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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.FIDONET.DIGEST с датами от 15 Jul 13 08:53:56 до 25 Apr 24 11:01:17, всего сообщений: 2391
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= Сообщение: 1934 из 2391 ================================ RU.FIDONET.DIGEST =
От   : Vladimir Fyodorov                2:6035/3.1         18 Jan 22 10:31:32
Кому : All                                                 18 Jan 22 10:31:32
Тема : FIDOGAZETTE: Sean Dennis выпустил бюллетень FidoGazette V18I1
FGHI : area://RU.FIDONET.DIGEST?msgid=2:6035/3.1+61e66f5f
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================

> Sean Dennis (1:18/200) опубликовал свой первый бюллетень FidoGazette
> V18I1, редактором которого он себя считает после ухода Janis Kracht.
> Помимо привычного списка BBS, списка софта и информации о FidoGazette, он
> красочно расписал свою фидошную биографию, а также рассказал о компиляции
> MakeNL под FreeBSD и один анекдот. Ниже приводятся только эти три части.

* From : Sean Dennis, 1:18/200 (17 Января 2022 12:20)
* Subj : FidoGazette V18I1
      W e l c o m e  t o  t h e
      ___   _      _          ___                     _     _
      | __| (_)  __| | ___   / __| __ _   ___ ___  | |_  | |_ ___
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      |_|   |_| \__,_| \___/  \___| \__,_| /__| \___|  \__|  \__| \___|

      A n  A l t e r n a t i v e  F i d o n e t  N e w s l e t t e r

      Published by Sean Dennis (1:18/200) weekly on Mondays

                        Table of Contents
     1. EDITORIAL  ................................................  1
        The FidoGazette: Phoenix From The Flames  .................  1
     2. ARTICLES  .................................................  3
        MakeNL under FreeBSD  .....................................  3
     3. NET HUMOR  ................................................  4
        Thought Of The Week  ......................................  4
     4. STATIC STUFF  .............................................  5
        BBS Lists  ................................................  5
     5. FIDOGAZETTE INFORMATION  .................................. 13
     FGAZ 18-01                   Page 1                   17 Jan 2022


     The FidoGazette: Phoenix From The Flames
     By Sean Dennis, 1:18/200

     Hello and welcome to the FidoGazette!  I am Sean Dennis, the Gazette's
     founder and first editor.  I started the FidoGazette in September 2007
     as an alternative to the FidoNews.  I shut down the Gazette in 2008
     after I had a severe, life-altering car accident.  Janis Kracht then
     started the FidoGazette back up and ran it until her recent retirement
     from Fidonet.  I am taking the FidoGazette back over and hope to make
     it an active, enjoyable part of Fidonet and a Fidonetter's hobby.

     I see a lot of new faces in the FIDOGAZETTE echo so I should introduce
     myself.  I have been on BBSes since 1983 and a member of Fidonet since
     1998 as a full node.  I have been active in Fidonet since then.  Some
     of the activities I've had since being a Fidonet member in Zone 1:

       - Former Region 11 Coordinator
       - Twice elected to FTSC
       - Moderator of several echoes; currently am moderator of COOKING,
         and TUB echoes; co-moderator of BBS_CARNIVAL
       - Am the coordinator for the CH-WARE and Ham Distribution System

     I am also active in the BBS scene:

       - Sysop of Outpost BBS (1:18/200)
       - Author of Cheepware (open source BBS doors and sysop utilities)
         since 1998
       - Founder and ZC of The Micronet Information Network since September
         1, 2000
       - Member of the MBSE BBS Development Team; MBSE is an open source,
         "all-in-one" BBS package for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD
       - Founder and moderator of the BBSing 2.0 group on Facebook with
         over 1000 members

     It has been my pleasure to make many friends in the BBS scene over the
     past twenty-plus years and help sysops all over the world.  It is my
     aim to continue this tradition with the FidoGazette to help bring Fido
     sysops together and make this a closer-knit community through the
     sharing of information and friendship.

     I am happy to have you all aboard with me.  I look forward
     to your articles, comments, and suggestions.

     I want the FidoGazette to be a place where all are welcomed and the
     opinions and thoughts of all Fidonetters are taken into consideration.
     We can agree to disagree on some things, which is normal, but let's
     agree that the future and continual growth of Fidonet is of the utmost

     FGAZ 18-01                   Page 2                   17 Jan 2022

     A final note: there are some in Fidonet, who are known for their
     histrionics and lying about others to make themselves look better,
     that are saying that the FidoGazette was founded as part of the "zone
     wars" in the late 90s.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I
     started the FidoGazette because I thought I had a better idea.  Those
     who speak against me are just jealous of me, that's all. <G>

     -- Sean Dennis
        FidoGazette Editor


     FGAZ 18-01                   Page 3                   17 Jan 2022


     Compiling MakeNL under FreeBSD
     By Sean Dennis, 1:18/200

     MakeNL is easy to compile under FreeBSD.  You'll need to install
     cmake first:

     # pkg install cmake

     Then get the MakeNL source code using git from:


     Go into the "makenl-code" directory and issue these commands:

     % cmake ./src
     % make

     The 'makenl' binary will be generated.

     That's it to compile the binary but to compile the PDF documentation
     you will need to add a -lot- of software if you do not have this

     # pkg install tex-formats tex-dvipsk hs-pandoc

     You then run "makepdf.sh" in "makenl-code/docs" and "makenl.pdf" will
     be generated.

     If you don't want to go through all of that to make the PDF, contact
     me and I will send you that PDF.


     FGAZ 18-01                   Page 4                   17 Jan 2022

                                 NET HUMOR

     Thought Of The Week
     By Sean Dennis, 1:18/200

     Am I getting older or is the supermarket finally playing great music?


--- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: Esquire Station (2:6035/3.1)

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