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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.HUSKY с датами от 16 Jul 13 10:00:06 до 09 Aug 24 22:04:26, всего сообщений: 5336
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= Сообщение: 2510 из 5336 ========================================= RU.HUSKY =
От   : Evgeny Zyatkov                   2:5005/33          17 May 17 13:19:12
Кому : All                                                 17 May 17 13:19:12
Тема : [FWD] Patches & Repo - Whom to tell?
FGHI : area://RU.HUSKY?msgid=2:5005/33+591c23a2
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
* Переслал Evgeny Zyatkov (2:5005/33)
* Обл. : fidosoft.husky (fidosoft.husky)
* От   : Philipp Giebel, 2:240/5853.2 (17 май 17 11:37)
* Кому : All
* Линк : @OFGHIUrl
* Тема : Patches & Repo - Whom to tell?
   Hi everybody!

I've created a set of patches and a script to create debhelper 9 compatible debian and raspbian packages out of the current (and last years) sources taken from https://sourceforge.net/projects/husky/files/husky/1.9-current/

While I mainly did this for myself, I'ld like to give some backflow to the project so the maintainers can decide themselfes whether they want to use any of the patches I made..

I tried to post a message to the sourceforge project but they've disabled posting of new topics and I just don't trust their team site being up-to-date, so I'm putting it here..

You can find my patches and the script for creating debian and raspbian packages using debuild (and stuff..) here:

Or you can use the debian and raspbian repos, I created:

I've done as little changes as possible - mostly on the debianization, only for htick, I had to do a minor change to the sourcecode (1 line, 1 parameter) to make it build with hardened binaries.

While this works perfectly for me, there's absolutely no warranty whatsoever that this is correct, working for anyone else but me or doesn't blow up your dog..! ;)

If anyone is interested in using this for anything: Feel free to do so.. :)


-+- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303
 + Origin:  ----> kuehlbox.wtf  (2:240/5853.2)

Приветствую, All!

Ну вот, а человек пакеты собирает под Debian и raspbian и выкладывает....
А говорили нет таких....
Он ещё и в панику ушел...

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Evgeny.

--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: SigmaBBS (2:5005/33)

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