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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 28 Apr 24 22:34:46, всего сообщений: 12491
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= Сообщение: 10045 из 12491 ===================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         18 Dec 20 10:33:20
Кому : Wilfred van Velzen                                  18 Dec 20 10:33:20
Тема : Brexit
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+5fdc7928
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+5fdba7ef
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/464+5fdc8326
Hello Wilfred,

Thursday December 17 2020 19:48, I wrote to you:

WV>> The one who announces there will be no deal, becomes the owner of
WV>> the problem. Boris doesn't want that, but he will have to do that
WV>> in the end, because it's the UK that is leaving... ;-)

MV> Deal or no deal, I expect chaos in Januari. There already is a 30 km
MV> traffic jam in Dover.

I see a scenario without some kind of "official" no deal announcement. The EU parliament needs to see the deal on Sunday at last. If not, there is not enough time for them to go through it and give teir fiat.

So... maybe neither party will announce a "no deal" but there will be no fiat from EU parlimant and we have a "silent" no deal situation on jan 1st. The red/white barriers at the borders will go down, we must show passports and we will be asked "do you have anything to declare?".

It will be interesting to watch...

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)

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