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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.DIGEST с датами от 15 Jul 13 08:53:56 до 20 May 24 11:38:09, всего сообщений: 2400
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= Сообщение: 186 из 2400 ================================= RU.FIDONET.DIGEST =
От   : Vladimir Fyodorov                2:50/15            25 Nov 14 09:22:56
Кому : All                                                 25 Nov 14 09:22:56
Тема : REGCON.EUR: Вард озабочен малой активностью RC
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.DIGEST?msgid=2:50/15+547421fb
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================

> В связи с тем, что на выборах FTSC проголосовало лишь 47% региональных
> координаторов, имевших право голоса, Вард выразил своё "фи" RC (и ex-RC)
> из Финляндии, Дании, Австрии, Италии, Испании, Израиля, Чехии/Словакии,
> Беларуси и Польши, приведя в пример Z1, где на выборах всегда 100%-ная
> явка RC.

* From : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 (24 Hоября 2014 14:56)
* Subj : Counting of noses

The past FTSC-election for me was very interesting as it can also be considered a roll call of RCs "who are" and "who aren't".

The Z2-RCs who voted are:

BjФrn Felten            RC20
Torbjorn Mohn           RC21
Torsten Bamberg         RC24
Vince Coen              RC25
Michiel van der Vlist   RC28
Ruedi Kneubuehler       RC30
Oleg Pevzner            RC46
Alex Barinov            RC50

... out of a total of 17 eligible ones ... that's 47%. Less than half the number who could've voted.

I am ashamed when comparing that to Z1 where there's a 100% turn-out, whatever we want to criticize them about ... those are the raw figures.

Let's also not drag Z4 into this. The situation overthere is obvious.

The following eligible individuals did not vote for their region (or nets in the case of former R22 and R23) and I would like to know "why":

R22 Finland                 Tommi Koivula
R23 Denmark                 Benni Anderson
R31 Austria                 Helmut Renner
R33 Italy                   Marco d'Itri
R34 Spain                   Angel Ripoll
R40 Israel                  Vadim Sigalov
R42 Chech Repuplik/Slovakia Viktor Cizek
R45 Belarus                 Alexander Ilin
R48 Poland                  Przemyslaw Kwiatkowski

So? How about it?

If your region does not satisfy the functionality-requirements anymore that are to be expected of a region, please let's work towards accomodating remaining nodes/nets in another way.

Take care,


--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20120515
* Origin: Esquire Station (2:50/15)

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