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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции UTF-8
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции UTF-8 с датами от 19 Apr 14 00:41:48 до 01 Apr 24 00:03:00, всего сообщений: 1367
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= Сообщение: 178 из 1367 ============================================= UTF-8 =
От   : Kees van Eeten                   2:280/5003.4       20 Mar 16 20:16:50
Кому : Alan Ianson                                         20 Mar 16 20:16:50
Тема : UTF-8 test from MBSE
FGHI : area://UTF-8?msgid=2:280/5003.4+56eef901
На   : area://UTF-8?msgid=1:153/757.1+48745dea
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: UTF-8 ==================================
Hello Alan!

20 Mar 16 11:47, you wrote to me:

AI> On 03/20/16, Kees van Eeten said the following...

Kv>>  Apparently your setup does not support UTF-8
Kv>>  Talk to the developer of your software ;)

AI> UTF-8 support is coming soon to Synchronet from what I have been told.

AI> Mystic has UTF-8 support also in the latest alpha releases although I
AI> haven't yet had a chance yet to check it out.

 Sounds good.

AI> My terminal has been CP437/850 for too long, just for BBS reasons. I'm
AI> looking forward to finally going with UTF-8.

 Even with the above mentioned support, there will remain software that
 has no clue about codepages. If you want to remain in contact you will
 have to downgrade your messages.

Kv>>  What amazes me is that all this is supported in mbse by Michiel
Kv>> Broek,
Kv>>  who stopped furter development a couple of years ago when he left
Kv>> Fidonet.

AI> I was sad to see Michiel Broek had left fidonet when I returned last year.
AI> I hope he is doing well wherever he is.

 As far as I know he still lives, where he used to live. He may be retired
 in the mean time. I think his website is still there.


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
* Origin: As for me, all I know is that, I know nothing. (2:280/5003.4)

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