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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL с датами от 13 Oct 05 22:03:42 до 05 Aug 17 10:35:42, всего сообщений: 3030
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= Сообщение: 2485 из 3030 =================================== GANJANET.LOCAL =
От   : Mithgol the Webmaster            2:5063/88          14 Oct 07 00:25:58
Кому : All                                                 14 Oct 07 00:25:58
Тема : [3/11] FidoURL.txt
FGHI : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+47112a40
На   : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+471129d7
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
* изначально написано в эхоконференцию FTSC_Public
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию GanjaNet.Local
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Ru.Fido.WWW
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Ru.FTN.Develop
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию SU.FidoTech
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Titanic.Best

textsection 3 of 11 of file FidoURL.txt

        To avoid the ambiguity of "%%%", an URL MUST NOT be broken
        immediately after or immediately before any of "%" characters
        that belong to the URL.

        Good example:


        Examples of mistakes:



        The URL parser MUST be allowed to find where an URL starts.
        In order to fulfil this expectation, an URL MUST NOT be broken
        before the first colon (not only immediately before the first
        colon, but anywhere in the scheme name as well), unless
        the URL is written somewhere in the place where an URL is
        always expected (for example, in HREF="..." attribute of
        a LINK element in HTML echomail).

        Fidonet URL parsers SHOULD allow the same "%%"-marked
        line breaks even in the URLs that are based on schemes
        not defined in FGHI URL standard; for example, in traditional
        Internet URLs (http://, ftp://, mailto:, news:, nntp://, etc.)
        and in modern URLs (like ed2k://, file://, skype:, etc.). This
        is RECOMMENDED to satisfy the general need for linebreaking in
        URLs in Fidonet mail, not only in Fidonet-related URLs.



        Though other schemes generally have other sets of reserved and
        unsafe characters (for example, in ed2k:// URLs the character
        "|" is not treated as unsafe, and in Skype URLs like
        "skype:+79184436168" the character "+" is not reserved),
        the character "%" is widely used in "%xx" hexadecimal encoding
        of octets. This means that "%%" sequence is always unsafe in
        such URLs, and thus always MAY be used as our line break
        marker; this also means that the ambiguity of "%%%" MAY always
        be avoided as described above.

  5.3. Parsing the scheme-specific part of URL

    As it was stated above, Fidonet URLs are written as follows:


    where <scheme-delimiter> is either ":" or "://".

    The <scheme-specific-part> uses the reserved character "?"
    as the delimiter between required and optional part or URL:


    The required part is REQUIRED. The optional part MAY be empty;
    if the optional part is empty, the "?" character before it MAY
    be omitted. If the optional part is empty and the "?" character
    is present, then the "?" character MUST be ignored.

    If the optional part is not empty, it consists of one or more
    "parameter=value" settings, delimited by the reserved "&"
    character as follows:

    <setting1>&<setting2>&<setting3>&<setting4>& ... &<settingN>

    However, the optional part MAY have the "&" character on URL's end
    as follows:

    <setting1>&<setting2>&<setting3>&<setting4>& ... &<settingN>&

    (in this case the last "&" character MUST be ignored).

    Each of these settings is expected to appear in "parameter=value"

    <parameter's name>=<parameter's value>

    If the value part is omitted, then the corresponding parameter
    is assigned an empty value. In this case the "=" character MAY
    also be omitted. Example of such an optional part of URL:


    In this example, parameters "path" and "subscribe" become empty,
    the parameter "subj" becomes equal to "Test" value, and the
    parameter "to" becomes equal to "Test Robot" value (because "+"
    represents the white space, see the corresponding section above).

    Parameters specified in the optional part of URL are also optional
    by nature. If a certain parameter does not appear in the given URL
    at all, it takes a default value; and default values for most of
    optional parameters are defined below, where the URL schemes are

    The "parameter=value" pairs MAY have an arbitrary order
    of appearance in an optional part of URL.

    For example, this optional part of URL:


    is equivalent to the previous example.

    5.3.1. Dealing with inappropriate reserved characters

      The reserved character "?" MUST be used only once in a URL; if
      there are many "?" in some URL, then the first appearance of "?"
      SHOULD be treated as the delimiter between required and optional
      parts of that URL, and the remaining "?" MAY be treated as if
      they were properly encoded ("%3F" character triplets), or even

      The reserved character "=" MUST be used only once in a parameter
      setting; if there are many "=" characters in some setting, then
      the first appearance of "=" SHOULD be treated as the delimiter
      between that parameter's name and the parameter's value; and
      the remaining "=" characters, encountered before the next "&"
      (or before URL's ending, if it's the rightmost "parameter=value"
      pair) MAY be treated as if they were properly encoded octets of
      that parameter's value ("%3D" triplets), or even ignored.

      "The first appearance" means the leftmost one, because
      it is natural to parse the scheme-specific part of URL
      in left-to-right order.

      The programs interpreting Fidonet URL MAY also stop the whole
      interpreting and ignore the rest of URL after the position where
      an inappropriate reserved character is first encountered. This
      behaviour is especially RECOMMENDED for the programs trying to
      isolate URLs from some plain text, where the white spaces and/or
      other delimiters before and after URLs tend to be sometimes
      omitted by chance.

6. Fidonet URL schemes designating actions

  The URL schemes enumerated below designate resources
  that are most often used in typical actions
  involving netmail or echomail composed and sent.

