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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции RU.HUSKY
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.HUSKY с датами от 16 Jul 13 10:00:06 до 09 Aug 24 22:04:26, всего сообщений: 5336
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= Сообщение: 1644 из 5336 ========================================= RU.HUSKY =
От   : Stas Mishchenkov                 2:460/58           20 Jan 16 02:04:34
Кому : Victor Sudakov                                      20 Jan 16 02:04:34
Тема : EchoArea в husky
FGHI : area://RU.HUSKY?msgid=2:460/58+569ec136
На   : area://RU.HUSKY?msgid=2:5005/49+569b3ee3
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Hi, Victor!

17 янв 16 13:11, Victor Sudakov -> Roman V. Stepanyants:

RS>>         А где найти _полное_ описание возможных опций EchoArea?

VS> Лучше запуска tparser я пока ничего не видел. А там обычно по смыслу можно
VS> догадаться.

=== Import Windows Clipboard Start ===
3.5.1 EchoArea

EchoArea <name> <file> [-b <msgbase>] [Options] [linkAKAs] [linkOptions]
EchoArea linux.develop.ger /var/spool/fido/msgb/linux.develop.ger -b Squish -a 2:2433/1247 -g A -dupeCheck move -dupehistory 11 -d "Linux development" 2:2433/1245 -def
This statement specifies the echoareas.

filename(s) for this area without extension; should be the area-tag (as far as possible). if file == Passthrough then [-b <msgbase>] is skipped and msgarea is set as an passthrough area.
Msg is standard (OPUS *.msg-base). Write Squish for an Squish-msgbase and Jam for Jam-msgbase.
aka's of up- and down links (full 4D address). you can use masks like: ";*:*/*" - all downlinks from you config. This links are auto-mandatory. Always use slash in mask!

define area as passthrough even if msgbase type or filename is defined.
-lr <integer>
required level for read access (see also Level in link options); integer can't be negative;
-lw <integer>
required level for write access; integer can't be negative;
forbid to unsubscribe from this echo;
enable unsubscribe from this echo if echoareadefaults set -mandatory;
disallow remote subscribe (only manual connect);
allow remote subscribe (using netmail to areafix) if echoareadefaults set -manual;
-p <integer>
purge after n days: used by purging utilities like sqpack (*); default value is 0;
-$m <integer>
leave max n messages after purge in area (*); default value is 0;
do not purge or pack area (overwrites -p & -$m) (*)
enable purge or pack area (*) if echoareadefaults set -noPack;
kill read msgs in area on purging (*)
disable kill read msgs in area on purging (*) if echoareadefaults set -killRead;
keep unread msgs in area on purging (*)
do not keep unread msgs in area on purging (*) if echoareadefaults set -keepUnread;
kill messagebase of area when setting it to passthrough
do not kill messagebase when setting area to passthrough if echoareadefaults set -kill;
-a <addr>
aka to use (first address from config if not defined)
-b <msgbase type>
type of msgbase (Msg, Squish, Jam) (*)
-g <group>
group for this echoarea
keep seen-by kludges (used in CarbonCopy)
do not keep seen-by kludges (used in CarbonCopy) if echoareadefaults set -keepsb;
no seen-by kludges stores in message base (*)
SEEN+BY kludges stores in message base (*) if echoareadefaults set -tinysb;
no seen-by & path kludges stores in message base (*)
SEEN+BY & path kludges stores in message base (*) if echoareadefaults set -killsb;
file name of area is in dos style (8+3). Please be aware of the fact that this will currently automatically disable the autoAreaCreateSubdirs feature.
file name of area is in long filename style if echoareadefaults set -dosfile;
hide area in areafix reports (%list & etc.);
show area in areafix reports (%list & etc.) if disabled in echoareadefaults;
-d "Description for the area between double quote (like this)"
describe area (for areafix reports & etc.);
%PAUSE has no effect to this area;
%PAUSE has effect to this area if disabled in echoareadefaults;
Area is paused (unsubscribed at uplink). This flag is automatically set and cleared by hpt if ,See AutoAreaPause, enabled.
Do not automatically pause area even if ,See AutoAreaPause, is enabled.
Automatically pause area (if ,See AutoAreaPause, is enabled).
disables carbonCopies for this area;
-noccoff or -ccon
enables carbonCopies for this area if disabled in echoareadefaults;
-DupeCheck off|move|del
toss dupes, move dupes to DupeArea or delete dupes.
-DupeHistory <unsignedInteger>
size of dupecheck history file in days for all dupe base types except CommonDupeBase, 7 days if not defined (See AreasMaxDupeAge.);
disables reply-linking for this area (*);
enables reply-linking for this area (*) if disabled in echoareadefaults;
-scan listed|manual|never
conditions to scan area: if listed in echotoss file or "-a" option; if run with "-a" option; or never
write debug info about this area to areaname.dbg (or common.dbg if "-dosfile" is used)
disable debug output if defined in echoareadefaults;
add seen-by(s) at tossing time;
ignore seen-by(s) and toss mail to link(s).
Remove specified seen-bys (done before -sbadd). Can be combined with -sbkeepAll.
Keep specified seen-bys when zone-gating.
Keep all seen-bys when zone-gating (prevails over -sbkeep).
Disable -sbkeepAll if enabled for example by EchoAreaDefaults.
-tooOld <number of days>
Move incoming echomail older than the given number of days to BadMail (0 = disabled). A value >= 90 is recommended! A too low value might cause severe trouble.
Default read-only: set link read-only at subscribing
Default write-only: set link write-only at subscribing
(*) - these tokens to be removed from areafixAutoCreateDefaults when creating passthrough areas.


default-uplink (used for area deletion, See AdvancedAreafix.)
this link is read only
this link is write only
this link is mandatory subscribed, you may also set: "<aka> -r -mn" or "<aka> -w -mn" and so on...
Link Options -r -w are left for backward compatibility. We strongly recommend to use tokens ReadOnly & WriteOnly for setting permissions on arealinks.

This statement can be repeated.
=== Import Windows Clipboard End ===


Have a nice nights.
       Stas Mishchenkov.

--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20151130
* Origin: Lame Users Breading. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/58)

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