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= Сообщение: 2650 из 2655 ================================== RU.BLOG.MITHGOL =
От   : @FidonetRunes                    2:50/88            29 Aug 18 08:15:14
Кому : All                                                 29 Aug 18 08:15:14
Тема : Twitter: @FidonetRunes
FGHI : area://RU.BLOG.MITHGOL?msgid=2:50/88+5b862be2
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Туподар&+IBQ-;Краснодар (@typodar) 2018-08-23 10:40:15 (UTC)


13 трамваев потерял Краснодар за полтора месяца https://typodar.ru/13-tramvaev-poteryal-krasnodar-za-poltora-mesyatsa/

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlR0czsX0AAkQ6T.jpg:orig "zoom")

Туподар&+IBQ-;Краснодар (@typodar) 2018-08-22 13:56:11 (UTC)


Так по замыслу проектировщиков должен был выглядеть дворец в парке 30-летия Победы, ныне брошенный и забытый. Строение задумывалось как культурно-развлекательный центр &+AKs-;Парковый&+ALs-;. Администрация пыталась через суд изъять долгострой и землю в собственность, но пока безрезультатно.

[(video)](https://is.gd/O1YEL7 "runevideo")

pivchik (@vu1921pp) 2018-08-23 08:17:13 (UTC)


@julletaur Всю жизнь думала, что это логотип ычана

Настоящее Время (@CurrentTimeTv) 2018-08-26 11:41:13 (UTC)


Столица Казахстана вновь оказалась затопленной из-за сильных дождей, а смельчаки, поплывшие по проспекту на надувной лодке, были оштрафованы за хулиганство

[(video)](https://is.gd/PSc72j "runevideo")

Типичная Анапа (@typoanapa) 2018-08-26 08:07:23 (UTC)


- Молодой человек, проходите мимо! Не видите - лавочка ВСЯ занята!!!

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlguOkJWwAA0zdw.jpg:orig "zoom")

beardy_bear89 (@beardybear89) 2018-08-27 08:52:23 (UTC)


Горят поля или леса в районе станицы Смоленской

[(video)](https://is.gd/6uhC3q "runevideo")

Туподар&+IBQ-;Краснодар (@typodar) 2018-08-27 16:08:23 (UTC)


Как чавкают краснодарские еноты. &+JgU-; Видео @papatapok.

[(video)](https://is.gd/njTFtP "runevideo")

Skankin' Kotcha (@under_meth) 2018-08-27 20:17:04 (UTC)


Тут плиту памятную на районе поставили. Текст, конечно, убийственный. Вчитайтесь на досуге. @typodar @typoanapa

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dloe06SX0AANaqL.jpg:orig "zoom")

Skankin' Kotcha (@under_meth) 2018-08-27 23:13:46 (UTC)


Тут ещё одна версия, кажется, более остросюжетная. Блин, честно говоря неловко как-то за земляков, такое убирать надо, как думаете? @typoanapa @typodar

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlpHQjMW4AAep69.jpg:orig "zoom")

Marina &+2DzfOg-; (@marina21982) 2018-08-27 23:38:21 (UTC)


@under_meth Убрать( разбить)на хрен всю эту безграмотную и корявую писанину! Хотели про земляков? Но не так это позорно нужно делать! Ужас.

Internet of Shit (@internetofshit) 2018-08-26 21:08:00 (UTC)


what's more horrifying? Every Tesla out there bootlooping because of bad data, or that Tesla can just randomly SSH into any car? https://twitter.com/atomicthumbs/status/1032939618780344321

Internet of Shit (@internetofshit) 2018-08-26 21:19:51 (UTC)


the people who think self-driving cars are close are going to have their fucking minds blown when they realize those fancy "APIs" are just servers running CURL over and over

Lara White (@LaraTWhite) 2018-08-26 21:11:35 (UTC)


@internetofshit I thought we knew they had backdoors into every car?

Garrett Stevens (@creatosaurus) 2018-08-26 21:19:26 (UTC)


@LaraTWhite @internetofshit Two backdoors I think.
And a trunk. :P

Sarah Jamie Lewis (@SarahJamieLewis) 2018-08-27 19:25:55 (UTC)


"3-D Printed Gun Plans Must Stay Off the Internet for Now, a Judge Rules."

