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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.LINUX с датами от 24 Jan 02 06:01:34 до 16 Jun 24 15:45:54, всего сообщений: 8476
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= Сообщение: 1050 из 8476 ========================================= RU.LINUX =
От   : Alexey Vissarionov               2:5020/545         04 Apr 14 20:40:00
Кому : All                                                 04 Apr 14 20:40:00
Тема : http://linux.slashdot.org/story/14/04/04/1523231/
FGHI : area://RU.LINUX?msgid=2:5020/545+533ee1b2
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://RU.LINUX?msgid=<1187485655@ddt.demos.su>+60c11c52
Доброго времени суток, All!

* Обнаружено в RSS.SLASHDOT.ORG

Linus Torvalds Suspends Key Linux Developer

alphadogg writes: "An argument between developers of some of the most basic parts of Linux turned heated this week, resulting in a prominent Red Hat employee and code contributor being banned from working on the Linux kernel. Kay Sievers, a well-known open-source software engineer, is a key developer of systemd, a system management framework for Linux-based operating systems. Systemd is currently used by several prominent Linux distributions, including two of the most prominent enterprise distros, Red Hat and SUSE. It was recently announced that Ubuntu would adopt systemd in future versions as well. Sievers was banned by kernel maintainer Linus Torvalds on Wednesday for failing to address an issue that caused systemd to interact with the Linux kernel in negative ways."

--- rss2mail.pl
 + Origin: RSS robot (2:5020/545.1024)

Вот копия сообщения от Торвальдса:

==== хрум ====
> "Generic terms are generic, not the first user owns them."

And by "their" you mean Kay Sievers.

Key, I'm f*cking tired of the fact that you don't fix problems in the
code *you* write, so that the kernel then has to work around the
problems you cause.

Greg - just for your information, I will *not* be merging any code
from Kay into the kernel until this constant pattern is fixed.

This has been going on for *years*, and doesn't seem to be getting any
better. This is relevant to you because I have seen you talk about the
kdbus patches, and this is a heads-up that you need to keep them
separate from other work. Let distributions merge it as they need to
and maybe we can merge it once it has been proven to be stable by
whatever distro that was willing to play games with the developers.

But I'm not willing to merge something where the maintainer is known
to not care about bugs and regressions and then forces people in other
projects to fix their project. Because I am *not* willing to take
patches from people who don't clean up after their problems, and don't
admit that it's their problem to fix.

Kay - one more time: you caused the problem, you need to fix it. None
of this "I can do whatever I want, others have to clean up after me"

==== тьфу ====

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
gremlin ПРИ gremlin ТЧК ru; +vii-cmiii-ccxxix-lxxix-xlii

... Пятая точка - орган шестого чувства
--- /bin/vi
* Origin: http://openwall.com/Owl/ru (2:5020/545)

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