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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL с датами от 13 Oct 05 22:03:42 до 05 Aug 17 10:35:42, всего сообщений: 3030
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= Сообщение: 2490 из 3030 =================================== GANJANET.LOCAL =
От   : Mithgol the Webmaster            2:5063/88          14 Oct 07 00:37:06
Кому : All                                                 14 Oct 07 00:37:06
Тема : [8/11] FidoURL.txt
FGHI : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+47112cf4
На   : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+47112ca1
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
* изначально написано в эхоконференцию FTSC_Public
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию GanjaNet.Local
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Ru.Fido.WWW
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Ru.FTN.Develop
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию SU.FidoTech
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Titanic.Best

textsection 8 of 11 of file FidoURL.txt
textbegin.section Optional parameter "usetz"

          Current practice in FidoNet is to transmit message times in
          local time, and this document assumes that the value of a
          "time" filter is checked against the local time of the
          messages. This is the default behaviour.

          However, if the "usetz" optional parameter is present in the
          URL, then the URL parser MUST assume that the values of all
          the "time" filters present in the same URL are given in UTC,
          and that they MUST be checked against the UTC of messages.
          To calculate the UTC of the messages that belong to the
          initial message set, the corresponding TZUTC or TZUTCINFO
          kludge SHOULD be used (see FTS-4008 for details), though
          Fidonet browsers MAY use some other means of getting the
          time zones of messages (for example, they MAY just read
          TZUTCINFO subfields in JAM bases, if such bases are used).



          If the "usetz" optional parameter is present in the URL,
          then "now" values (see section MUST be
          substituted in current UTC. Future variants of "time" filters

          Future versions of this document MAY introduce some other
          date and time formats in order to specify day of the week,
          days relative to Easter, etc.

          Programs interpreting "time" filters SHOULD NOT be sure
          whether it is safe to ignore any of the unknown filters.
          If an unknown date and/or time format is encountered
          in the filter, the user SHOULD always be asked whether
          such a "time" filter can be discarded safely enough. Filters of "from" type

        The "from" filter's value contains a Fidonet netmail address
        of an individual or service. A message from the initial
        message set appears in the filtered set (defined by the given
        address) if and only if that message originates from the given

        The value of the "from" parameter uses standard Fidonet
        addressing notation, <zone>:<net>/<node>.<point>@<domain>
        (see FSP-1004 for details).

        If several "from" filters are present in the <optional-part>
        of an area URL, then the type-total set for "from" filters is
        the union of the filtered sets defined by "from" filters. Filters of "find" type

        The "find" filter implies that the designated echomail area
        should be searched for a specific message, or several
        messages. The value of "find" contains a regular expression;
        a message from the initial message set appears in the filtered
        set (defined by the given regular expression) if and only if
        that message matches the given expression.

        (See section 7.2.3 for the details about regular expressions.)


           encoded:  ...&find=/\bFido(net)%3f\b/i
           regex:    /\bFido(net)?\b/i
           matches:  Fido
           matches:  FIDOnet
           matches:  FidoNet
           does not match:  Fidonet-alike
           does not match:  Fidobrowser
           does not match:  fidoshnik
           does not match:  triffidos

           encoded:  ...&find=/(P(2P)%7b1,4%7d%7cfile\s%2bexchange)/
           regex:    /(P(2P){1,4}|file\s+exchange)/
           matches:  P2P
           matches:  P2P2P2P
           matches:  P2P2P2P2P
           matches:  file exchange
           matches:  file      exchange
           does not match:  P2P2P2P2PP2P2P2P2P
           does not match:  P2P2P2P2P2P
           does not match:  fileexchange
           does not match:  file_exchange
           does not match:  p2p
           does not match:  FiLe ExChanGe

        Fidonet messages are able to contain kludges (see technical
        details in FTS-4000). Consequently, it is possible for an URL
        to designate a set of messages tagged by a certain kludge type
        or certain kludge values. The corresponding regular expression
        starts with ^\x1 or ^\01 symbols, which mean the begginning of
        line immediately followed by the SOH (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1) symbol.
        The expression always uses the multi-line mode of matching
        (see section 7.2.3), thus the "^" construct matches at the
        beginning of each kludge.


           encoded:  ...&find=/%5E\01Real\s*name:\s%2B(%3f!\s).%2b/i
           regex:    /^\01Real\s*name:\s+(?!\s).*/i

              Matches all messages with non-empty realname kludges.

              Useful for moderators who check how the subscribers
              identify themselves.

           encoded:  ...&find=/%5E\x1Category:\s.*(music%7cweather)/i
           regex:    /^\x1Category:\s.*(music|weather)/i
           matches kludge:  Category: music
           matches kludge:  Category: hardcore music
           matches kludge:  Category: weather
           matches kludge:  Category: real life, bad weather, bad mood

              Matches all messages that belong to at least one of the
              given categories.

              Useful to collect a single-theme subset of messages from
              a blog or any other information channel with a wide set
              of themes.

        If there's a need for some URL to contain several regular
        expressions and to designate Fidonet messages that match
        at least one of those regular expressions, then the URL's
        author MUST unite those expressions as alternative branches
        of one single pattern (expression1|expression2|...) as shown
        in the above category-related example.

