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= Сообщение: 8882 из 12479 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         17 Aug 19 13:25:17
Кому : David Rance                                         17 Aug 19 13:25:17
Тема : Brexit
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+5d57f1d4
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+5d565fba
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Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+121d1306
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+5d594b8a
Hello David,

On Friday August 16 2019 09:48, you wrote to me:

MvdV>> As seen from this side what is mostly shows is that the UK is
MvdV>> divided to the bone...

DR> Yes, it is, which is why Boris is taking an authoritarian stand,
DR> knowing that there will never be any kind of agreement in the present
DR> situation. He and his supporters are saying, "This is what the nation
DR> voted for and so this is what we're going to do."

What I always say is "if a choice has to be made and you can not or will not choose, someone else will eventually make the choice for you. And this is what is happening now. The UK parliament is unable to choose and so someone came forward who is going to make the choice for them. Someone willing to stick his neck out, take the lead and say: "this is how we are doing to do it".

And he does have a point when he says "this is what the people voted for". While it may not be what same hope or even expect would be the result if a referendum were to be held now, it IS what the people voted for three years ago and what they have been waiting ever since.

DR> To Boris, everything is black and white, no shades of grey. Rather
DR> like yourself! ;-)

Yes, a bit like myself indeed. Sometimes problems only look complicated and really ARE black and white. At other times a problem IS complicated and it gets so complicated that the only way to solve it is to reduce it to black and white. Sometimes it takes an Alexander to cut the Gordian knot.

It looks like Boris is cutting the Gordian Knot to get the UK out os its self imposed stranglehold.

DR>>> But then the ousted Boris Johnson would have to go to the Queen and
DR>>> recommend his successor.

MvdV>> What if he just refuses to do that?

DR> He can't refuse. It would precipitate a constitutional crisis. He
DR> might be locked up in the Tower! ;-)

I see the smiley, but just like replacing TM by BJ did not magically make the problems go away, removig BJ from ths scene will not make themn go away either.

Keep in mind that if BJ is shoved aside and the UK continues to not make a choice, the "someone else will choose for them" might be taken to a higher level. The EU may make the choice by denying a request for another delay after 31 Octiber.

MvdV>> As seen from here "national unity" is not the first thought
MvdV>> that comes to mind...

DR> It worked in WW2 because we faced an enemy from outside the UK. It may
DR> not work this time as we're facing a crisis from within.

So.. should we (The Netherlands) send my cousin Rogier de Ruyter de Wildt (a direct descendant of admiral Michiel de Ruyter) in a warship to Chatham and so provide the UK with an outside enemy? ;-)

DR>>> If the MPs consider this situation to be as serious as World War 2
DR>>> then it could be a possible way forward. But it all depends whether
DR>>> the MPs themselves think this is realistic and whether Jeremy Corbin
DR>>> would be the right man as a temporary prime minister.

MvdV>> Will a simple 50%+1 majority do or will it require more like
MvdV>> 2/3rd or so?

DR> Probably 50%+1, but I personally would prefer a two thirds majority.
DR> It depends what they opt for.

Are you saying that there is no predetermined rule for this? Not only is it e new game, it is a game for which there are no rules yet? Oh boy...

DR> Which is what we should have had in the 2016 referendum.

I imagine that is not how those in favour of "leave" saw it...

MvdV>> The problems that Theresa May was unable to solve did not
MvdV>> magically go away when Boris Johnson climbed the stage and they
MvdV>> won't go away when Jeremy Corbyn becomes PM.

DR> Of course they won't, but with another referendum it'll at least give
DR> us some breathing space to decide if we really do want to leave the
DR> EU. It should have been put to the people once a deal had been worked
DR> out.

[advocate of devil mode]

How about this: You say the referendum should have required a 2/3 majority to change the status quo. Now what if the Brexiteers say: "you are right, changing the status quo should require a 2/3 majority. We will not repeat that mistake. The new referedum will require a 2/3 majoriy in favour of remain in order to overturn the 2016 referendum".

[/advocate of devil mode]

MvdV>> One thing I can say: it is interesting to watch...

DR> From here it's terrifying!

I can see it would look that way to you..

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)

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