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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL с датами от 13 Oct 05 22:03:42 до 05 Aug 17 10:35:42, всего сообщений: 3030
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= Сообщение: 2492 из 3030 =================================== GANJANET.LOCAL =
От   : Mithgol the Webmaster            2:5063/88          14 Oct 07 00:41:20
Кому : All                                                 14 Oct 07 00:41:20
Тема : [10/11] FidoURL.txt
FGHI : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+47112e0c
На   : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+47112dad
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
* изначально написано в эхоконференцию FTSC_Public
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию GanjaNet.Local
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Ru.Fido.WWW
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Ru.FTN.Develop
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию SU.FidoTech
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию Titanic.Best

textsection 10 of 11 of file FidoURL.txt

    7.2.4. Controlling the visibility of kludges and hidden lines

      This section is informative. Its subsection is normative.

      Kludges (also known as klugde lines or as control paragraphs)
      are special lines embedded in the text body of a Fidonet
      message. Sometimes kludges are used to support new addressing
      and other control information, sometimes they contain pieces of
      auxiliary information about the message's author (location, ICQ
      UIN, Jabber ID, real name, current music, current mood, etc.)
      See technical details in FTS-4000.

      It is said in FTS-4000 that the contents of kludges are intended
      for the programs processing the message (or the copies of the
      message) and not for presentation on the user interface level.

      Fidonet messages usually contain some other special lines of the
      same nature, intended for the programs processing the message,
      and usually hidden from the user. However, that hidden lines
      do not start from SOH (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1) symbol, and thus are not
      kludges. Seen-by stamps, for example, are hidden lines.

      Users are generally able to specify (in user settings or just by
      hotkeys) which kludges and hidden lines are hidden and which are
      visible in their Fidonet browsers. For example, moderators use
      hidden lines to control the expansion of their echoes. Many of
      the non-standard kludges (e.g. location, ICQ UIN, Jabber ID,
      real name, current music, current mood, etc.) are intended to be
      read by humans, but are designed as kludges so that thay can be
      easily hidden by readers annoyed by excessive headers.

      If an author of some "area://" URL feels that some kludge and/or
      some hidden line of the designated message(s) contains relevant
      information, then the author MAY append an optional parameter
      to that URL, in order to overcome the user settings and to show
      the desired kludge or hidden line. Optional parameter "kl"

        This subsection is normative.

        The value of the "kl" optional parameter contains a regular
        expression; if the rest of the URL designates message(s),
        then the Fidonet browser, when it shows the body (bodies) of
        that message(s) to its user, SHOULD NOT hide any of kludges
        or hidden lines that match the given expression.

        See section 7.2.3 for the details about regular expressions.

        When testing whether a kludge matches a regular expression,
        the SOH (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1) symbol MUST be omitted. For example,
        /^[PT]ID/ expression MUST match both "PID" and "TID" kludges,
        though there is SOH between the line beginning (^) and the
        first symbol of the kludge ([PT]) in both of the kludges.

        Consequently, "kl=" regular expressions differ with "find="
        regular expressions for kludges (see subsection,
        and "kl=" expressions are shorter.

        Note: It is not necessary for a "kl=" expression to contain
        "/m" flag, because the "^" construct already matches at the
        beginning of each kludge.


           encoded:  ...&kl=/%5ep/i
           regex:    /^p/i
           matches:  PATH: 5030/1543 966 5020/4441 5080/1003 5020/830
           matches:  PID: GED+W32 1.1.5-b20060515

           encoded:  ...&kl=/path/i
           regex:    /path/i
           matches:  PATH: 5030/1543 966 5020/4441 5080/1003 5020/830
           matches:  Now playing: Children of Dune - The Golden Path

           encoded:  ...&kl=/.*/
           regex:    /.*/
           what it means:  The browser SHOULD show all of the kludges
                           and hidden lines of the message(s).

