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= Сообщение: 12837 из 16058 ================================ XSU.USELESS.FAQ =
От   : Victor Sudakov                   2:5005/49          09 Feb 18 23:05:06
Кому : All                                                 09 Feb 18 23:05:06
Тема : Могут ли американцы повторить ракету Сатурн-5
FGHI : area://XSU.USELESS.FAQ?msgid=2:5005/49+5a7dc75c
На   : area://XSU.USELESS.FAQ?msgid=2:5005/49+5a7dc192
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
* Originally in xsu.useless.faq
* Crossposted in ru.space
Dear All,

09 Feb 18 22:36, I wrote to you:

VS> Не помню, в какой эхе мы обсуждали сабж, но вот попалась интересная
VS> статья 2013 года, как раз и описывающая современные попытки повторить,
VS> плюс любопытную информацию о самом двигателе, как он был сделан.

VS> http://www.wired.co.uk/article/f-1-moon-rocket

VS> Не знаю, что изменилось за 5 лет со времени написания статьи, и
VS> действительно ли результаты reverse engineering двигателя F-1  как-то
VS> попали в конструкцию SLS. В википедии написано: твердотопливные
VS> ускорители, первая ступень на жидком водороде - значит не попали :-(

А, вот оно в английской википедии написано, как дело было:

For Block 2, NASA plans to switch from Shuttle-derived five-segment SRBs to advanced boosters.[49] This will occur after development of the Exploration Upper Stage for Block 1B. Early plans would have developed advanced boosters before an updated second stage; this configuration was called Block 1A. By 2012 NASA planned to select these new boosters through an Advanced Booster Competition which was to be held in 2015.[6][50] Several companies proposed boosters for this competition:


    Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and Dynetics proposed a liquid-fueled booster named "Pyrios".[55] Each booster would use two F-1B engines which together would deliver a maximum thrust of 16,000 kN (3,600,000 lbf) total, and be able to continuously throttle down to a minimum of 12,000 kN (2,600,000 lbf). The F-1B would be derived from the F-1 engine, which powered the first stage of the Saturn V. It would have been easier to assemble, with fewer parts and a simplified design,[56] while providing improved efficiency and a thrust increase of 110 kN (25,000 lbf).[57] Estimates in 2012 indicated that the Pyrios booster could increase Block 2 low-Earth orbit payload to 150 t, 20 t more than the baseline.[58]

Christopher Crumbly, manager of NASA's SLS advanced development office in January 2013 commented on the booster competition, "The F-1 has great advantages because it is a gas generator and has a very simple cycle.

Но отменили потом этот Advanced Booster Competition. А этот F-1B и должен был стать наследником сабжа.

Victor Sudakov, VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
--- GoldED+/BSD 1.1.5-b20160322-b20160322
* Origin: Ulthar (2:5005/49)

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