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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.DIGEST с датами от 15 Jul 13 08:53:56 до 01 Oct 24 09:03:06, всего сообщений: 2463
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= Сообщение: 720 из 2463 ================================= RU.FIDONET.DIGEST =
От   : Vladimir Fyodorov                2:50/15            27 Jan 17 17:03:34
Кому : All                                                 27 Jan 17 17:03:34
Тема : HOTDOGED: HotdogEd и Android 7
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.DIGEST?msgid=2:50/15+588b5338
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================

> Хорошая новость для обладателей устройств с Android 7. Сергей Позитурин
> сообщил, что работа над новой версией HotdogEd'а, поддерживающей работу
> на Android 7, почти закончена, до её выпуска осталось около недели. Те
> же, кому не терпится, уже сейчас могут скачать "девелоперскую" версию
> hodoged-2.13.4-dev (однако им стоит прочитать сообщение разработчика):


* From : Sergey Poziturin, 2:5020/2141.3 (26 Января 2017 20:02)
* Subj : HotdogEd and android 7
Great news are upcoming for all of you who own an Android 7 device and want to continue enjoying Hotdoged. The work is almost finished, I need a week to get everything completed.

The larger part is done, really lots of things got to be refactored because of new Google apis and rules.

* From : Sergey Poziturin, 2:5020/2140.2 (26 Января 2017 22:48)
* Subj : Re: HotdogEd and android 7
26.01.17, 20:02, Sergey Poziturin пишет:

SP> Great news are upcoming for all of you who own an Android 7
SP> device and want to continue enjoying Hotdoged. The work is
SP> almost finished, I need a week to get everything completed.
SP> The larger part is done, really lots of things got to be
SP> refactored because of new Google apis and rules.

So I decided to give a developer preview version with Android 7+ support
to anyone who wishes to give it a try.

Will be happy to hear your opinion about scoring btw (not fully
functional, but quite usable).


Beware that this version may have some issues when uprading the version
installed via Google Play. It will work correctly, but the installation
process may require a backup/delete/install/restore procedure. I didn't
test this.

The version also supports local FGHI-urls - it can correctly show the
local article (if it exists) when clicking at area:// url.

Mithgol will be happy :)

Also pay attention to the fact, that version upgrade will also upgrade
the database. The downgrade is impossible, so the only way to recover is
a backup/restore.

PS: don't edit virtual groups yet, it's not ready.

--- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20161221
* Origin: Esquire Station (2:50/15)

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