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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции UTF-8
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции UTF-8 с датами от 19 Apr 14 00:41:48 до 01 Apr 24 00:03:00, всего сообщений: 1367
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= Сообщение: 148 из 1367 ============================================= UTF-8 =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         03 Jan 16 22:35:26
Кому : Tommi Koivula                                       03 Jan 16 22:35:26
Тема : Golded and UTF-8
FGHI : area://UTF-8?msgid=2:280/5555+56899810
На   : area://UTF-8?msgid=2:280/5555+56899352
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================
Ответ: area://UTF-8?msgid=2:221/6+568aafd4
Hello Tommi,

Sunday January 03 2016 22:32, I wrote to you:

MV> I have more than one setup for Golded. The first one uses the internal
MV> editor and it can only deal with characters covered by CP850,

The second setup uses an external editor and it can handle all the characters that are supported by the unicode implementation of the OS. My external editor is the windows version of vi.

The drawback of using an external editor is that it is only invoked when composing a new message or replying to an existing message. :-(

In this case golded is called by a diffent batch file and uses a different config.

Here is the relevant part of g8.bat:

=== Cut ===
gpw20110320\gedcyg -cgold8.cfg %1 %2 %3 %4
del \fido\sema\golded.run

=== Cut ===

And this is the relevant part of gold8.cfg

=== Cut ===

XLATPATH d:\fido\golded\
;XLATCHARSET CP850 CP437 850_437.CHS
;XLATCHARSET CP437 CP850 437_850.CHS
;XLATCHARSET CP1252 CP850 1252_850.CHS
;XLATCHARSET CP866 CP850 866_850.CHS
XlatCharSetAlias LATIN-1 LATIN
XlatCharSetAlias LATIN-1 ISO-8859-1
XlatCharSetAlias CP437 IBMPC
;XlatCharSetAlias CP850 IBMPC
XlatCharsetAlias CP437 PC-8
XlatCharSetAlias CP1252 WINDOWS
XlatCharSetAlias NORWEIG ISO664-NO
XlatCharSetAlias DUTCH ISO664-NL
XlatCharSetalias SWEDISH ISO664-SE
XlatCharSetAlias SWEDISH ISO-60
XlatCharSetAlias CP866 +7_FIDO

        member UTF-8
        member TEST.5555 FTSC GOLDED
        xlatexport UTF-8

=== Cut ===

Note the line with


in the declaration of the translation tables. This table does no translation at all, its only purpose is to make golded display 4 in the level parameter of the CHRS kludge.

