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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции GANJANET.TECH
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции GANJANET.TECH с датами от 17 Jun 08 00:05:02 до 28 Apr 24 00:00:04, всего сообщений: 30480
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= Сообщение: 21431 из 30480 ================================== GANJANET.TECH =
От   : Statistic Robot                  2:5019/40          15 May 20 00:00:02
Кому : All                                                 15 May 20 00:00:02
Тема : Новые файлы прошедшие по фэхам
FGHI : area://GANJANET.TECH?msgid=2:5019/40+5ebdb156
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: IBM866 =================================

>Area : 1042.TECH : Техническая фэха узла 2:5020/1042
 1042.LST         35452 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
                        Orig: 2:5020/1042
                        From: 2:5020/1042
 35452 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : 957SHEMA : 957SHEMA
                4989216 Жуpн.РАДИО 2007 №8 [5.19.01]
                        Orig: 2:5053/51
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 RK_EC2E.JPG      85114 Электроника ЦМП-02. Цветомузыкалься установка.
                        Радиоконструктор. Фотография экрана сзади [6.02.02]
                        Orig: 2:5053/51
                        From: 2:5020/12000
                1603927 (Бол) Жуpн.Радио Телевизия Електpоника 2002 №5,
                        Болгаpия [6.02.02]
                        Orig: 2:5053/51
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 6678257 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : AFTNMISC : Multiplatform FidoNet software
 HCM00415.ZIP   3311640 hpt/mac 1.9.0-cur 2020-04-15
                        husky is a bunch of os-independent software
                        for fidonet. It consitsts of tosser hpt,
                        fileechoprocessor htick, message editor
                        msged TE, libraries fidoconfig, smapi etc.
                        Russian documentation may be found in Wiki
                        Orig: 2:5053/58
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 HCM00415.ZIP   3516205 hpt/mac 1.9.0-cur 2020-04-15
                        husky is a bunch of os-independent software
                        for fidonet. It consitsts of tosser hpt,
                        fileechoprocessor htick, message editor
                        msged TE, libraries fidoconfig, smapi etc.
                        Russian documentation may be found in Wiki
                        Orig: 2:5053/58
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 6827845 bytes in 2 file(s)

 DAILYUTF.Z35     55479 Daily UTF8 nodelist for day 135, 2020 (ZIP)
                        Orig: 2:280/5003
                        From: 2:280/5555
 55479 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.NET.MISC : GFD NET: Alles andere in dieser Gruppe
 FREERDP.ZIP    1352998 FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation. FreeRDP v2.0
                        (20200513) is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol
                        (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation
                        systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of the
                        Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released under the
                        Apache license. Enjoy the freedom of using your
                        software wherever you want, the way you want it, in a
                        world where interoperability can finally liberate your
                        computing experience. This is a test version, you need
                        a CPU with AVX support and OS/4 kernel (the not AVX
                        version is under construction yet). Additional
                        requirements: CPU with AVX instruction set (supported
                        by OS/4 kernel), pthread, openssl, ffmpeg. WarpIN
                        archive. This port was done by: Andrey Vasilkin.
                        Orig: 2:2490/3045
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 1352998 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : HISTORY : История Саратова
 KZ760906.WMA    896807 Искусство титанов: музыка Шостаковича на стихи
                        Микеланджело. Звуковая доpожка 6 жуpн.Кpугозоp 1976 №9
                        Orig: 2:5053/51
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 896807 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : PNTLIST : Пойнтлисты русскоязычной части FidoNET
 PNT5010.ZIP       1814 Net 5010 (Chelyabinsk) Pointlist, day 135
                        Orig: 2:5010/352
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 PNT5064.ZIP       3017 last 2:5064 (Stavropol) pointlist
                        Orig: 2:5064/54
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 PNT5083.ZIP        580 NET5083 Pointlist
                        Orig: 2:5083/79
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 5411 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : R50ROUTE : Схемы роутинга региона R50
 IPLIST.LST       36809 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 36809 bytes in 1 file(s)

 ECH00715.ZIP     16486 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/715
 ECH01042.ZIP     12834 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
                        Orig: 2:5020/1042
                        From: 2:5020/715
 29320 bytes in 2 file(s)

 K5VKE.JPG       100224 <3.1> Приласкала... (970x397) [9.01.01]
                        Orig: 2:5053/51
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 100224 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : Z2DAILY
 Z2DAILY.135     162793 Z2 Dailylist for day 135, 2020
                        Orig: 2:280/5003
                        From: 2:280/5555
 162793 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Total 15.43M bytes in 17 file(s)

* Origin: GaNJaNET ST@Ti0N (2:5019/40)

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