Yes. These CAD files (http://2abtmulg7lwgvk4n.onion/liberator_complete/liberator_complete.zip) must not be on the internet. Please everyone make sure that they are not on the Internet.


Tony Arcieri (@bascule) 2018-08-28 02:36:08 (UTC)


PGP must stay off the Internet for now, judge rules. DeCSS must stay off Internet for now, judge rules. https://twitter.com/sarahjamielewis/status/1034160095335043072?s=21

Туподар&+IBQ-;Краснодар (@typodar) 2018-08-28 06:23:24 (UTC)


Домой хотят, на дерево.

[(video)](https://is.gd/2DXc8s "runevideo")

MTC GSM (@vishka_mts) 2017-06-19 13:47:43 (UTC)


Рано или поздно это должно было случиться: Sony выпустит контактные линзы с функцией записи и просмотра видео. Управление с помощью век.

[(video)](https://is.gd/gnPnAS "runevideo")

Egen (@egen2009) 2017-06-20 11:28:27 (UTC)


@vishka_mts @KermlinRussia Ха, а в России за использование скрытого оборудования аудио-видео фиксации посадят по "шпионской статье" - битва мракобесия и прогресса

Mithgol the Webmaster (@FidonetRunes) 2018-08-28 11:17:23 (UTC)


Не то чтобы новинка https://twitter.com/vishka_mts/status/876798651313598467 за прошедший год реально поступила в розничную продажу. Наверное, это всё ещё остаётся делом будущего, хотя и &+AKs-;ближайшего&+ALs-; более-менее.

ДТП-Бот (@dtp_stat) 2018-08-28 09:00:07 (UTC)


27 августа, понедельник, в ДТП погибло 40 человек

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlrNe8CXsAEfenX.jpg:orig "zoom")

Al Dragon (@aldragon_net) 2018-08-28 10:39:36 (UTC)


Самокат в городе &+IBQ-; машина времени, билет в палеолит.
Дети ищут ягоды. Охотники ищут камни на наконечники стрел. Племя вышло на загонную охоту. Всем охотникам и собирателям важно ничего не пропустить.

А для этого надо растянуться шеренгой и тщательно прочесывать ВЕСЬ ТРОТУАР.

Константин Крылов (@k_a_krylov) 2018-08-28 11:05:03 (UTC)


Советские разговорчики. https://t.co/DscQO4Gh6O

Mithgol the Webmaster (@FidonetRunes) 2018-08-28 11:59:28 (UTC)


#Геленджик, улица Шевченко, около дома 41, вид на #небо с облаком, принадлежащим к типу #cumulonimbusCalvus.

[![(Геленджик, улица Шевченко, около дома 41, вид на небо с облаком, принадлежащим к типу cumulonimbus calvus)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dlr2Zn3WwAMrTDM.jpg)
](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dlr2Zn3WwAMrTDM.jpg:orig "zoom")

Mithgol the Webmaster (@FidonetRunes) 2018-08-28 12:08:01 (UTC)



[(video)](https://is.gd/EEQ8V6 "runevideo")

Mithgol the Webmaster (@FidonetRunes) 2018-08-28 12:55:56 (UTC)


#Геленджик, к востоку от центрального рынка, вид на#небо и #блака.

[![(Геленджик, к востоку от центрального рынка, вид на небо и облака)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsDaD8XcAYJgy6.jpg)
](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsDaD8XcAYJgy6.jpg:orig "zoom")

РосКомСвобода (@RuBlackListNET) 2018-08-28 17:04:41 (UTC)


Созданный в 2008 году Фонд Рылькова, чья миссия &+IBQ-; продвижение и развитие гуманной политики в отношении наркозависимых, уже не в первый раз становится мишенью для властей https://roskomsvoboda.org/41225

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:09:49 (UTC)


Just out: The truth about Waymo...

