY5e.jpg:orig "zoom")

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dabv5e4W0AMhi-d.jpg:orig "zoom")

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dabv8QlXUAQ9SaM.jpg:orig "zoom")

Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) 2018-04-11 17:29:28 (UTC)


Is Russia willing to deplete its S-400 (36 targets) & S-300 (32) batteries (40 min reload) that are positioned to protect Russian bases for Assad's Air Force? Against low-flying cruise missiles where the S-300/400 are ineffective? Nope, their bases would be undefended targets.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DahNEePUMAAlfil.jpg:orig "zoom")

Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) 2018-04-11 17:33:03 (UTC)


Remember, Russia deployed those assets to protect their bases not Assad's

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DahN1nXVwAAGT1n.jpg:orig "zoom")

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DahN23XU0AAl9oz.jpg:orig "zoom")

Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) 2018-04-11 20:03:56 (UTC)


59 cruise missiles overwhelmed Russian targeting control centers last year - w/in minutes one has to decide whether to engage, which targets to engage, or whether to move&+ICY-; the preferred Russian tactic is 2 missiles per US target - that would have exhausted 4 x S-400 batteries

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DahwVbjXUAApzQW.jpg:orig "zoom")

Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) 2018-04-11 20:33:17 (UTC)


Damascus and Tehran will believe Russia coordinated with the US on strikes against Assad's airbases and IRGC command and control centers - that's a good thing - we need to exploit those divisions the day after.  An area we're not very good at.

RodrigoRRC72 (@RODRIGORRC72) 2018-04-11 22:30:34 (UTC)


@MPPregent The only way could be with Pantsir and Buk near the objetive,and Russia and Siria has deployed this systems...other question is if they want to confront the menace.This time probably hundreds TLAM at time..

Sergey Bobkov (@sbobkov) 2018-04-11 20:24:49 (UTC)


Sure, if by "overwhelmed" you mean only 23 Tomahawks out of 59 hit their intended targets, per #Russian MoD analysis.

There is more to Air Defense systems than just S-400 batteries. It is a vast network of long-range, medium-range, and small-range complexes, improved vs 2017. https://twitter.com/MPPregent/status/984160137697996800

Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) 2018-04-11 20:28:55 (UTC)


@sbobkov a network that hasn't been maintained by the Syrians and yes one that's more reliant on the Russian ADA system of  S-300, S-400, SA-5 MEZ, and the Pantsir-S1s that are there to protect Russian Airbases

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dah2IvWW0AAJkLH.jpg:orig "zoom")

GROWVEGETABLESTOOWNTHECITIESLICH (@pvrgist2) 2018-04-11 20:32:44 (UTC)


@sbobkov the point remains that any air defense layer is overwhelmed eventually and is removed from the battlespace

Stavros Hadjiyiannis (@StavrosHadjiyia) 2018-04-11 21:46:25 (UTC)


@pvrgist2 @sbobkov There is no doubt that the US & its allies hold a massive advantage over Russia in the ME. If it comes to a very serious escalation, the question is what can Russia bring on the battlefield from her Southern Military District. Russian missiles can reach ME from RUS soil.

Stavros Hadjiyiannis (@StavrosHadjiyia) 2018-04-11 21:47:04 (UTC)


@pvrgist2 @sbobkov In extremis, even tactical nuclear weapons can be utilized.

&+2DzfHw-;Cosplay&+2DzfHw-; (@OtakuCosplays) 2017-05-11 20:08:20 (UTC)


From: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Cosplay: Tohru
Cosplayer: Ely (E&+W1A-;)

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