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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.DIGEST с датами от 15 Jul 13 08:53:56 до 01 Jun 24 09:03:06, всего сообщений: 2407
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= Сообщение: 63 из 2407 ================================== RU.FIDONET.DIGEST =
От   : Ivan Agarkov                     2:5020/849.1       27 Jan 14 12:03:36
Кому : All                                                 27 Jan 14 12:03:36
Тема : [FWD] FidoNews 31:04 [02/08]: General Articles
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.DIGEST?msgid=2:5020/849.1+52e614df
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Привет, All!

> Процесс внесения изменений в формат нодлиста,
> длившийся почти 10 лет, завершен.
> Теперь -Unpublished- в телефонном номере могут иметь иметь любые узлы,
> включая Region,Host,Hub-узлы.
> Автор статьи предполагает, что это последнее крупное изменение
> в формате нодлиста в связи с сокращением числа узлов в Фидо.

* Переслал Ivan Agarkov (2:5020/849.1)
* Обл. : fidonews (fidonews)
* От   : FidoNews Robot, 2:2/2 (27 янв 14 03:42)
* Кому : All
* Тема : FidoNews 31:04 [02/08]: General Articles
              The last major change in the nodelist?
              By Michiel van der Vlist 2:280/5555

Last week a process hat was initiated almost ten year ago entered its
final phase with the remaining four ZC's enabling the so called
"Allowunpub" option in the new NewMakeNl. Ben Baker's original version
of MakeNl only allowed the string "-Unpublished-" in the telephone
number field of the nodelist in combination with the "Pvt", "Hold" or
"Down" keyword. This restriction has now been removed. "-Unpublished-"
can now be used in any nodelist entry and in nodelist.024 we have
already seen it in combination with "Region", "Host", "Hub" and no

The list of people that have made this possible is long. Too long to
mention them all and so I won't even try. It took a long time. Ten
years. Which is exceptionally long for a software programme. Had this
been a commercial operation, the company would have gone belly up long

Of course it is not finished yet. Although we have already seen many
changes in last Friday's, I expect a fairly long transition period
during which we will still see IP only nodes listed as "Pvt" or see
them listed with  all zero or other fake telephone numbers. This will
also be an opportunity to surface and weed out the dead wood in the

But a major step has been set, there is no way back now. The FTSC has
published a new version of FTS-5000 to document the new possibilities.

This will probably be the last major change we will see in the Fidonet
nodelist. I fear it is too late in the game for any more major
changes. Fidonet is shrinking, there are just a handful of developers
left that are willing and able to do the leg work needed. We barely
managed to complete this one. Another ten year project will be beyond
the capabilities of our shrinking manpower.

So let us thank all the people that made this possible. The
programmers that have worked to get MakeNl next generation to work on
all the relevant platforms, the fans on the side encouraging them and
testing it, and last but not least the *C's for finally throwing the

Chapeaux guys and girls!

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Ivan.
--- /usr/bin/vim
* Origin: jNode Project -- [http://fidonode.in/] (2:5020/849.1)

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