  According to the above section of delimiter guidelines,
  the ":" character (and not the "://" character triplet)
  SHOULD be used as the delimiter after <scheme> part of such URLs.

  6.1. "netmail:" scheme

    The "netmail:" scheme is used to designate the Fidonet netmail
    address of an individual or service. It uses standard Fidonet
    addressing notation, <zone>:<net>/<node>.<point>@<domain>
    (see FSP-1004 for details).

    The character "/" has its literal meaning for this scheme.

    The netmail URLs take the form:


    However, some parts of address ("<zone>:", "@<domain>"
    and/or ".<point>") MAY be omitted (see FSP-1004 for details).


       netmail:2:5030/1520.9>https://fido.g0x.ru/?netmail:2:5030/1520.9>netmail:2:5030/1520.9                           (point address)
       netmail:2:5063/88>https://fido.g0x.ru/?netmail:2:5063/88>netmail:2:5063/88                                (node address)
       netmail:182:5043/1@forestnet>https://fido.g0x.ru/?netmail:182:5043/1@forestnet>netmail:182:5043/1@forestnet     (node address outside of Fido)

    When a "netmail:" hyperlink is used (clicked, followed), a netmail
    composer software MAY be launched. With this possibility in mind,
    several optional parameters are designed for the "netmail:"
    URL scheme.

    6.1.1. Optional parameter "to"

      The "to" optional parameter is used to designate the name of
      netmail addressee. Its default value MAY be "Sysop" or "SysOp".
      The default value MAY also be determined by some user setting
      of the netmail composer used to process the "netmail:" URL.



    6.1.2. Optional parameter "subject"

      The "subject" optional parameter is used to designate
      the subject line of the netmail message composed. Its default
      value is empty; the default value MAY also be determined by
      some user setting of the netmail composer used to process
      the "netmail:" URL.



    6.1.3. Optional parameter "subj"

      The "subj" optional parameter is used as a shorter equivalent to
      the "subject" parameter. If the optional parameter "subject" is
      not present in a given URL, the value of "subj" parameter MUST
      be taken instead the value of "subject", provided that "subj"
      is present.



    6.1.4. Optional parameter "from"

      The "from" optional parameter is used to designate the name of
      the netmail letter's author. Its default value is usually
      defined within the netmail composer settings.



    6.1.5. Optional parameter "body"

      The "body" optional parameter is used to designate the body part
      of the netmail message composed. (Its default value is empty.)
      The netmail composer MAY wrap the value of "body" parameter in
      elements of some user-defined message template (user-defined
      signature, greeting, etc.)



  6.2. "areafix:" scheme

    Areafixing letters is a special sort of netmail. Areafixing letter
    commands an uplink node (to which the letter is addressed and sent
    directly) to change some of its echomail subscription options. For
    example, the downlink (who writes the letter) may request itself
    to be subscribed and/or unsubscribed from certain echomail areas,
    order the rescan of message base, change packer/unpacker settings,
    view the list of echoes available, etc.

    An echomail area is a shared base of messages that have common
    areatag (area identifier) and are distributed through Fidonet
    via hierarchical and/or p2p-alike connections between individual
    Fidonet systems (nodes and points). See echomail specifications
    in FTS-0004.

    Areafixing letters usually follow a very strict scheme: they must
    have the downlink's password in subject line (in order for request
    to be properly authentified), and the name of a certain areafixing
    robot (e.g. "AreaFix", or "AreaMgr", or "AreaLink") must be given
    as the addressee name. All of these requirements are confidential
    by nature, and thus the above described "netmail:" scheme can not
    be used to design hyperlinks that invite to subscribe or to leave
    certain Fidonet echomail areas. A separate URL scheme is needed.

    The "areafix:" scheme is used to designate a Fidonet areafixing
    action that involves some echomail area, or several areas.

    The character "/" has its literal meaning for this scheme.

    The areafix URLs takes the form:


    When "areafix:" hyperlink is used (clicked, followed), it SHOULD
    launch a netmail composer (or subscription manager) software that
    automatically composes the proper areafixing letter (addressed
    to an uplink node and ordering subscription to the given echomail
    area). However, it is RECOMMENDED that the software asks its user
    to confirm the ready subscription order or cancel it
    before that letter is sent.


       ...if you're a developer, subscribe via areafix:SU.FidoTech>https://fido.g0x.ru/?areafix:SU.FidoTech>areafix:SU.FidoTech
       and enjoy there an endless stream of FAQs...

       ...join today's Fidonet life discussions, use the hyperlink
       leading to areafix:Ru.Fidonet.Today>https://fido.g0x.ru/?areafix:Ru.Fidonet.Today>areafix:Ru.Fidonet.Today

    The <areatag> part of "areafix:" URL MAY contain several areatags
    (separated by spaces). In this case a netmail composer (or
    subscription manager) SHOULD order subscription to all of the
    designated areas. However, due to security reasons of due to user
    settings, "areafix:" URLs MAY be ignored completely or rendered
    partially (i.e. only first N echoes) if they contain too many
    areatags (the user SHOULD be notified when an encountered
    "areafix:" URL is ignored or truncated).




With best Fidonet 2.0 regards,
Mithgol the Webmaster.                 [Real nodelisted name: Sergey Sokoloff]

... 154. I will instruct my Legions of Terror in proper search techniques.
--- Orcs are near! My Golded 1.1.5-b20060515 is gleaming!..
* Origin: Be careful, the paranoid ones are always wathing you!.. (2:5063/88)

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