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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.LINUX.CHAINIK с датами от 15 Jul 13 07:24:14 до 04 Sep 24 14:46:19, всего сообщений: 3211
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= Сообщение: 1948 из 3211 ================================= RU.LINUX.CHAINIK =
От   : Oleg Levkin                      2:5053/56          25 Oct 17 21:29:12
Кому : Rinat H. Sadretdinow                                25 Oct 17 21:29:12
Тема : Проприетарный драйвер NVIDIA 384.90 и color depth
FGHI : area://RU.LINUX.CHAINIK?msgid=2:5053/56@fidonet+59f0d9ec
На   : area://RU.LINUX.CHAINIK?msgid=2:5020/620+59f0b8bd
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
              Я рад пообщаться с тобой, Rinat!

 Однажды, сидя за компутером и покуривая бамбук, увидел я как  25 Окт 2017 Rinat H. Sadretdinow и Sasha Shost травили байки про Проприетарный драйвер NVIDIA 384.90 и color depth:


RHS> Hо почему "не в винде возможны варианты"? В чём разница?

=== Разрез Windows Clipboard от сих ===
 32-bit color:  This is basically a meaningless marketing ploy.  There are not 4 billion resolvable colors.  Period.  But if you are the marketing person trying to sell your graphics board, would you rather advertise "24 bits" or "32 bits"?  Or if you worked for HP or Cannon, would you rather sell a 24-bit scanner or a 30-bit scanner?
   There are useful things that can be done with the extra bits, but color resolution is not one of them.  Here are some of the useful things that can be done:
    alpha channel:  Typically 8 bits are used for some sort of special effects. The underlying image can be masked (turned opaque), embossed (made slightly darker), high-lighted (made slightly brighter), annotated (with text or simple graphics), or whatever else some clever person can think of to do with one image on top of another.

    z channel:  Add a third dimension (elevation) to each pixel of the image.
    gamma correction:  Your monitor is not like your mother's.  Even if it is the same brand and same model number, the same picture driven by the same graphics card will look slightly different.  You can play with the contrast and brightness controls and get an image to look the same, but the next image might well look different again.  Gamma is the correction applied to the image data so that it looks the same on both monitors (or prints the same on two printers).
       There is a real world problem with gamma correction, although it sounds great in theory.  It has to be customized for your monitor and your printer. As your monitor ages, the necessary gamma correction values change, and a re-customization would be necessary.  And if your cousin Fred comes over and messes with your contrast and brightness controls, you might as well forget that you paid 20% extra for the gamma correction feature, because he just threw everything off.

    cmyk:  For printing, 8 bits each are assigned to cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.  While useful in principal, it has no advantage over 4 bits each to the ink colors.  Well, ok, in software it is easier for a computer to work with whole bytes (8 bits) rather than half bytes (nibbles), but the image takes up twice the disk space it needs to.
=== Разрез Windows Clipboard до сих ===

Вывод: забей на это дело.
ИМХО, либо XWindow, либо драйвер под эхотаг не умеют работать с альфа-каналом.
(данное мнение - мнение "чайника").

За SIMM прощаюсь, пишите письма
        ин зе хоум

Team [Квакеров&Думеров - Давить!] [Мультфильмы - RULEZ FOREVER!]

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