  7.3. "faqserv://" scheme

    FAQ servers are Fidonet stations that accept special requests
    containing file names (or aliases) of certain texts. Such requests
    are sent via Fidonet netmail. The FAQ server processes the request
    and sends the requested text to the sender of request; the text is
    sent via Fidonet netmail in a single letter (as a whole)
    or in several letters (in sections).

    The faqserv URLs take the form:


    The character "/" has its literal meaning in the <optional-part>
    of URLs of this scheme. The character "/" has its reserved meaning
    in the required part of URL (<server>/<request>/<object-path>),
    playing the role of delimiter between parts of the path. However,
    inside <server> part the character "/" again MUST have its literal
    meaning and MUST appear once (and only once!) as the delimiter
    between parts of the server address.

    The <server> part of a faqserv URL MUST be present. The standard
    Fidonet addressing notation, <zone>:<net>/<node>.<point>@<domain>
    (see FSP-1004 for details), is used in <server> address. However,
    some parts of address ("<zone>:", "@<domain>" and/or ".<point>")
    MAY be omitted (again, see FSP-1004 for details). The <server>
    part of a faqserv URL specifies the Fidonet address of the station
    (the FAQ server) which is implied to be queried.

    If the <object-path> of a faqserv URL is not empty, then
    its <object-name> MUST also be non-empty by definition, and
    it specifies the name of an object embedded in the netmail text
    of the response sent by that FAQ server. Either that object
    or some of its inner parts, according to <object-path>, is

    However, the netmail response messages MAY contain more than one
    object of the same name. In this case the designated object is
    the latest one among only those which are known how to decode
    them. See section for the details of what object is
    considered the latest.

    The <request> part of a faqserv URL, if present, MUST NOT
    be empty.

    If the <request> part of a faqserv URL is not present at all, then
    the <object-path> MUST also be empty and "<request>/<object-path>"
    MUST be omitted entirely, and the preceding "/" character MAY also
    be omitted. In this case the faqserv URL designates the FAQ server
    itself, as a Fidonet system. Such an URL MAY designate an action
    and not a resource; for example, it MAY designate adding the given
    FAQ server to some list or to a database of FAQ servers.



    However, such an action MUST NOT imply sending any requests to
    the designated server. Different FAQ servers use different names
    of the default request; it can be 'FILES', 'LIST', 'INDEX', 'HELP'
    or any other name. That's why a Uniform Resource Locator MUST NOT
    expect the URL processor to have any extra knowledge besides the
    data given in the URL itself. If a request is needed, than the
    corresponding part of a faqserv URL MUST be present and not empty,
    containing the request (see details below).

    If the <request> part of a faqserv URL is present, it contains
    the request to be sent to the given server. The URL designates
    either the response as a whole (if the <object-path> is empty),
    or just an object inside the response (if the <object-path> is
    not empty).


       faqserv://2:5054/83/ELINE/blath/Feainnewedd         (an object)
       faqserv://2:5054/83/TNT                (<object-path> is empty)
       faqserv://2:5054/83/TNT_FAQ/           (<object-path> is empty)

    If the <request> part of a faqserv URL is present, then receiving
    a message (or several messages) via netmail is implied. However,
    most of the auxiliary technical and decorative elements of netmail
    (i.e. taglines, tearlines, origin lines, greeting lines, signature
    lines, etc.) SHOULD be stripped from the response text when the
    netmail is received and the response is extracted from it. It is
    useful to remember that the response MAY span several messages,
    and sections of it SHOULD be stripped of all their wrappings
    before they are finally combined.

    If is possible for resources designated by faqserv URLs to appear
    as elements of complex data structures (e.g. as objects on pages
    of hypertext). Fidonet browsers SHOULD cache the extracted objects
    and/or raw netmail response letters to allow immediate rendering
    of the resources already requested before.

    7.3.1. Optional parameter "bot"

      Sometimes the FAQ server station does not respond to the request
      that is not addressed to a certain name of the service robot.
      Such a behaviour is especially natural for stations where the
      same <zone>:<net>/<node>.<point>@<domain> address is shared by
      both human and automatic addressees, or where several bots exist
      (e.g. a FAQ robot and an areafixing robot).

