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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции RU.HUSKY
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции RU.HUSKY с датами от 16 Jul 13 10:00:06 до 31 Mar 24 23:49:12, всего сообщений: 5321
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= Сообщение: 4188 из 5321 ========================================= RU.HUSKY =
От   : Sergey Anohin                    2:5034/10.1        29 Oct 20 08:34:04
Кому : All                                                 29 Oct 20 08:34:04
Тема : Правильно пуржить эхи
FGHI : area://RU.HUSKY?msgid=2:5034/10.1+bc076cc3
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://RU.HUSKY?msgid=2:5034/10.1+5f9a5e7c
Ответ: area://RU.HUSKY?msgid=2:6035/3.1+5f9a70b9

Как правильно сабж?
hptutil  purge pack

root@server:/usr/pub/husky19/hptutil# ./hptutil pack
hptutil/fbsd 1.9.0-cur 2011-03-09

B 08:31:13   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
B 08:31:13   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
B 08:31:13   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
Pack areas begin
Ошибка сегментации(core dumped)
root@server:/usr/pub/husky19/hptutil# ./hptutil purge
hptutil/fbsd 1.9.0-cur 2011-03-09

B 08:31:18   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
B 08:31:18   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
B 08:31:18   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
Purge areas begin
Ошибка сегментации(core dumped)

Или же так?

root@server:/usr/pub/husky19/sqpack# ./sqpack -c /fidoetc/config  TITANIC.OFFICIAL
sqpack/fbsd 1.9.0-cur 2019-12-06
B 08:30:37   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
B 08:30:37   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
B 08:30:37   Enviroment variable [GFD] (used in config file /usr/local/etc/husky/fileareas) is not defined and is replaced with empty string
cannot create new lock file: /usr/local/fido/flags/hpt.lock
lock file probably used by another process! exit...

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Sergey Anohin.

--- wfido
* Origin: https://5034.ru/wfido (2:5034/10.1)

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