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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FTN.DEVELOP с датами от 12 Jul 13 20:52:30 до 28 Sep 24 16:36:02, всего сообщений: 2620
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= Сообщение: 699 из 2620 ==================================== RU.FTN.DEVELOP =
От   : Mithgol the Webmaster            2:50/88            27 Jun 15 00:49:06
Кому : Max Vasilyev                                        27 Jun 15 00:49:06
Тема : Fwd: Про набор поинтов сисопами и продолж е ние сети
FGHI : area://RU.FTN.DEVELOP?msgid=2:50/88+558dc94e
На   : area://RU.FTN.DEVELOP?msgid=2:5057/77.1@fidonet+558cebed
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://RU.FTN.DEVELOP?msgid=2:5020/545+558ec637
Так было 09:59 26 Jun 15 написано от Max Vasilyev к Sergey Poziturin:

SP>> Я больше скажу, мне тут немцы всё про протокол CDP рассказывают,
SP>> который FSP-1016. Кроме немцев его не сильно и используют, судя по
SP>> нодлисту, но тем не менее он есть и реализовать его было бы здорово.

MV> Почитал.

Я его на всякий случай тут в эхе целиком процитирую, а не то я его с трудом
по адресу http://ftsc.org/docs/old/fsp-1016.001 нашёл, тогда как в основном
списке http://ftsc.org/docs/ этот документ даже не упоминается, и поневоле
возникает опасение за его будущность: а вдруг будет утрачен, если его в эхе
не процитировать?

Итак, цитирую целиком:


Publication:   FSP-1016
Revision:      1
Title:         Automatic configuration of Points in FidoNet
Author:        Christian von Busse, on behalf of all Points and Nodes
               who took part in the development of this document.
Revision Date: 17 July 2000
Expire Date:   17 July 2002

Status of this document

  This document is a Fidonet Standards Proposal (FSP).

  This document specifies an optional Fidonet standard protocol for
  the Fidonet community and requests discussion and suggestions for

  This document is released to the public domain and may be used,
  copied or modified for any purpose whatever.

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Description of the communication between CDP and CDN
  3.1 Files to be transfered
  3.1.1 From CDP to CDN
  3.1.2 From CDN to CDP In case of an accepted automatic application PPPPZZZZ.CDN ECHOZZZZ.ZIP NODEZZZZ.ZIP In case of a rejected automatic application
  3.2 How the files are transfered
  3.2.1 An address for the CDP
  3.2.2 Transmitting the application data
  4. Procedure after the first session
  4.1 Determining the passwords to be used
  4.2 Other recommendations
  5. Appendix: Example piece of source code to calculate CRC16
  6. Acknowledgements

1. Introduction
  This document proposes a protocol which will enable new Points,
  without any specific knowledge about FidoNet and its technicalities,
  to quickly and easily establish a link to FidoNet.
  The purpose is to make it as easy for everybody to participate in
  FidoNet as it is to access the InterNet.

  This protocol was designed to be usable, or at least to be able to
  be made usable, with common FidoNet Node and Point software. The
  effort for Nodes to accept new Points this way and the effort
  for developers (or users) to make their Point software compliant
  with this protocol has been kept as low as possible.

2. Definitions
  CDP: The new Point.

  CDN: A Node accepting new Points in accordance with the proposed
       protocol. A CDN Node carries the user-defined flag CDP in the

  Function Request: (Also called Service Request). This type of
       file request can be used to request a dummy filename from a
       Node system. This file request causes an external programme to
       be started during the current session. Certain files may be
       transfered back to the requesting user in the same session.

  Text File: A file containing only ASCII characters between 32 and
       126, but including CR (13) and LF (10).

  PPPP: Whenever this is used, it stands for the temporary Point
       number with which the CDP makes his/her first poll to the CDN.
       (See para 3.2.1). The Point number is specified by four
       hexadecimal digits. Leading zeros must be added if necessary.

  ZZZZ: Stands for the Zone for which the CDP's application shall
       be valid. Normally, this is the CDN's FidoNet Zone but it may
       differ if the CDN has multiple addresses in multiple Zones.
       The Zone number is specified by four hexadecimal digits.
       Leading zeros must be added if necessary.

3. Description of the communication between CDP and CDN

  3.1 Files to be Transfered
  All files to be transfered are text files.
  They contain either comments or data.
  Comment lines start with a ';' or a '#'.
  Data lines have the format:


  ... and a length of 255 characters at maximum, including the line
  termination character(s) CR, LF or CR/LF.
  Key words are not case sensitive and can contain spaces in
  non-escaped form.
  There must not be spaces before or after the =.

  By way of exeption ascii characters > 126 may be used in the fields
  which will not be used for configuring either the point software or
  the node software, and thus not cause any problems: These fields


  3.1.1 From CDP to CDN
  The CDP transmits his application to the Node in a text file.
  The text file is named PPPPZZZZ.CDP.

