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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.TODAY
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.TODAY с датами от 09 Jul 13 15:35:00 до 28 Jun 24 20:50:50, всего сообщений: 46127
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= Сообщение: 30111 из 46127 =============================== RU.FIDONET.TODAY =
От   : Rinat H. Sadretdinow             2:5020/620.1       17 Oct 22 15:53:56
Кому : Cheslav Osanadze                                    17 Oct 22 15:53:56
Тема : СОБ.ИHФ.: Том Дженнингс написал роман "The Delivery"
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:5020/620.1+634d517b
На   : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:6078/80+634d4c99
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Hello Cheslav!

17 Oct 22 14:37, you wrote to me:

SM>>> возможно у тебя работает Shift+3.
RHS>> А вот это работает!

CO>  Это тоже в хелпе есть.

И этого у меня в хелпе нет!

Я не поленился и скопировал весь свой хелп в режиме чтения сообщений. Hайди мне хоть что-то похожее на F8 или Shift-3:

│ Esc, A, Alt-A  Enter the area selection screen. See: Area Keys
│ Ins, E, Alt-E  Enter a new message
│ Del, D, Alt-D  Delete current/marked message(s), ask first
│ Right/Left     Next/Previous message
│ Home/End       Display first/last part of current message
│ F, Alt-F       Find string(s) in message header and text
│ Z, Alt-Z       Find string(s) in message header only
│ Q, Alt-Q       Quote-Reply to message. (Reply to FROM name)
│ G, Alt-G       Comment-Reply to message. (Reply to TO name)
│ R, Alt-R       Reply to message, without quoting
│ N, Alt-N       Quote-Reply in another area
│ B, Alt-B       Comment-Reply in another area
│ Ctrl-R         Direct-Reply (Ignore Reply-to)
│ Ctrl-N         Direct-Reply in another area (Ignore Reply-to)
│ L, Alt-L       Enter the Message Lister
│ Ctrl-Left      Previous message in the replylink
│ Ctrl-Right     Next message in the replylink
│ M, Alt-M       Enter the Copy/Move/Forward function menu
│ Tab            Toggle a BookMark on the current message
│ Up/Down        Scroll message display
│ PgUp/PgDn      Display previous/next page of message
│ Sh-Tab, BckSp  Go to the BookMarked message
│ W, Alt-W       Write/export message(s) to file/printer. See: Write Message
│ Z, Alt-Z       Find string(s) in message header
│ Space          Toggle a message mark on the current message
│ J, Alt-J       Toggle "Read Marked" mode
│ Ctrl-B         Add current Mail writer to Addressbook
│ Alt-Right,A-U  Go to the next unread message
│ Alt-Left       Go to the previous unread message
│ Alt-F10        Launches the Addressbook
│ Ctrl-F         Request files from the current msg. See: File Requesting
│ F10            Lookup current FROM node
│ Shift-F10      Lookup current TO node
│ S, Alt-S       Enter the Message Marking menu
│ Ctrl-A         Change AKA for the current area
│ Ctrl-S         Change the attributes of the current message
│ C, Alt-C       Change message
│ O, Alt-O       Shell to DOS
│ X, Alt-X       Exit GoldED, prompt for final decision
│ Ctrl-J,Ctrl-C  Change default import charset
│ U              Toggle ROT13 crypting for the current message
│ Ctrl-Q         Exit GoldED immediately, no questions asked
│ Ctrl-G, num    Go to a specific message number
│ Enter          Page down or go to next message
│ Ctrl-Home      First message in the area
│ Ctrl-End       Last message in the area
│ <              Go directly to the next area
│ Ctrl-P         Go directly to the previous area
│ Ctrl-V         Toggle display of quoted lines
│ Alt-T          Toggle Twit display - Show/Blank/Skip/Ignore
│ Ctrl-D,Ctrl-X  UUdecodes the current message
│ Ctrl-H         Toggle Disable/Show/Show+Strip of STYLECODES
│ Ctrl-T         Change template
│ Ctrl-U         Change username
│ I, Alt-I       Toggle hexdump mode
│ V, Alt-V       Toggle display of Hidden and Kludge lines
│ H, Alt-H       Toggle display of Hidden lines
│ K, Alt-K       Toggle display of Kludge lines
│ P, Alt-P       Toggle the "PageBar" feature
│ Ctrl-I         Change tagline
│ Ctrl-O         Change origin for the current area
│ Y, Alt-Y       Toggle between seq. or real message numbers
│ Ctrl-Up        Go to the first reply to this message
│ Ctrl-Down      Go to the next reply to this message
│ Ctrl-M         Golded Mainmenu :)
│ Ctrl-W         Append quote of the msg to the quotebuffer
│ Shift-F4       Renumber Fido/Opus *.MSG files
│ Ctrl-L         Generate FIDOUSER.LST of all users in area
│ Ctrl-K         Make path report
│ Ctrl-Z         Touches the SEMAPHORE NETSCAN file
│ Ctrl-F10       Toggle weather deleted Msgs are showed (JAM only)
│ Ctrl-Y         Advanced Search (experimental)
│ Ctrl-E         Stop playing of current sound
│ &              Popup touch a manually entered semaphore file
│ (              Decrease message margin
│ )              Increase message margin


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: -= Thunder Bird @ home =- (2:5020/620.1)

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