am *05.12.21* um *21:07:34* schriebst Du in der Area *RU.FTN.DEVELOP* an *Tim Schattkowsky* eine Mail zum Thema *"Re: WinPoint russian translation"*.
ES> On 05.12.2021 23:33, Tim Schattkowsky wrote:
TS>> unfortunately my Russian is very bad, so I try it in English: ES> TS> TS>> Does a russian language file for WinPoint exist or is anybody interested TS>> in providing/maintaining one? I might add, that the latest WinPoint TS>> version (which will be available from the web site Web shortly) widely TS>> supports the russian language, particularly in the key areas of the TS>> program including - Message display - Message editor - Message header TS>> handling/display (i.e., Names and subject in lists) - Message full text TS>> search
ES> WinPoint 2005 was unpopular in Russia because it doesn't fully support ES> CP866 charset. There were problems with it in Subj fields AFAIR. It that ES> was fixed in the new versions?
Yes, all of this has been reimplemented and is supposed to work now. It is quite different tody from what you know.
(Google Translate:)
Теперь все работает по-другому и проблем с русским текстом больше быть не должно. Это также включает в себя что-то вроде полнотекстового поиска.
Только несколько небольших маргинальных областей, таких как текстовые группы, я не скорректировал, потому что сам не могу их хорошо протестировать.