  PPPPZZZZ.CDP must contain the following keywords:

    The name of the point operator as used in field 5 of a nodelist,
    but in the format: First_name Last_name

    The place where the Point lives, format: zip_code city
    The use of zip_code is recommended, city is mandatory.
    Please remember, that a zip code is not necessarily composed of
    5 numeric characters and that it also can contain alphanumeric

    Again, the place where the Point lives. This field contains
    abbrevations typically used in the Pointlist for cities,
    format: City

    It is recommended not to allow the Point to fill out this entry
    but to have the setup automatically generate this value from

    The voice phone number of the Point, in international (ISO)
    standard, but spaces replaced by dashes, as in the nodelist:
    An area_code must only be supplied, if it is used in the point's

    The temporary AKA with which the Point calls the Node during the
    application poll.

    For faster processing on the Node system, this value contains
    the filename of the PPPPZZZZ.CDN file that is sent back to the
    CDP, should his/her application be successful.

    The value transmitted here specifies how many different passwords
    the point software can make use of. The value ranges from 1 to 4.
    The numbers have the following meanings:
    1 = The Point software can make use of only one password as
        session password, areafix password, file ticker password and
        PKT password.
    2 = The Point software can make use of one password as session
        password and PKT password and can make use of a second one as
        areafix and file ticker password.
    3 = The Point software can make use of one password as session and
        PKT password, can make use of a second one as areafix password
        and can make use of a third one as file ticker password.
    4 = The Point software can be configured to make use of four
        different passwords for the session, areafix, the transmitted
        PKTs and the file ticker.

  3.1.2 From CDN to CDP
  Depending on whether the CDN accepts the application or not, the CDP
  gets a different text file as an answer. In the case of an accepted automatic application
  If the application is accepted, the CDN transmits three files to the
  This file must contain the following keywords:

    The Point number (not the complete AKA) assigned to the CDP.
    The CDN's AKA is taken from the nodelist entry carrying the CDP

    A password for the CDP, to be used at least as session password.
    Which passwords will really be used will be defined later on.

    A password which can be used as areafix password.

    A password to be used as password for the file ticker.

    A password to be used as PKT password.

    The name to which areafix messages should be addressed.

    The name under which the file ticker expects to receive messages.

    The filename under which the current nodelist can be requested
    from the CDN.

    The name of the nodelist difference files, without extension.

    An e-Mail address of the Node, which can be used by the Point
    in case of questions or difficulties.
    Every Node should at least be able to transmit his fidonet.org
    address here:

    The CDN's voice phone number, which can be used by the CDP in
    case of questions or difficulties.
    The CDN can specify a one-line text here of at most 255
    characters, which is displayed to the CDP later on. So the CDN
    could also tell the CDP that he is not available for voice calls.

    A non-committal time in minutes, after which, the Node system
    should have completely processed the CDP's application. The CDP's
    first call with his/her real Point data should not be made before
    this time has passed since his/her initial call.
    WAIT passes the time to wait as a signed integer. The valid values
    range from 0 to 32767.

  In case the CDN system should not support all four possible
  passwords, the CDN will transmit identical passwords in the
  different fields, according to its needs. Otherwise, all four fields
  will be filled with different passwords.

  PW_USABLE from the PPPPZZZZ.CDP will not be evaluated for this entry
  in order to save time during the established connection. It will onl
  be evaluated later on, when the CDN configures the CDP on his

  All passwords must be 5 to 8 characters long. Passwords have to be
  in upper case. ECHOZZZZ.ZIP
  The CDN transfers a list of the echomail areas available to the
  Point. This list is a text file named ECHOZZZZ.LST. It has the
  format compliant with the *.NA lists:

  AREATAG description
  AREATAG description

  The description is optional. If it is given, there has to be at
  least one space between the AREATAG and the description. A line may
  be at max 80 characters long. If a description is longer than that,
  it has to be continued in the next line. Lines containing only a
  continued description have to start with at least one space. NODEZZZZ.ZIP
  Finally, the CDN transmits a current nodelist to the CDP.

  NODEZZZZ.ZIP contains a 3D nodelist with at least the CDN's home
  region. The name of that nodelist is  the name commonly used for
  nodelists in zone ZZZZ.
  e.g. in FidoNet Zone 2 this would be NODELIST.<day_of_year> In case of a refused automatic application
  If the CDN does not accept the application, for whatever reason, the
  Point will receive a text file named NOPOINT.CDN.
  This text file should contain an explanation as to why the entry was
  rejected but it may also be empty.

  3.2 How the files are transfered
  All these files are transmitted within an unsecure established
  session between the CDN's and the CDP's FidoNet mailer.

  3.2.1 An address for the CDP
  Two CDPs must be prevented from calling the CDN at the same time
  with the same AKA. To achieve this, a temporary AKA is needed for
  the application call.
  This temporary AKA is formed according to the following scheme:

    The CDN's home Zone

    The CDN's Net

    Node number 9999

    The Point number is created as a CRC16 (upside-down-CRC16
    as used for Z-Modem and the nodelist - start polynom 11021H, start
    value 0 without modulation, shifting to the left) checksum created
    values will be concatenated directly without inserting any spaces.
    The checksum has then to be built modulo 32768 in order to prevent
    Point numbers exceeding 32767. The Point number is, as all numbers
    in the address, specified in decimal format.

