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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции RU.LINUX
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.LINUX с датами от 24 Jan 02 06:01:34 до 06 Jul 24 14:38:20, всего сообщений: 8510
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= Сообщение: 1619 из 8510 ========================================= RU.LINUX =
От   : Alexey Vissarionov               2:5020/545         08 Nov 14 23:08:00
Кому : All                                                 08 Nov 14 23:08:00
Тема : http://linux.slashdot.org/story/14/11/08/1448234/
FGHI : area://RU.LINUX?msgid=2:5020/545+545e7821
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Доброго времени суток, All!

* Обнаружено в RSS.SLASHDOT.ORG

Joey Hess Resigns From Debian

An anonymous reader writes: Long-time Debian developer Joey Hess has posted a resignation letter to the Debian mailing list. Hess was a big part of the development of the Debian installer, debhelper, Alien, and other systems. He says, "It's become abundantly clear that this is no longer the project I originally joined in 1996. We've made some good things, and I wish everyone well, but I'm out. ... If I have one regret from my 18 years in Debian, it's that when the Debian constitution was originally proposed, despite seeing it as dubious, I neglected to speak out against it. It's clear to me now that it's a toxic document, that has slowly but surely led Debian in very unhealthy directions."

--- rss2mail.pl
 + Origin: RSS robot (2:5020/545.1024)

Охренеть... поумневший дебилианист...

* Originally in RU.LINUX
* Crossposted in RU.LINUX.CHAINIK

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
gremlin ПРИ gremlin ТЧК ru; +vii-cmiii-cmlxxvii-mmxlviii

... Чужие темплейты читают только ламеры с IQ<64
--- /bin/vi
* Origin: http://openwall.com/Owl/ru (2:5020/545)

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