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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.LINUX с датами от 24 Jan 02 06:01:34 до 04 Jul 24 23:16:10, всего сообщений: 8504
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= Сообщение: 1486 из 8504 ========================================= RU.LINUX =
От   : Valentin Davydov                 2:5020/400         15 Sep 14 21:26:01
Кому : Alexey Vissarionov                                  15 Sep 14 21:26:01
Тема : Re: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/14/09/11/1421201/
FGHI : area://RU.LINUX?msgid=<1187494345@ddt.demos.su>+36431e56
На   : area://RU.LINUX?msgid=2:5020/545+54129b74
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
From: Valentin Davydov <sp@m.davydov.spb.su>

>   From: Alexey Vissarionov <Alexey.Vissarionov@f545.n5020.z2.fidonet.org>
>   Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:03:30 +0400
>The State of ZFS On Linux
>An anonymous reader writes: Richard Yao, one of the most prolific contributors
>to the ZFSOnLinux project, has put up a post explaining why he thinks the
>filesystem is definitely production-ready. He says, "ZFS provides strong
>guarantees for the integrity of [data] from the moment that fsync() returns on
>a file, an operation on a synchronous file handle is returned or dirty
>writeback occurs (by default every 5 seconds). These guarantees are enabled by
>ZFS' disk format, which places all data into a Merkle tree that stores 256-bit
>checksums and is changed atomically via a two-stage transaction commit.. ...
>Sharing a common code base with other Open ZFS platforms has given ZFS on Linux
>the opportunity to rapidly implement features available on other Open ZFS
>platforms. At present, Illumos is the reference platform in the Open ZFS
>community and despite its ZFS driver having hundreds of features, ZoL is only
>behind on about 18 of them."
>--- rss2mail.pl
> + Origin: RSS robot (2:5020/545.1024)
>Где-нибудь через месяц можно начинать мацать, а к концу года, глядишь, ее и
>допилят до состояния, пригодного к использованию в боевой среде...

/boot, как я понимаю, на отдельной флешке по-прежнему?

Вал. Дав.
--- ifmail v.2.15dev5.4
* Origin: Demos online service (2:5020/400)

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