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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Apr 24 01:17:44, всего сообщений: 7124
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= Сообщение: 161 из 7124 ======================================= FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Markus Reschke                   2:240/1661         10 Nov 13 17:54:44
Кому : Wilfred van Velzen                                  10 Nov 13 17:54:44
Тема : Re: Questions for the candidates
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:240/1661+527e7eff
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:280/464+527fb128
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: LATIN-1 ================================
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=3156.ftsc_pub@1:275/100+16f151bd
Hello Wilfred!

Nov 10 17:13 2013, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Markus Reschke:

WvV> I was an active Amiga user for a long while, what software did you
WvV> write for the Amiga?

mfreq (filerequest processor, filelist generator and filebase indexer for TrapDoor) and UUCP2TD (transports UUCP via FTS mailer). Both are distributed via Aminet. I've also done a simple BBS and some Tools for CNet. Since I haven't found any SRIF compatible file request processor for Linux I've re-written mfreq for Linux and added a whole bunch of new features.

WvV> Btw: Do you want to join AmigaNet? You can get it from Torsten! ;)

I was hub for some years (39:176/200) ;) Currently the only computer classics I got are 2 SparcStation 20, one with two CPU modules. The Amiga went to a friend who didn't want to move to a new OS.


* Origin: *** theca tabellaria *** (2:240/1661)

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