      In such cases the "bot" optional parameter is appended to the
      faqserv URL. The value of the "bot" optional parameter specifies
      the name of the necessary addressee; it MUST be copied verbatim
      to the corresponding message field of the netmail request.

    7.3.2. Future optional parameters

      Future versions of this document may introduce even more
      optional parameters for faqserv URLs, encouraging somewhat
      tighter control how the request is sent (e.g. whether the
      <request> part of the URL is copied to the subject line
      of netmail or to the message body).

  7.4. "fecho://" scheme

    Fidonet file echoes are somewhat similar to the echomail areas
    in the terms of transport and distribution. However, files are
    broadcast there instead of messages. File echo is a shared base
    of files that have common areatag (file echo identifier) and are
    distributed through Fidonet via hierarchical and/or p2p-alike
    connections between individual Fidonet systems (nodes and points).

    The fecho URLs take the form:


    The character "/" has its literal meaning in the <optional-part>
    of URLs of this scheme. The character "/" has its reserved meaning
    in the required part of URL (<areatag>/<object-path>), playing
    the role of delimiter between parts of the path. If an <areatag>
    contains the character "/" in its literal meaning, the character
    MUST be encoded.

    An <areatag> MAY contain "@domain" suffix (see section

    If the <object-path> part is empty, the fecho URL designates the
    file echo as a whole.



    If the <object-path> of a fecho URL is not empty, then
    its <object-name> MUST also be non-empty by definition,
    and it specifies the name of a file that is available
    as a result of a broadcast though the given file echo.



    If an <areatag> corresponds to a file echo which is not available
    on the system, then the designated resource is not available.
    The user MAY be asked whether he wants to subscribe to that echo.
    An FTP mirror of the file echo MAY also be used, if an Internet
    connection to such a mirror is available.

    Future versions of this document MAY introduce some optional
    parameters for "fecho://" URLs, but Fidonet software MAY safely
    ignore any unknown parameters in "fecho://" URLs.

  7.5. "freq://" scheme

    It is possible for Fidonet stations to request files directly
    from each other; there is even a protocol of distributed
    file requests, proposed in FSC-0071.

    The freq URLs take the form:


    The character "/" has its literal meaning in the <optional-part>
    of URLs of this scheme. The character "/" has its reserved meaning
    in the required part of URL (<server>/<object-path>), playing
    the role of delimiter between parts of the path. However, inside
    the <server> part the character "/" again MUST have its literal
    meaning and MUST appear once (and only once!) as the delimiter
    between parts of the server address.

    The <server> part of a freq URL MUST be present. The standard
    Fidonet addressing notation, <zone>:<net>/<node>.<point>@<domain>
    (see FSP-1004 for details), is used in <server> address. However,
    some parts of address ("<zone>:", "@<domain>" and/or ".<point>")
    MAY be omitted (again, see FSP-1004 for details). The <server>
    part of a freq URL specifies the Fidonet address of the station
    that will provide the requested file.

    If the <object-path> is empty, the freq URL designates the station
    itself, as a Fidonet system able to provide files by request.

    If the <object-path> of a faqserv URL is not empty, then
    its <object-name> MUST also be non-empty by definition, and
    it specifies the name of a file that is requested from the remote
    Fidonet station specified by the <server> part of the URL. The URL
    designated either the file itself or one of inner part of the file
    (according to the structure of the <object-path> part of the URL).

    If is possible for resources designated by freq URLs to appear
    as elements of complex data structures (e.g. as objects on pages
    of hypertext). Fidonet browsers SHOULD cache the requested files
    when they are received, in order to allow immediate rendering of
    the resources already requested before.


With best Fidonet 2.0 regards,
Mithgol the Webmaster.                 [Real nodelisted name: Sergey Sokoloff]

... 182. I won't hold any sort of public celebration within my castle walls.
--- Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  (Shakespeare, Hamlet, I, IV)
* Origin: And the Soviets ── waist-deep in the snow ── marched in (2:5063/88)

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