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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.TODAY с датами от 09 Jul 13 15:35:00 до 20 Jun 24 17:40:56, всего сообщений: 45979
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= Сообщение: 27785 из 45979 =============================== RU.FIDONET.TODAY =
От   : Bender Rodriguez                 2:5053/58          10 May 22 22:10:10
Кому : Ernazar Biket                                       10 May 22 22:10:10
Тема : Re: 26 апреля в истории Фидо
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:5053/58+627aaaa2
На   : area://RU.FIDONET.TODAY?msgid=2:6035/66.15+0644097a
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Привет, Ernazar!

10 май 22 21:46, Ernazar Biket писал(а) к Bender Rodriguez:

BR>> апр 26 1993. Benjy Arnold (2:254/1.3) публикует в FidoNews инструкцию
BR>> "Как писать из Фидо в интернет и обратно".
EB> Почитать бы мне этот выпуск

Какой смысл? Это было 29 лет назад.
Я так понимаю, интересует именно эта статья? Ну на, почитай...


From: Benjy Arnold                         (2:254/1.3)
Fido to internet

Hi there!

This is a file which I reply with whenever anyone asks for information
concerning fidonet to internet... how about it for FidoNews?


[ - - - - - - - -  T e a r   H e r e  - - - - - - - - ]

                     FidoNet to InterNet - The Answers

This is a very asked  question  within  the  realms  of  Communications
echoes  within  FidoNet, and so this is an explantion of the method for
transfer of messages from one system to the other.

The system which is used is called UUCP (UNIX to UNIX  Copy  Program  I

                Sending a message from FidoNet to InterNet

The  first  stage  is  locating a gateway system which can transfer (or
gate) the messages from one system to  the  other.  These  are  systems
which have the string "GUUCP" within their nodelist entry.

The  primary  gateway  system within the world is located on Bink of an
Aye BBS in the USA - address 1:105/42. To send the message, simply send
a  netmail  message  addressed  to  user "UUCP" at this address, with a
normal subject line. Then, type on the first line of the message

To: aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd.eee.fff

Where the aaa.bbb@ccc.ddd.eee.fff is the InterNet address to which  you
are  sending  the message. This should be followed by a blank line, and
then the text of the message.

It is important to note that the addresses must be organised with small
end  first.  This  means  that in the UK, for example, the ".UK" is the
last part of the address, instead of placing "UK." as the  first  parts
after the "@" character.

                Sending a message from InterNet to FidoNet

This  process  is  even  easier.  The  first  stage  is  to  create  an
InterNet-type address out of your FidoNet reference.  The basic  method
is to make the address like this (non case-sensitive).


To explain this better, I'll go through the splitting up of my reference.

First Name     Benjy
Second Name    Arnold
Zone           2
Network        254
Node           1
Point          3

This then becomes Benjy.Arnold@p3.f1.n254.z2.fidonet.org

(The "P3." part is only needed if you are on a point system.)

Then,  simply  post a message on InterNet addressed to this address. It
will be picked up at FidoNet address 1:105/42, and then sent by  routed
netmail to you on FidoNet.


There  is  a  gateway  system in the UK located on Barney's Rubble BBS,
address 2:253/153. The correct  alias,  for  UUCP  access  however,  is
2:25/25. To go from FidoNet to InterNet, the message is sent in exactly
the same way, except to "UUCP" at 2:25/25 instead of 1:105/42. To route
messages  from  InterNet to FidoNet via this gateway, however, you must
place "fidouk.fidonet.org" on the end of the InterNet address,  instead
of just "fidonet.org".

NB:  At the time of writing, 16 April 1993, this gateway system is down
due to (I think) the Sysop moving house.

                             Other Information

I have a large amount of other information - such as book titles etc  -
concerning this inter-domain gating.

Please netmail me if necessary.

FidoNet   :    Benjy Arnold at 2:254/1.3
InterNet  :    benjy.arnold@p3.f1.n254.z2.fidouk.fidonet.org


С наилучшими пожеланиями, Bender.
--- "GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20220504" ---
* Origin: SADM - Чисто, Чисто, Чисто! (2:5053/58)

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