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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции UTF-8
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции UTF-8 с датами от 19 Apr 14 00:41:48 до 01 Apr 24 00:03:00, всего сообщений: 1367
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= Сообщение: 23 из 1367 ============================================== UTF-8 =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         25 Apr 14 13:08:50
Кому : Maurice Kinal                                       25 Apr 14 13:08:50
Тема : your external editor test of utf-8
FGHI : area://UTF-8?msgid=2:280/5555+535a4605
На   : area://UTF-8?msgid=1:153/7001.0+53591e7a
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: UTF-8 ==================================
Ответ: area://UTF-8?msgid=1:153/7001.0+535a7b88
Hello Maurice,

On Thursday April 24 2014 14:23, you wrote to me:

MvdV>> But... when I set xlatimport utf-8 for this area, it looks
MvdV>> ok...

MK> Go figure eh?  They REALLY were utf-8 encoded.

But how is my Fidonet message viewer going to know? Without making assumptions, such as that if it is written here, it probably is UTF-8?

when I switch to LATIN-1 I see two pairs of a captal A with and some kind of cedille. How does my viewer know that is not what you wanted to write? Yes, it can see that they are well formed UTF-8 strings. But that is not 100% proof that it IS UTF-8.

MK> My encoding checker shows your reply as "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

All it shows is that it is consistent with UTF-8, not that it IS UTF-8.

MK> without even looking at the CHRS kludge or whether or not there is a
MK> BOM.  I am doing this the correct way rather than some goofy broken
MK> kludge.  ;-)

No, you are doing it YOUR way. The correct way when reading fidonet messages is to look at the CHRS character encoding identifier and take it from there.

MK> I did some checking around for a utf-8 verification thingy for windows
MK> based software and only found some online web sites that would do it
MK> online.  I think they are php scripts but I didn't bother testing them
MK> since I already have a local method that can be scripted into my
MK> WeBeBashing ftn functions.  Works like a charm so far.

It works for you. Or so you make yourself believe. That would be fine if you lived on an island without connections to the rest of the world. But you are not on an island, you are part of a network that is about exchanging messages. "Works for me"  is not good enough, it has to work for the others too. And messages in a character encoding scheme other than 100% ASCII do not work for the others if there is no CHRS character encoding identifier.

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20110320
* Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)

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