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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 17 May 24 12:02:39, всего сообщений: 12496
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= Сообщение: 7546 из 12496 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Benny Pedersen                   2:230/0            06 Oct 18 20:49:34
Кому : Björn Felten                                        06 Oct 18 20:49:34
Тема : Reminder of absence
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:230/0+5bb91fde
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+5bb911a2
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: LATIN1 =================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+5bb9450a
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/1208@FidoNet+8c0ae4c8
Hello Björn!

06 Oct 2018 21:48, Björn Felten wrote to Benny Pedersen:

BP>> i posted binkd.cfg snippets, but some ignore me

BF> Well, excuse me for not wanting to deliberately slow down my mail
BF> processing just because your system can't handle crashmail within a
BF> timely fashion.

you make a fool of your self here, sadly i dont need to tell you more now, keep your own rules, by not dial me you are your own problem

BF> The FidoWeb does not want to be slowed down...

by not dial you do not make it faster

# back to why i did

when 100 nodes calling you, its potently possible you will create 100 dial to your uplinks in 1 sek, and you say i should accept that ?

rethink that

   ----- outman begins -----
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Alexander Belkin <adb@newmail.ru>
# $Id: outman,v 1.2 2005/02/12 15:54:35 ugenk Exp $
# Tcl script for creating polls, file requests and file attaches
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# Program settings

# Defaults for address completion
set def_zone 2
set def_net  230
set def_node 0

# Path to your main BSO directory
set bso_dir "/home/xpoint/fido/out"

# Path to your ASO directory
# set aso_dir "/home/xpoint/fido/out.amiga"
set aso_dir {}

# Log file name
set logfile "/home/xpoint/fido/log/outman.log"

# Uncomment this if you not need logging
#set logfile {}

# The program's body starts here

set LOG {}

proc stupid_user {} {

        puts "Usage: outman <\[poll|freq|send]> \[options] <address> \[files]\n"
        puts "options:"
        puts "  -hold     set hold flavor"
        puts "  -normal   set normal flavor (default)"
        puts "  -crash    set crash flavor"
        puts "  -kill     kill files after send"
        puts "  -truncate truncate files after send"
        puts "  -bso      BSO style names (ASO default)"
        puts ""
        puts "Mail bug reports to <adb@newmail.ru>"
        exit 1

proc log {str} {
        global LOG
        global logfile
        if { $logfile != {} } {
                if { $LOG == {} } {
                        set LOG [open $logfile "a"]
                set seconds [clock seconds]
                puts $LOG "[clock format $seconds -format "%d/%m %H:%M:%S"] $str"

proc parse_addr {str} {
        global def_zone
        global def_net
        global def_node
        set zone $def_zone
        set net $def_net
        set node $def_node
        set point 0
        if { [regexp "^\[0-9]+:\[0-9]+/\[0-9]+\\.?\[0-9]*$" $str] } {
                regexp "(\[0-9]+):(\[0-9]+)/(\[0-9]+)\\.?(\[0-9]*)$" $str \
                        {} zone net node point
        } elseif { [regexp "^\[0-9]+/\[0-9]+\\.?\[0-9]*$" $str] } {
                regexp "(\[0-9]+)/(\[0-9]+)\\.?(\[0-9]*)$" $str \
                        {} net node point
        } elseif { [regexp "^\[0-9]+\\.?\[0-9]*$" $str] } {
                regexp "^(\[0-9]*)\\.?(\[0-9]*)$" $str \
                        {} node point
        } elseif { [regexp "^\.\[0-9]+$" $str] } {
                regexp "^\.(\[0-9]+)$" $str \
                        {} point
        } else {
                puts "invalid address $str"
                return {}

        if { $zone  == {} } { set zone [$def_zone] }
        if { $net   == {} } { set net  [$def_net]  }
        if { $node  == {} } { set node [$def_node] }
        if { $point == {} } { set point 0          }
        # puts "debug: address parse '$str' -> '$zone,$net,$node,$point'"
        return "$zone $net $node $point"

proc addrstr {addr} {

        return [lindex $addr 0]:[lindex $addr 1]/[lindex $addr 2].[lindex $addr 3]