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:11:19 (UTC)


...in suburban Phoenix starts here, at a T intersection at East Fairview St. and South 56 St., the closest one to Waymo&+IBk-;s vehicle depot in Chandler. Waymo&+IBk-;s vans sometimes have trouble finding a gap in traffic to turn left, frustrating people who say they get stuck behind them.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsUrb1X0AAT4n_.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:13:41 (UTC)


But even turning right in the intersection is not always simple. A local worker told me that this month, she was turning left to Fairview, expecting to follow a Waymo van already in the middle of his turn&+IBQ-;a maneuver she said she&+IBk-;s done countless times with non-Waymo cars.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsU2c0WsAEIC0c.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:14:54 (UTC)


She said she nearly hit the van, which froze. She hit the brakes, came to a stop in the the intersection, yelled things she said she didn&+IBk-;t want me to print, then steered around the van. (Yeah, I know, my arrows are amazing.)

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsVaWEXgAcRWrV.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:16:15 (UTC)


I was surprised to hear such negative feedback from people who encounter the Waymo vans the most. Some didn&+IBk-;t seem to think there were problems, but most people I talked to complained, even about how the vans drive on Fairview [see photo], which is a really wide and boring road.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsV0gUX0AA3lwO.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:21:48 (UTC)


That&+IBk-;s the tip of the iceberg re challenges for Waymo, which are really the challenges for the whole industry. The story includes a list. E.g. vehicles get confused & stop due to all kinds of things like ramp meters. Stops cause fender benders as cars hit Waymo from behind.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsXF2kXcAAjoD3.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:22:48 (UTC)


Other issues: Errors in digital maps that Waymo&+IBk-;s vans rely on. Hardware failures or miscalibrations have been common too, including with lidars and cameras. &+IBw-;Shit like that pops up all the time,&+IB0-; said one person who has examined data on this at Waymo.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsXO34X0AIqHX_.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:24:23 (UTC)


I spoke to 5 people w/direct knowledge of Waymo&+IBk-;s recent travails & will get into more of that later. But first, how did we get here? I won&+IBk-;t take you back to 2009 but we can start in late 2015, when Waymo (then a Google unit) finished a demo of driving a blind man in Austin.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsXr5GW4AAC3VI.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:25:14 (UTC)


Side note: After the demo, Google fired workers who allegedly celebrated at a party with controlled substances. People refer to this as &+IBw-;Cocaine Cowboys.&+IB0-; It was considered a hush-hush embarrassment. Also Google realized Austin wasn&+IBk-;t the easiest place to test cars anyway.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsX4ZWXoAEyNgv.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:26:37 (UTC)


Heading into 2016, lots of Googlers wanted to build a car w/no steering wheel & pedals, but Larry Page said no. Hence the Chryslers. Initially, the plan was to launch a commercial robotaxi service by end of 2017. That didn&+IBk-;t happen obvi. More on this here: http://go.theinformation.com/yct1DjV6cXQ

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:28:08 (UTC)


Ultimately, Waymo chose Chandler because, well, look at it. It&+IBk-;s at least several times easier than in Silicon Valley, where Waymo has been testing cars a lot longer. Bonus scoop&+IBQ-;Apple recently landed in the area too!

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsYctLX0AEpQk6.jpg:orig "zoom")

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsYfZDX0AArzv4.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:33:05 (UTC)


Waymo&+IBk-;s been testing there in earnest since early 2017. In late 2017 we wrote about the issues Waymo was starting to encounter, among them the troubles with unprotected lefts, and other things.

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:40:14 (UTC)


There&+IBk-;s been a lot of progress, including on highways, which is critical in a place like Chandler. You often use them to get anywhere farther than a few miles, and pretty much everything is many miles apart. Our article discusses other driving features Waymo has improved.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsbUO9X4AAx80K.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:42:50 (UTC)


Where does this leave us? There are times when it seems &+IBw-;autonomy is around the corner,&+IB0-; and the vehicle can go for a day without a human driver intervening, said a person familiar with Waymo. Other days reality sets in because &+IBw-;the edge cases are endless.&+IB0-; Photo not from AZ :)

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlsbwdEW0AARRqS.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:43:37 (UTC)


On the other hand, the minivans never text and drive. They&+IBk-;re not in a rush. And they can sense some objects, including other cars or people, before human drivers do. In theory, that means they can do a better job at not hitting them. Thanks, lidars!

