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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.DIGEST
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.DIGEST с датами от 15 Jul 13 08:53:56 до 25 Apr 24 11:01:17, всего сообщений: 2391
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= Сообщение: 1919 из 2391 ================================ RU.FIDONET.DIGEST =
От   : Vladimir Fyodorov                2:6035/3.1         10 Jan 22 11:55:20
Кому : All                                                 10 Jan 22 11:55:20
Тема : FIDOGAZETTE: Sean Dennis объявил себя новым редактором FIDOGAZETTE
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.DIGEST?msgid=2:6035/3.1+61dbf47c
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================

> Sean Dennis, 1:18/200, объявил себя новым редактором FIDOGAZETTE и
> модератором одноимённой эхи. Это вызвало, мягко говоря, недовольство со
> стороны Ward Dossche. В свою очередь, Вард подвергся критике от mark
> lewis, который обвинил его в развязывании "зональных войн".

* From : Sean Dennis, 1:18/200 (08 Января 2022 14:15)
* To   : Ghil Zvidgzul
* Subj : Not receiving any messag
GZ> I can see them on news server but not here (after 1st january?).

Janis has shut down her BBS and I will be taking over as editor of the
FidoGazette.  I am in the process of setting everything up right now so
please be patient while I get everything working.

FidoGazette Editor

* From : Sean Dennis, 1:18/200 (08 Января 2022 14:31)
* To   : Ward Dossche
* Subj : Re: This echo
WD> Because of the people suddenly needing an extra hat ...
WD> Sean Dennis in pole position as the specialist echotag
WD> collector.

I've just added another hat: I'm now the editor of the FidoGazette and the
moderator of this echo.

If your posts don't involve Fidonet or the FG and are not of good report,
they are not welcome in here.

* From : Ward Dossche, 2:292/854 (08 Января 2022 22:16)
* To   : Sean Dennis
* Subj : Re: This echo
SD> If your posts don't involve Fidonet or the FG and are not of good
SD> report,
SD> they are not welcome in here.

So sucking Nick Andre's dick and already posting as "Deputy Zone1 Coordinator" or something of that nature some years ago did not exactly work the way you envisioned, right?

* From : mark lewis, 1:3634/12.73 (09 Января 2022 07:10)
* To   : Ward Dossche
* Subj : This echo
SD>> If your posts don't involve Fidonet or the FG and are not of good
SD>> report, they are not welcome in here.

WD> So sucking Nick Andre's dick and already posting as "Deputy Zone1
WD> Coordinator" or something of that nature some years ago did not
WD> exactly
WD> work the way you envisioned, right?

ward, damn... please don't start this stupid shit again... the so-called ""zone wars"" are supposed to be over and this is doing nothing but attempting to continue them [smh]

--- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: Esquire Station (2:6035/3.1)

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