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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 28 Apr 24 22:34:46, всего сообщений: 12491
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= Сообщение: 8849 из 12491 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : David Rance                      2:203/2            09 Aug 19 14:05:44
Кому : Michiel van der Vlist                               09 Aug 19 14:05:44
Тема : Every coin has two sides
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+5d4d6194
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+5d4d52e2
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+5d4d77f3
On Fri, 9 Aug 2019 12:46:57 Michiel van der Vlist -> David Rance wrote:

MvdV> Hello David,

MvdV> On Wednesday August 07 2019 17:14, you wrote to me:

MvdV>>> A theory that flies around here is tha BJ does not want a
MvdV>>> Brexit at all. He is manouvering into a position where he can
MvdV>>> not possible get the fiat of parliament and the Eu won't bend.
MvdV>>> So in the end he has no other option than call the whole thing
MvdV>>> off and he can blame Parliament AND the EU and say "they left
MvdV>>> me no other choice".

MvdV>>> Not my theory, I think it is too far fetched, but it is an
MvdV>>> interesting thought.

DR>> You're probably right - it is a bit far-fetched, but it's an outcome I
DR>> could live with! ;-)

MvdV> The problem is that it would not end there... Many would prefer to get
MvdV> it over with and move on instead of another decade of uncertainty...

What we need is a referendum which, in no uncertain, says that we *don't* want to leave the EU. Of course, there's no guarantee that it won't start all over again in the future, but there are factions in many EU countries that would like their country to leave.

MvdV>>> Yes, the BBC is on the satellite. But I am not willing to make
MvdV>>> the investment in a satellite dish just for the BBC. The
MvdV>>> problem will probably be temporary anyway. It "just" needs new
MvdV>>> licence negotiations between the parties concerned. That may
MvdV>>> take a few weeks. Or decades... >;-)

DR>> I understand that the BBC may open an office in Belgium or the
DR>> Netherlands which would give them a right to broadcast in Europe - so
DR>> it says!

MvdV> I don't think it is as easy as that. Merely opening an office is not
MvdV> enough for a non EU entity to get broadcast rights. There would have to
MvdV> be EU employees and management. We would not want just /anyone/ to get
MvdV> broadcast rights that easy..

Oh, they know what the rules are, don't you fret!

MvdV> What about the other direction? Do people in the UK watch continental
MvdV> television? Do they watch Irish television? If they do, will it cotinue
MvdV> after Brexit?

Very few to my knowledge.

David (writing from Le Mesnil Villement, Calvados, France)

Formerly ICHTHUS (Reading) UK (1987-2007 R.I.P.)  (2:292/854.110)

--- Turnpike/6.07-M (<$Qyl6Om3698ieQ7O9tj$Af$0yR>)
* Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)

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