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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.TODAY с датами от 09 Jul 13 15:35:00 до 02 Jul 24 20:03:08, всего сообщений: 46150
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= Сообщение: 35703 из 46150 =============================== RU.FIDONET.TODAY =
От   : Michael Dukelsky                 2:5020/1042        14 Jul 23 22:29:40
Кому : Nil A                                               14 Jul 23 22:29:40
Тема : Не надо делать петель в ru.fidonet.today
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:5020/1042+64b1a3d2
На   : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:5015/46+64b19f18
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================

* Originally in nino.046.local
* Crossposted in ru.fidonet.today

Привет, Nil!

14 July 2023 21:46, Nil A послал(а) письмо к Michael Dukelsky:

MD>> Дупы могут привести к потере писем.

NA> Я пока теоритического и практического обоснования этому не знаю.

Забыл уже? Тогда запощу ещё раз. Прошу прощения, что на английском.

* Area : WWB_Z2 (WWB_Z2)
* From : Michael Dukelsky, 2:5020/1042 (16 January 2014 11:50)
* To   : Tommi Koivula
* Subj : Producing a diode in a loop
Hello Tommi,

15 Jan 14, Tommi Koivula wrote to Markus Reschke:

TK> Dupes are a good thing.

I cannot agree with that. A dupe is a sign of a loop existing in an echo
distribution. And a loop can produce a diode (when mail between two links goes
in only one direction) and other fails in the echo distribution. Here is an
explanation by Pavel Gulchouck 2:463/68 which he wrote in February 2007.

Let us consider such a loop in an echo distribution:

    /  |\
 P-A   | F-Q
    \  |/

Here a simple loop A-B-C-F-E-D is additionally closed by a triangle C-E-F.

Suppose the link between the nodes C and F breaks but the nodes retain the
subscription and thus continue adding SEEN-BYs of each other. A message from
the node Q to the node P will not be lost except at the node C and its
downlinks: the node E will not pack the mail to C (neither B will do it)
because the node C is in SEEN-Bys produced by the node F. If there is no link
between C and E and it is a simple loop, then nothing changes for the node C
when Q sends a message, the node C will not see it.

Now P sends a message. Whether Q will receive it depends on the balance of the
transfer times in the branches A-B-C-E and A-D-E. If a message from P comes to
E first via the path P-A-B-C-E and after that via the path P-A-D-E, then the
nodes F and Q will not see it, since C puts F in SEEN-BYs and the second copy
of the message is discarded as a dupe. Here we have a diode, where messages go
from Q to P, but not from P to Q.

Nothing changes if there is no B and there is a chain D-X-Y-Z instead of D.
Then it becomes more obvious that the transfer time via A-C-E is less than via

So loops are in no way a means of increasing echo distribution reliability and
dupes signal us that a loop has appeared.


... dukelsky (at) aha (dot) ru
-+- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20100314
 + Origin: ==<<.f1042.ru.>>== (2:5020/1042)

MD>> Поэтому по крайней мере в бонных эхах просьба колец не создавать.

NA> 100% согласен.

MD>> Это я говорю как бонмастер, если что.

NA> Значит ты тот самый блинчик, значит у тебя дуполовка даже не
NA> перемещает сообщения в особую область, а сразу киляет их ;-)

В бонных эхах я дупы не удаляю, а перемещаю их в отдельную область.

Желаю успехов, Nil!
За сим откланиваюсь, Michael.

... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230221
* Origin: ==<<.f1042.ru.>>== (2:5020/1042)

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