# TODO: support for outbounds not in the default zone
proc filename_bso {addr flavor} {

        global bso_dir
        set zone  [lindex $addr 0]
        set net   [lindex $addr 1]
        set node  [lindex $addr 2]
        set point [lindex $addr 3]
        if { $point } {
                set name [format "%04x%04x.pnt/%08x" $net $node $point]

        } else {
                set name [format "%04x%04x" $net $node]


        switch $flavor {
                "bsy" {
                        return "$bso_dir/$name.bsy"
                "freq" {
                        return "$bso_dir/$name.req"
                "hold" {
                        return "$bso_dir/$name.hlo"
                "crash" {
                        return "$bso_dir/$name.clo"
                default {
                        return "$bso_dir/$name.flo"

proc filename_aso {addr flavor} {
        global aso_dir
        set name [lindex $addr 0].[lindex $addr 1].[lindex $addr 2].[lindex $addr 3]
        switch $flavor {
                "bsy" {
                        return "$aso_dir/$name.bsy"
                "freq" {
                        return "$aso_dir/$name.req"
                "hold" {
                        return "$aso_dir/$name.hlo"
                "crash" {
                        return "$aso_dir/$name.clo"
                default {
                        return "$aso_dir/$name.flo"

proc bsy_exist {addr} {
        global bso

        if { $bso } {
                set bsyname [filename_bso $addr "bsy"]
        } else {
                set bsyname [filename_aso $addr "bsy"]

        if { [file exists $bsyname] } {
                return 1

        return 0

proc command_freq {addr files} {
        global bso

        if { $bso } {
                set reqname [filename_bso $addr "freq"]
        } else {
                set reqname [filename_aso $addr "freq"]
        set name {}

        # puts "debug: file request name is '$reqname'"
        set REQ [open $reqname "a"]

        foreach name $files {
                puts $REQ $name
                log "request \"$name\" from [addrstr $addr]"

        close $REQ

proc command_poll {addr flavor} {
        global bso

        if { $bso } {
                set floname [filename_bso $addr $flavor]
        } else {
                set floname [filename_aso $addr $flavor]

        if { ![file exists $floname] } {
                set FLO [open $floname "a"]
                close $FLO
                log "poll [addrstr $addr] ($flavor)"
        } else {
                log "cannot create poll for [addrstr $addr]: allready polled"

proc command_send {addr files flavor action} {

        global bso

        if { $bso } {
                set floname [filename_bso $addr $flavor]
        } else {
                set floname [filename_aso $addr $flavor]
        set name {}
        set curdir [exec pwd]

        set FLO [open $floname "a"]

        foreach name $files {
                if { [file exists $name] } {
                        if { [file pathtype $name] == "relative" } {
                                if { [string match "./*" $name] } {
                                        set name [string range $name 2 end]
                                set name "$curdir/$name"

                        log "send file \"$name\" ([file size $name] bytes) to [addrstr $addr] ($flavor)"
                        switch $action {
                                "kill" {
                                        puts $FLO "^$name"
                                "truncate" {
                                        puts $FLO "#$name"
                                default {
                                        puts $FLO "@$name"
                } else {

                        puts "skip file \"$name\" to [addrstr $addr]: file not exist"


        close $FLO

# The main program starts here

if { $argc < 2 } {

set command {}
set address {}
set addr    {}
set files   {}
set flavor  "normal"
set action  "nothing"
set bso     0

for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {

        set arg [lindex $argv $i]
        if { [string index $arg 0] == "-" } {
                switch [string range $arg 1 end] {
                        "hold" {
                                set flavor "hold"
                        "normal" {
                                set flavor "normal"
                        "crash" {
                                set flavor "crash"
                        "kill" {
                                set action "kill"
                        "truncate" {
                                set action "truncate"
                        "bso" {
                                set bso 1