=== Cut ===
; This file is a charset conversion module in text form.
; This module Converts IBMPC to IBMPC. (no conversion)
; Format: ID, version, level,
;         from charset, to charset,
;         128 entries: first & second byte
;         "END"
; Lines beginning with a ";" or a ";" after the entries are comments
; Unknown characters are mapped to the "?" character.
; cedilla = ,   ; dieresis = ..       ; acute = '
; grave = `     ; circumflex = ^      ; ring = o
; tilde = ~     ; caron = v
; All of these are above the character, apart from the cedilla which is below.
; \ is the escape character: \0 means decimal zero,
; \dnnn where nnn is a decimal number is the ordinal value of the character
; \xnn where nn is a hexadecimal number
; e.g.: \d32 is the ASCII space character
; Two \\ is the character "\" itself.
0               ; ID number
0               ; version number
2 4             ; level number
UTF-8           ; from set
UTF_8           ; to set
\0 \d128        ; 128 80 latin capital letter c with cedilla
\0 \d129        ; 129 81 latin small letter u with diaeresis
\0 \d130        ; 130 82 latin small letter e with acute
\0 \d131        ; 131 83 latin small letter a with circumflex
\0 \d132        ; 132 84 latin small letter a with diaeresis
\0 \d133        ; 133 85 latin small letter a with grave
\0 \d134        ; 134 86 latin small letter a with ring above
\0 \d135        ; 135 87 latin small letter c with cedilla
\0 \d136        ; 136 88 latin small letter e with circumflex
\0 \d137        ; 137 89 latin small letter e with diaeresis
\0 \d138        ; 138 8A latin small letter e with grave
\0 \d139        ; 139 8B latin small letter i with diaeresis
\0 \d140        ; 140 8C latin small letter i with circumflex
\0 \d141        ; 141 8D latin small letter i with grave
\0 \d142        ; 142 8E latin capital letter a with diaeresis
\0 \d143        ; 143 8F latin capital letter a with ring above
\0 \d144        ; 144 90 latin capital letter e with acute
\0 \d145        ; 145 91 latin small letter ae
\0 \d146        ; 146 92 latin capital letter ae
\0 \d147        ; 147 93 latin small letter o with circumflex
\0 \d148        ; 148 94 latin small letter o with diaeresis
\0 \d149        ; 149 95 latin small letter o with grave
\0 \d150        ; 150 96 latin small letter u with circumflex
\0 \d151        ; 151 97 latin small letter u with grave
\0 \d152        ; 152 98 latin small letter y with diaeresis
\0 \d153        ; 153 99 latin capital letter o with diaeresis
\0 \d154        ; 154 9A latin capital letter u with diaeresis
\0 \d155        ; 155 9B latin small letter o with stroke (CP865 mapping)
\0 \d156        ; 156 9C pound sign
\0 \d157        ; 157 9D latin capital letter o with stroke (CP865 mapping)
\0 \d158        ; 158 9E peseta sign
\0 \d159        ; 159 9F dutch guilder sign (ibm437 159)
\0 \d160        ; 160 A0 latin small letter a with acute
\0 \d161        ; 161 A1 latin small letter i with acute
\0 \d162        ; 162 A2 latin small letter o with acute
\0 \d163        ; 163 A3 latin small letter u with acute
\0 \d164        ; 164 A4 latin small letter n with tilde
\0 \d165        ; 165 A5 latin capital letter n with tilde
\0 \d166        ; 166 A6 feminine ordinal indicator
\0 \d167        ; 167 A7 masculine ordinal indicator
\0 \d168        ; 168 A8 inverted question mark
\0 \d169        ; 169 A9 reversed not sign
\0 \d170        ; 170 AA not sign
\0 \d171        ; 171 AB vulgar fraction one half
\0 \d172        ; 172 AC vulgar fraction one quarter
\0 \d173        ; 173 AD inverted exclamation mark
\0 \d174        ; 174 AE left-pointing double angle quotation mark
\0 \d175        ; 175 AF right-pointing double angle quotation mark
\0 \d176        ; 176 B0 light shade
\0 \d177        ; 177 B1 medium shade
\0 \d178        ; 178 B2 dark shade
\0 \d179        ; 179 B3 box drawings light vertical
\0 \d180        ; 180 B4 box drawings light vertical and left
\0 \d181        ; 181 B5 box drawings vertical light and left heavy
\0 \d182        ; 182 B6 box drawings vertical heavy and left light
\0 \d183        ; 183 B7 box drawings down heavy and left light
\0 \d184        ; 184 B8 box drawings down light and left heavy
\0 \d185        ; 185 B9 box drawings heavy vertical and left
\0 \d186        ; 186 BA box drawings heavy vertical
\0 \d187        ; 187 BB box drawings heavy down and left
\0 \d188        ; 188 BC box drawings heavy up and left
\0 \d189        ; 189 BD box drawings up heavy and left light
\0 \d190        ; 190 BE box drawings up light and left heavy
\0 \d191        ; 191 BF box drawings light down and left
\0 \d192        ; 192 C0 box drawings light up and right
\0 \d193        ; 193 C1 box drawings light up and horizontal
\0 \d194        ; 194 C2 box drawings light down and horizontal
\0 \d195        ; 195 C3 box drawings light vertical and right
\0 \d196        ; 196 C4 box drawings light horizontal
\0 \d197        ; 197 C5 box drawings light vertical and horizontal
\0 \d198        ; 198 C6 box drawings vertical light and right heavy
\0 \d199        ; 199 C7 box drawings vertical heavy and right light
\0 \d200        ; 200 C8 box drawings heavy up and right
\0 \d201        ; 201 C9 box drawings heavy down and right
\0 \d202        ; 202 CA box drawings heavy up and horizontal
\0 \d203        ; 203 CB box drawings heavy down and horizontal
\0 \d204        ; 204 CC box drawings heavy vertical and right
\0 \d205        ; 205 CD box drawings heavy horizontal
\0 \d206        ; 206 CE box drawings heavy vertical and horizontal
\0 \d207        ; 207 CF box drawings up light and horizontal heavy
\0 \d208        ; 208 D0 box drawings up heavy and horizontal light
\0 \d209        ; 209 D1 box drawings down light and horizontal heavy
\0 \d210        ; 210 D2 box drawings down heavy and horizontal light
\0 \d211        ; 211 D3 box drawings up heavy and right light
\0 \d212        ; 212 D4 box drawings up light and right heavy
\0 \d213        ; 213 D5 box drawings down light and right heavy
\0 \d214        ; 214 D6 box drawings down heavy and right light
\0 \d215        ; 215 D7 box drawings vertical heavy and horizontal light
\0 \d216        ; 216 D8 box drawings vertical light and horizontal heavy
\0 \d217        ; 217 D9 box drawings light up and left
\0 \d218        ; 218 DA box drawings light down and right
\0 \d219        ; 219 DB full block
\0 \d220        ; 220 DC lower half block
\0 \d221        ; 221 DD left half block
\0 \d222        ; 222 DE right half block
\0 \d223        ; 223 DF upper half block
\0 \d224        ; 224 E0 greek small letter alpha
\0 \d225        ; 225 E1 greek small letter beta (here used as german ss)
\0 \d226        ; 226 E2 greek capital letter gamma
\0 \d227        ; 227 E3 greek small letter pi
\0 \d228        ; 228 E4 greek capital letter sigma
\0 \d229        ; 229 E5 greek small letter sigma
\0 \d230        ; 230 E6 greek small letter mu
\0 \d231        ; 231 E7 greek small letter tau
\0 \d232        ; 232 E8 greek capital letter phi
\0 \d233        ; 233 E9 greek capital letter theta
\0 \d234        ; 234 EA greek capital letter omega
\0 \d235        ; 235 EB greek small letter delta
\0 \d236        ; 236 EC infinity
\0 \d237        ; 237 ED empty set
\0 \d238        ; 238 EE greek small letter epsilon
\0 \d239        ; 239 EF intersection
\0 \d240        ; 240 F0 identical to
\0 \d241        ; 241 F1 plus-minus sign
\0 \d242        ; 242 F2 greater-than or equal to
\0 \d243        ; 243 F3 less-than or equal to
\0 \d244        ; 244 F4 top half integral
\0 \d245        ; 245 F5 bottom half integral
\0 \d246        ; 246 F6 division sign
\0 \d247        ; 247 F7 almost equal to
\0 \d248        ; 248 F8 ring operator
\0 \d249        ; 249 F9 middle dot
\0 \d250        ; 250 FA bullet operator
\0 \d251        ; 251 FB square root
\0 \d252        ; 252 FC superscript latin small letter n
\0 \d253        ; 253 FD superscript two
\0 \d254        ; 254 FE black square
\0 \d255        ; 255 FF no-break space
=== Cut ===

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20130111
* Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)

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