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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Apr 24 01:17:44, всего сообщений: 7124
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= Сообщение: 166 из 7124 ======================================= FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         11 Nov 13 22:48:22
Кому : Wilfred van Velzen                                  11 Nov 13 22:48:22
Тема : Questions for the candidates
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:280/5555+528150d9
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:280/464+527f7611
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: UTF-8 ==================================
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:280/464+52827725
Hello Wilfred,

On Sunday November 10 2013 12:56, you wrote to All:

WV> 1) What are your reasons to join the FTSC or stay in the FTSC if you
WV> currently already are a member?

The job of the FTSC is not finished and although we can not expect big changes
in Fidonet itself any more, the documentation is still incomplete. There are a
couple of old proposals that never made it into a standard but that should
have. E.g .EMSI and the type 2+ packet. Some involve legal issues, some involve
unclearities in the specs themselves. There is still work to do. I think I can
continue to make a contribution and that is why I run for another term.

WV> 2) What are your credentials and what is your history in fidonet and
WV> real live, that makes you a valuable member of the FTSC?

Real life: I have a degree in physics and astronomy and was licensed as a
nuclear medical physicist. I have worked in hospitals and physics research
labs. In the late 80ties of the previous century, I switched from science to
industry and designed among other things microprocessor based control units,
wrote the firmware for it (assembler) and also the software for the PC's
configuring the controllers. I have programming experience in Basic, Fortran,
Algol, Pascal, Forth, C, C++, various assembler languages and some script
langauges. Sorry, no Cobol.

Fidonet: I build my own 300 bps modem around 1978. My V23 home made modem was
born a few years later. So when Fidonet was born and introduced in The
Netherlands in 1985, I was ready to join as a user. In 1992 I became a point
and not much later I became co-sysop of the Dutch TipTop gate (2:28/777). In
that period I wrote several utilities for Fidonet, mostly node- and pointlist
convertors. I became RPK28 in eh.. 1995?. I got my own node number in 1997 and
I became an FTSC member in 2003.

WV> 3) Or more specific, what makes you a good documenter of current
WV> practice? And what experience do you have with creating documentation?

Not only did I design microprocessor controllers, I also wrote the user manuals
for them.

As for documenting Fidonet, I think you best judge for yourself. See the answer
to question 5.

WV> 4) What contributions to the documentation do you intend to make once
WV> you are chosen into the FTSC?

I intend to go on as I have been doing since I was elected in the FTSC in 2003.

WV> And for the returning candidates:

WV> 5) What contributions to the ftsc generated documentation did you make
WV> in the last 2 years of your membership. Or if you didn't make any
WV> contributions to the documentation, what did you contribute?

I already mentioned that in a previous message, so I will just cut and paste
from that:

I am the author of the following documents:

FTS-5002    Pointlist formats
FSP-1025    IPv6 colon substitution in the nodelist (now FRL-1019)
FSP-1029    Serial number allocation in Message IDs
FSP-1033    The ICM Flag                            (now FRL-1017)
FSP-1036    IPv6 numbers in the nodelist            (now FRL-1036)
FSP-1038    The INO4 Flag

I am co-author of:

FTS-5001    Nodelist flags and user flags
FTS-5003    Character set definitions in Fidonet messages
FTS-5004    DNS Distributed Nodelist

I hope this answers your questions.

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20110320
* Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)

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