                        default {
                                puts "unknown command line option '$arg'"
        } elseif { $command == {} } {
                set command $arg
        } elseif { $address == {} } {
                set address $arg
                set addr [parse_addr $address]
                if { $addr == {} } {
        } else {
                lappend files $arg

if { $command == {} || $address == {} } {

if { [bsy_exist $addr] } {
        puts "bsy file exist for address [addrstr $addr]"
        exit 2

switch $command {
        "poll" {
                command_poll $addr $flavor
        "freq" {
                command_freq $addr $files
        "send" {
                command_send $addr $files $flavor $action
        default {
                puts "unknown command $command"

if { $LOG != {} } {
        close $LOG

exit 0

   ----- outman ends -----

   ----- doall.bash begins -----
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# only run if not all ready doing
if [ -f /home/xpoint/fido/lock ]; then
echo 'Already running - exiting dohpt;';
# clean file areas with expire
/usr/bin/htick clean
# toss echomail
/usr/bin/hpt toss
# process afix
/usr/bin/hpt afix
# scan echomail out
/usr/bin/hpt scan
# pack outbound mail out
/usr/bin/hpt pack
# make hpt queue update
/usr/bin/hpt qupd
# link echomail
# process afix
/usr/bin/htick ffix
# make sure file exists
touch /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt
# make file list
/usr/bin/htick toss annfecho /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt filelist /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
# create lda archive of it
/usr/bin/lha a /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.lha /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
# make zip archive of it
/usr/bin/zip -9 /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.zip /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
# make rar archive of it
# /opt/bin/rar a -std -inul /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.rar /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
# make nodelist update if nlupdate exists :)
[ -f /usr/bin/nlupdate ] && /usr/bin/nlupdate
# announce new files
/usr/bin/htick announce
# TMP=`cat $1 | wc -l`
TMP=`cat /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt | wc -l`
# echo $TMP
if [ $TMP -ge 1 ];
/usr/bin/hpt post -nf "Sysop" -af 2:230/38.0 -nt "All" -at 2:230/38.0 -s "new fileareas at xpoint" -e "xpoint_info" -z "yes" -o "Enough" -f loc -d /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt

# notify if new file area is found
# needs fixing
# [ -f /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt ] && /usr/bin/hpt post -nf "Sysop" -af 2:230/38.0 -nt "All" -at 2:230/38.0 -s "new fileareas at xpoint" -e "xpoint_info" -z "yes" -o "Enough" -f loc -d /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt
# update queue reports
/usr/bin/hpt qrep

# janis
/home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 1:261/38

# bjoern
/home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:203/0

# ward
/home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:292/854

# kofo1
/home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:230/150

# kofo2
/home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:230/152

# luka is gone :&*
# /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:280/1027

# kees
/home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:280/5003

# pabel
/home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:5030/786

# end
   ----- doall.bash ends -----

i do NOT call anyone, binkd do it all for me

want logs ?

   ----- outman.log begins -----
06/10 20:00:02 poll 2:230/150.0 (normal)
06/10 20:00:02 poll 2:230/152.0 (normal)
06/10 20:00:02 poll 2:280/5003.0 (normal)
06/10 20:00:02 poll 2:5030/786.0 (normal)
06/10 20:47:58 cannot create poll for 1:261/38.0: allready polled
06/10 20:47:58 cannot create poll for 2:203/0.0: allready polled
06/10 20:47:58 cannot create poll for 2:292/854.0: allready polled
06/10 20:47:58 cannot create poll for 2:230/150.0: allready polled
06/10 20:47:58 cannot create poll for 2:230/152.0: allready polled
06/10 20:47:58 poll 2:280/5003.0 (normal)
06/10 20:47:58 cannot create poll for 2:5030/786.0: allready polled
   ----- outman.log ends -----

can we do better ?

i now have backup, if any more system fails

 Regards Benny

... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

--- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/4.18.8-x86_64-linode117 (x86_64))
* Origin: I will always keep a PC running CPM 3.0 (2:230/0)

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