        If there's a need for some URL to contain several regular
        expressions and to designate Fidonet messages that match
        every of those regular expressions, then the URL's author MUST
        use several "find" parameters in that URL.

        Because it is REQUIRED to accomplish the above described
        behaviour, the type-total set for "find" filters is
        the intersection of the filtered sets defined by "find"



           Regular expression 1:  /^\01Location:\s*Moscow/i
           Regular expression 2:  /^(?!\x1).*Kremlin/i

           Find messages with kludge "Location: Moscow" (or even
           "Location:Moscow" without a space) that contain the word
           "Kremlin" outside of kludge lines.


           Regular expression 1:  /^\x1Category:\s/i
           Regular expression 2:  /^\01Now\s+playing:\s/i

           Find messages that contain both kludges "Category: " and
           "Now playing: " with training spaces after colon. Geographically referenced echomail

        An echomail message MAY bear some spatial reference to
        a point or an area on the Earth surface. The message's origin
        (a node or a point of Fidonet) also exists somewhere on Earth.
        Both of these facts MAY be used to pick echomail messages
        related to some area on the surface of the Earth, effectively
        turning an echomail message base to a kind of GIS spatial
        database. GEO kludge

          Kludges (also known as klugde lines or control paragraphs)
          are special lines embedded in the text body of a Fidonet
          message. Sometimes kludges are used to support some new
          addressing and other control information, sometimes they
          contain pieces of auxiliary information about the message's
          author (location, ICQ UIN, Jabber ID, real name, current
          music, mood, etc.) See technical details in FTS-4000.

          And to support the new addressing (to support using "BBOX"
          filters in FGHI URLs, see the corresponding section below),
          a new klugde is introduced. Its line has the following

          <SOH>GEO: <Latitude>;<Longitude>

          Here <SOH> is a single SOH character (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1).

          The <Longitude> value represents the location east and west
          of the prime meridian as a positive or negative real number,
          respectively. Longitude values in Fidonet MUST always use
          the Greenwich meridian as their prime meridian.

          The <Latitude> value represents the location north and south
          of the equator as a positive or negative real number,

          The longitude and latitude values, if possible, SHOULD be
          specified according to the new World Geodetic System (WGS84,
          see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System for
          details), which is the reference system being used by the
          Global Positioning System (GPS) and in Google Earth. (You
          MAY use other geoids if you don't mind several hundred
          meters of possible difference.)

          The longitude and latitude values MUST be specified as
          decimal degrees. The values MUST be separated by the
          semi-colon character (ASCII decimal 59). The simple formula
          for converting degrees-minutes-seconds into decimal degrees

             decimal = degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600

          The decimal dot (the character ".") MUST be used to mark
          the boundary between the integral and the fractional parts
          of a decimal numeral, if and where such a mark is necessary.


             ^aGEO: 44.57;38.05

             Here "^a" is a single SOH character (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1).

          The format of this kludge is internally compatible with
          text/directory MIME type GEO (see section 3.4.2 of RFC 2426)
          and with geo microformat as http://microformats.org/wiki/geo
          defines it.

          This kludge is really convenient, for example, in messages
          containing photoes (one kludge per a photo), because then
          photoes from Fidonet MAY be arranged on a map or a globe
          in a way similar to how the websites http://panoramio.com/
          and http://locr.com/ arrange their own photo databases.

          This kludge is conveninent, for example, in messages that
          contain tourist reports about some places of siteseeing
          (one kludge per a place), if these places are small enough
          to be just dots on the map. To reference geographical areas
          instead of points, "GEOBOX" kludge MUST be used (see the
          next subsection). GEOBOX kludge

          This kludge uses the same decimal degrees as above; however,
          it references a region on the map between two lines of
          longitude and two lines of latitude, using the following

             <SOH>GEOBOX: <West>,<South>,<East>,<North>

          Here <SOH> is a single SOH character (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1).

          The <West> and <East> values correspond to the bounding
          lines of longitude; the <South> and <North> values
          correspond to the bounding lines of latitude.

          The specified region is always a rectangle on a cylindrical
          map projection (e.g. Mercator map).


             ^aGEOBOX: 37.98,44.54,38.13,44.61

             Here "^a" is a single SOH character (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1).

          The format of this kludge is internally compatible with the
          format that BBOX information has by default in <viewFormat>
          elements of KML (see the specification at
          for details) and with WMS BBOX parameter as defined in OGC
          06-042 (OpenGIS Web Map Server Implementation Specification,
          version 1.3.0, 2006-03-15). GEOKML kludge

          This kludge contains a single URL of a KML or KMZ document
          (object, file); it MAY be a Fidonet URL, or an Internet URL
          as well. With such a kludge an echomail message becomes able
          to reference a set of geographical features more complex
          than simple dots or rectangles, since KML (or KMZ) is able
          to contain arbitrary polygons, map overlays, photographic
          panoramas, 3D objects, time-based animations, etc. (see
          for details).


             ^aGEOKML: http://Mithgol.Ru/Earth/shubino.kmz

             Here "^a" is a single SOH character (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1).


With best Fidonet 2.0 regards,
Mithgol the Webmaster.                 [Real nodelisted name: Sergey Sokoloff]

... 213. I will not wear long, heavy cloaks.
--- Just as the clouds have gone to sleep, Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
* Origin: I have a strange feeling, as if I already had a deja vu (2:5063/88)

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