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlscFumX0AEK4wb.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:44:22 (UTC)


But replicating driving is hard because it&+IBk-;s more complex than you and I ever think about. There&+IBk-;s much we do that&+IBk-;s hard for a robot. And if the robot actually follows the law, that makes things harder because human drivers are rule breakers. [Our article gets into this.]

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlscRK7XsAAmWPV.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:45:03 (UTC)


&+IBw-;The trouble with self-driving cars is people&+IB0gFA-;specifically, predicting their behavior, Gill Pratt, who is head of Toyota Research Institute, told me recently. Today&+IBk-;s AI doesn&+IBk-;t know that a mother holding a child likely won&+IBk-;t cross the street illegally but two teenagers might.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlscZL-WwAEV2lH.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:45:56 (UTC)


Same goes for anticipating or solving problems with other drivers. As one Waymo-er put it: &+IBw-;There&+IBk-;s just stuff humans can solve by looking at the other driver&+IB0-; in ways that a machine cannot.

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dlscn3HX0AAzk7L.jpg:orig "zoom")

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:48:02 (UTC)


Pratt added the bar is high for any company to launch robotaxis if they aren&+IBk-;t flawless. &+IBw-;Human empathy for another human being that makes a mistake [while driving] will not apply in case of a machine,&+IB0-; he said. See: Uber&+IBk-;s software programming disaster: https://t.co/wulmqMinm7

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 14:51:10 (UTC)


So lower your expectations for truly driverless taxis to get you through the day. We&+IBk-;re still close to the starting line of this long but worthwhile race. If you are interested in the field & what the worldwide leader is going through, check this out: http://go.theinformation.com/4596b7125469ea51

Amir Efrati (@amir) 2018-08-28 16:25:40 (UTC)


Post script: good annual reminder to pay attention to @lessin who said long ago that self driving cars "need to be very, very close to perfect before they are valuable at all. There is no 50% credit."


Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer) 2018-08-28 16:02:00 (UTC)


@amir After getting a Tesla this year I see both the magic of these technologies (they occasionally do things no human could do, and do them consistently) but so many edge cases haven't been solved for.

Maybe we are thinking of this wrong...

Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer) 2018-08-28 16:03:15 (UTC)


@amir ...when I drive along WITH the computer I'm much safer (and less stressed out) than when I drive alone.

The real problem here is trust. Everyone I ask says "hell no" when I ask if they would take a ride in one of these things. ...

E.W. Niedermeyer (@Tweetermeyer) 2018-08-28 16:05:47 (UTC)


@Scobleizer @amir Careful... you are comparing two very different things here. Both have edge case issues, but an L4 Waymo and an L2 Autopilot system are two very different animals, especially when it comes to the question of trust.

Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer) 2018-08-28 16:07:48 (UTC)


@Tweetermeyer @amir I know they are different, but I met the Tesla team building full self driving tech and they said "that's an unsolved problem." It's the same team, by the way. So the tech will evolve and we are at the starting line, as Amir said.

Lord Awesome (@dividendgrowth1) 2018-08-28 15:01:09 (UTC)


@amir Autonomous driving is hard. If Waymo is encountering so many problems despite their resources, you can imagine how far others are lagging behind. It seems most in the business are just following the same approach as Waymo, with Tesla being the exception.

Christopher Mims &+2Dzfhg-; (@mims) 2018-08-28 14:43:43 (UTC)


Amazing thread.

This is the best self-driving technology in the world, in the easiest to navigate environment, managed by the best self driving engineers with the most experience in the field.

And it does not work. https://twitter.com/amir/status/1034442936774258688

Christopher Mims &+2Dzfhg-; (@mims) 2018-08-28 16:53:28 (UTC)


By the way nothing about Waymo's current failures should be a surprise to anyone who read my 2016 piece interviewing the leading academics in the autonomous driving field, who almost universally predicted these issues.


