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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.TODAY с датами от 09 Jul 13 15:35:00 до 02 Jul 24 20:03:08, всего сообщений: 46150
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= Сообщение: 26751 из 46150 =============================== RU.FIDONET.TODAY =
От   : Rinat H. Sadretdinow             2:5020/620.1       14 Apr 22 11:01:42
Кому : Stas Mishchenkov                                    14 Apr 22 11:01:42
Тема : FIDOGAZETTE: Sean Dennis выпустил бюллетень FidoGazette V18I1
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:5020/620.1+6257d5de
На   : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:460/5858+6257caee
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:460/5858+625916f7
Hello Stas!

14 Apr 22 10:18, you wrote to me:

SM>>> Рекомендую поставить ещё вот это https://www.grammarly.com/
RHS>> Сдулись они. Для Белоруссии и России сдулись, "не работаем для
RHS>> вашей страны в связи..." бла-бла-бла.

SM> У меня всё прекрасно работает.

А у меня прекрасно HЕ работает, говорит что в Белоруси и в России теперь не работают. Сейчас скопипастю текст оттуда, только юникодные символы заменю:

Grammarly has suspended service in Russia and Belarus

In response to Russia?s invasion of Ukraine, which has included attacks across the Belarusian border, we have made the decision to suspend service in Russia and Belarus.

Where allowed by international sanctions, we will be issuing an automatic refund to affected paying users for the unused portion of their subscriptions. Please note that there may be delays, and we cannot guarantee receipt of the funds.

Early in the morning of February 24, Russia launched missile strikes on Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine -- the beginning of an unprovoked, full-scale invasion.

We are a company with a deep connection to Ukraine. Grammarly was founded in Ukraine, and we have many team members who call Ukraine home. The Russian attacks are horrific atrocities.

Misleading videos and images, along with false news stories, are circulating online and on social media. We urge you to seek the truth from trustworthy, fact-checked sources.

If you're reading news in English, we encourage you to rely only on credible sources to stay informed. Consider verifying your source with a respected journalism organization, such as Nieman Lab.

In Russian and Belarusian media, false news stories are circulating widely. Here are some reliable sources to consider referencing (please note that we cannot control access to these sites, and they may be blocked in your area): Meduza, Эхо Москвы, Hовая Газета, Радио Свобода, Hастоящее Время, and Дождь.

It is our hope that the war ends quickly with the recognition of Ukraine as a free and independent nation.

И всё! Больше ничего.

SM> Что я не так желаю?

Понятия не имею ;-)


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: -= Thunder Bird @ home =- (2:5020/620.1)

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