    Code examples for the most commonly used programming languages
    can be found in para.5 below.

  3.2.2 Transmitting the application data
  The CDP transmits the PPPPZZZZ.CDP. In addition, he/she
  file-requests the following three "MAGIC" files:

  1. CDPOINT, password protected: CDP-PW

  The file request of CDPOINT initiates the creation process of
  PPPPZZZZ.CDN on the CDN's system. The CDNs system will pick a free
  Point number and randomly create the necessary password via a
  function file-request, if the mailer cannot react directly to
  received files matching a certain filemask.
  The file-request of CDPOINT is password protected to minimize the
  chance of accidentally initiating this process.
  In order to minimize the online time for the CDP, the CDP is not
  configured online after he has delivered his data but only after
  the session has terminated.

  The file-request of ECHOLIST causes ECHOZZZZ.ZIP to be transmitted
  to the CDP.

  The file-request of NODEZZZZ causes NODEZZZZ.ZIP to be transmitted
  to the CDP.

4. Procedure after the first session

  4.1 Determining the passwords to be used
  The CDN can decide how many different passwords will be used by
  entering the same password into mulitple password fields in the
  file PPPPZZZZ.CDN (See para.

  The Point software transmits its capabilities via the keyword
  PW_USABLE in the file PPPPZZZZ.CDP (See para. 3.1.1)

  When configuring the passwords, both parties can decide exactly
  which password will be used by combining the PW_USABLE entry
  with the transmitted passwords.

  The following table will make it clear which passwords will be used:

              |   These passwords will be configured with the   |
              |             value of the field...               |
  | PW_USABLE | Session-PW |  PKT-PW   | Areafix-PW | Ticker-PW |
  |     1     | PASSWORD   | PASSWORD  | PASSWORD   | PASSWORD  |
  |     4     | PASSWORD   | PKTPW     | AREAFIXPW  | TICKERPW  |

  4.2 Other recommendations
  After the initial session has terminated, the automatic
  configuration of the CDP should to be initiated as quickly as

  The new Point should be told by his/her software that his/her
  application is being processed now, which will take about WAIT (See
  para. minutes.
  The Point can make use of this time by reading documents about
  FidoNet, which the Point software should offer to him/her.

5. Appendix: Example pieces of source code to calculate CRC16
  Function crc16_string(InString: String): Word;
  { calculate CRC16 of a string, string is passed }
    CRC   : Word;    { CRC16                              }
    i     : Integer; { Index variable for loop            }
    Index : Byte;    { Index variable for CRC calculation }
    CRC := 0; { initialize CRC }

    { calculate CRC for every character }
    For i := 1 to Length(InString) Do
      CRC := (CRC xor (Ord(InString[i]) SHL 8));
      For Index := 1 to 8 Do
        If ((CRC and $8000) <> 0)
         Then CRC := ((CRC SHL 1) xor $1021)
         Else CRC := (CRC SHL 1)

    crc16_string := (CRC and $FFFF) { return calculated CRC16 }
  End; { crc16_string }


  Writeln('CRC16 modulo 32768 (values between 0 and 32767):');
  checksum := checksum mod 32768;
  Writeln(angStr:12, '   HEX-CRC/16: ', numb2hex(checksum));
  Writeln(angStr:12, '   DEZ-CRC/16: ', checksum);

A. Author contact data

Christian von Busse
Fidonet: 2:240/2188

B. Acknowledgements
  The following people (without laying claim to completeness) have
  participated in developing this document:

  Norbert Bilek, 2:2468/9929
  Christian von Busse, 2:240/2188
  Werner Dworak, 2:2480/9504
  Markus Engmann, 2:2483/21
  Michael Haase, 2:2457/265.15
  Daniel Hahler, 2:2432/337
  Wolfgang Huebner, 2:2490/1906.9
  Denny Mleinek, 2:248/7310
  Dirk Pokorny, 2:240/5401.7
  Herbert Rosenau, 2:2476/493
  Tim Schattkowsky, 2:2437/70.29
  Siggi Schoenicke, 2:2426/1210
  Henning Schroeer, 2:2457/265
  Ulrich Schroeter, 2:244/1120
  Monika Steinhaeuser, 2:249/3110

C. History

Rev.1, 20000717   First release.

(Конец цитаты.)

Фидонет будет великим и гипертекстовым!    [Ru.Mozilla]     http://Mithgol.Ru/
Mithgol the Webmaster.                    [Братство Нод] [Team А я меняю subj]

... Черношёрстые волки степные бегут у седла
--- Знаешь ли ты, Max, что "дреколье" _не_ пишется через "ё"?
* Origin: А что нам йети            //           Да на это ответит? (2:50/88)

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