DHH (@dhh) 2018-08-28 16:48:40 (UTC)


Breathing polluted air is linked to mental illness in children, dementia in adults, and now a general degradation in intelligence in new study. https://t.co/loZF7EgHO7

Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) 2018-08-28 10:48:47 (UTC)


The coming software apocalypse, by @jsomers https://t.co/St7I34OFmT.

This is a very long read, but utterly worth it.

Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) 2018-08-28 15:40:39 (UTC)


The Web I Want


@quii's rant about too much JavaScript and too much framework reliance. Old news, we said this for years, we must not reach the right people.

Sputnik & Pogrom (@sputnikipogrom) 2018-08-28 17:48:21 (UTC)


28 августа 1974 года крестьянам в СССР начали выдавать паспорта. На протяжении почти полувека советским колхозникам паспортов не выдавали, чтобы те не вздумали сбежать https://sputnikipogrom.com/calendar/all/87090/28-august-1974/

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DltGXiVW4AAt7Rz.jpg:orig "zoom")

Vince M. (@und_moss) 2018-08-28 19:44:59 (UTC)


Я не из тех, кто верит в еврейские конспирологические теории об отсутствии еврейского заговора.

ОТ Краснодара (@krdtransport) 2018-08-28 17:58:38 (UTC)


Опять какая-то неведомая магия: итальянцы на вагон 76 года поставили кондиционер. http://transphoto.ru/photo/1138150/

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DltIhQkW4AIYkCT.jpg:orig "zoom")

ОТ Краснодара (@krdtransport) 2018-08-28 18:20:53 (UTC)


Кстати. Локальные улучшения дорожной обстановки в городе при закрытии некоторых улиц/мостов вполне объясняются математически: Парадокс Браеса https://t.co/O08Amshjnh

Константин Крылов (@k_a_krylov) 2018-08-28 19:21:17 (UTC)


У прекрасного Эрик Лобах (Erik Lobakh) - человека, которым я искренне и глубоко восхищаюсь - именины. К сожалению, узнал я об этом только сейчас - весь день был занят. Но  это важное событие, и я не могу оставить его... https://www.facebook.com/k.a.krylov/posts/1904137192985996

GitHub (@github) 2018-08-28 19:31:12 (UTC)


You've been telling us about some of your small-but-persistent frustrations for awhile now, and we want to let you know that we&+IBk-;ve been listening. Introducing: Project Paper Cuts &+2D3cxA-; &+JwL+Dw-; https://blog.github.com/2018-08-28-announcing-paper-cuts/

isaacs (@izs) 2018-08-29 00:44:57 (UTC)


This is extremely good, @github. Thank you for doing this. https://twitter.com/github/status/1034523814867034112

&+MMgw/DDVMLA-; (@tofugu) 2018-08-29 03:30:10 (UTC)


Happy Yakiniku Day, 8-29! &+2D7daQ-;

8 = ya
2 = ni
9 = ku

&+cTyAiQ-; (yakiniku) literally means &+cTw-; (grill) + &+gIk-; (meat) = grilled meat. It usually refers to Korean style BBQ. Let's feast!

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlvLjaNW0AEuiry.jpg:orig "zoom")

Mithgol the Webmaster (@FidonetRunes) 2018-08-29 05:12:27 (UTC)


По адресу https://isitblockedinrussia.com/?host=bugs.php.net нетрудно узнать, что сайт списка багов PHP блокирован в России в соответствии с решением номер 27-31-2018/Ид2971-18, принятым 16 апреля нынешнего (2018) года Генпрокуратурою.

(Могу подтвердить на своём опыте, что Ростелеком не даёт открыть его.)

Mithgol the Webmaster (@FidonetRunes) 2018-08-29 05:12:46 (UTC)


#Роскомнадзор &+IBQ-; это бесспорно случай ловкий.
Спору нету.
Не изрекут уста хул&+AP0-;
О многолетней &+AKs-;итальянской забастовке&+ALs-;
В глубоком путинском тылу.

[эстетика ебеней] (@yebenya) 2018-08-29 04:56:03 (UTC)


Анастасия Аверченко | Воронеж

](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlvfNVvW4AEkc_a.jpg:orig "zoom")

--- https://github.com/Mithgol/node-twi2fido/
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