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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции GANJANET.TECH
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции GANJANET.TECH с датами от 17 Jun 08 00:05:02 до 30 Apr 24 00:00:02, всего сообщений: 30492
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= Сообщение: 21631 из 30492 ================================== GANJANET.TECH =
От   : Statistic Robot                  2:5019/40          08 Jun 20 00:00:02
Кому : All                                                 08 Jun 20 00:00:02
Тема : Новые файлы прошедшие по фэхам
FGHI : area://GANJANET.TECH?msgid=2:5019/40+5edd5556
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: IBM866 =================================

>Area : 1042.TECH : Техническая фэха узла 2:5020/1042
 1042.LST         36145 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
                        Orig: 2:5020/1042
                        From: 2:5020/1042
 36145 bytes in 1 file(s)

 DAILYUTF.Z59     55512 Daily UTF8 nodelist for day 159, 2020 (ZIP)
                        Orig: 2:280/5003
                        From: 2:280/5555
 55512 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.APP.MISC : GFD APP: Alles andere in dieser Gruppe
 DOSBX074.ZIP   2870248 DOSBox/2 v0.74 (built 2020/06/06). Copyright 2002-2020
                        DOSBox Team, published under GNU GPL. DOSBox is a
                        DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes
                        DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms.
                        DOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected
                        mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS,
                        Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a
                        SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent
                        sound compatibility with older games... You can
                        "re-live" the good old days with the help of DOSBox,
                        it can run plenty of the old classics that don't run
                        on your new computer! DOSBox is totally free of charge
                        and OpenSource. This package just gives you what need
                        to run Dosbox. The package includes KEYB.EXE from
                        FreeDOS plus precompiled keyboard layout and some
                        language files for DOSBOX.
                        Orig: 2:2490/3045
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 2870248 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : GFD.SYS.TOOL : GFD SYS: Tools fuer den System-Administrator
 MESHELL.ZIP     660512 MeShell Martin's Editor Shell 0.64. Freeware for OS/2,
                        eCS, ArcaOS. MeShell (Martin's Editor Shell) is a PM
                        frontend editor for the command interpreters cmd.exe
                        and 4os2.exe. It is a graphical PM program and does
                        not substitute a full-screen session, but it handles
                        VIO based programs anyway. Author: Martin Vieregg.
                        Orig: 2:2490/3045
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 660512 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : PNTLIST : Пойнтлисты русскоязычной части FidoNET
 PNT5057.ZIP       1033 Net 5057 (Samara) pointlist
                        Orig: 2:5057/19
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 1033 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : R50ROUTE : Схемы роутинга региона R50
 IPLIST.LST       36492 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 R50.ROU           3063 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 R50C.ZIP         14254 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 R50ROU.RUL        1050 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 54859 bytes in 4 file(s)

>Area : RAILWAYS : Железнодорожный и другой рельсовый транспорт
 _32_00OJ.JPG    640236 <2.6> Электровоз 2ЭС6-628, депо Курган Ю-УР, август
                        2016 (1200x801) [9.01.01]
                        Orig: 2:5053/51
                        From: 2:5020/12000
 640236 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : XOFCELIST : R50 ECHO information
 R50EC.ZIP        15919 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/715
 15919 bytes in 1 file(s)

 ECH00715.ZIP     16678 -- description missing --
                        Orig: 2:5020/715
                        From: 2:5020/715
 ECH00830.ZIP     45555 Эхи, доступные на 2:5020/830
                        Orig: 2:5020/830
                        From: 2:5020/715
 ECH01042.ZIP     13026 Echos available at 2:5020/1042
                        Orig: 2:5020/1042
                        From: 2:5020/715
 75259 bytes in 3 file(s)

>Area : Z2DAILY
 Z2DAILY.159     161444 Z2 Dailylist for day 159, 2020
                        Orig: 2:280/5003
                        From: 2:280/5555
 161444 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Total 4571167 bytes in 15 file(s)

* Origin: GaNJaNET ST@Ti0N (2:5019/40)

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