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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Apr 24 01:17:44, всего сообщений: 7124
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= Сообщение: 6515 из 7124 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Pavel Gulchouck                  2:463/68           17 Sep 22 16:36:32
Кому : Maurice Kinal                                       17 Sep 22 16:36:32
Тема : FTS-5004
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:463/68+6325d2e9
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:153/7001.2989+6324ed5d
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP1125 =================================
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:153/7001.2989+6325fc4e
Hi Maurice!

16 Sep 22, Maurice Kinal ==> Pavel Gulchouck:

PG>> @CHRS: CP1125 2

MK> Which FTS supports the above encoding?

No FTS, you can just ignore this control.

This codepage and this control line was widely used in fidonet messages long time before any FTS and even FSP about @CHRS were issued, and golded config files for support this codepage were published and used by sysops in our region. Moreover, even now this is the most used codepage for ukrainian language in fidonet, utf-8 for some reasons is not widely used for cyrillic messages.

I do not think I should stop using this codepage only because it was not included in the list of codepages in FTS-5003.
More reasonable, CP1125 should be added in the next version of the FTS-5003. Especially because
  This document tries to describe the current
  use, as well as standardising the parts of it that were ambiguously


MK> Що ти хочеш?

I'll be glad if the FTS about DDN could be improved or corrected.
And the FTS about charsets too.

              Lucky carrier,
                           aka  gul@gul.kiev.ua
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160827
* Origin: Lucky Carrier BBS (2:463/68)

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