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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции UTF-8
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции UTF-8 с датами от 19 Apr 14 00:41:48 до 01 Apr 24 00:03:00, всего сообщений: 1367
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= Сообщение: 37 из 1367 ============================================== UTF-8 =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         28 Apr 14 18:19:20
Кому : Maurice Kinal                                       28 Apr 14 18:19:20
Тема : your external editor test of utf-8
FGHI : area://UTF-8?msgid=2:280/5555+535e7f8b
На   : area://UTF-8?msgid=1:153/7001.0+535d37b8
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: UTF-8 ==================================
Hello Maurice,

On Sunday April 27 2014 17:00, you wrote to me:

MvdV>> LATIN-1 /IS/ supported by the software of those that use that encoding.

MK> According to the REAL encoding (ISO-8859-1) LATIN1 is the accepted alias.

I don't care about your so called "REAL encoding". We are in Fidonet and in

MK> They don't mention LATIN-1

I don't care about "They". We are in Fidonet and in Fidonet, the accepted

MK> nor do the charmaps I deploy here as well as most of the servers on the
MK> internet.

I don't care about your charmaps or "most of the servers on the internt". We

MK> Where your software got that encoding is highly questionable given the
MK> reality of the situation.

The reality of the situation is that we are in Fidonet And...in Fidonet, the accepted identifier is LATIN-1

MvdV>> The character set that you refer to as ISO-8859-1 is in widespread use

MK> For sure.  Also the accepted alias for it is indeed LATIN1 and *NOT*

We are in Fidonet and in Fidonet, the accepted identifier is LATIN-1.

MvdV>> ISO-646 /has/ been used in Fidonet messages.

MK> Excellent.  Here is what I've been able to decipher about fts-5003 and
MK> it's reported aliasing of the ISO 646 codes;

MK> I was unable to find ANY credible references to DUTCH and SWISS.

Then you have not looked hard enough. Here is my translation table from DUTCH

=== Cut ===
; This file is a charset conversion module in text form.
; This module converts the Dutch ISO 646 NL character set to Codepage 850.
; You can use it as a basis for a level 1 converter.
; Format: ID, version, level,
;         from charset, to charset,
;         128 entries: first & second byte
;         "END"
; Lines beginning with a ";" or a ";" after the entries are comments
; Unknown characters are mapped to the "?" character.
; cedilla = ,   ; dieresis = ..       ; acute = '
; grave = `     ; circumflex = ^      ; ring = o
; tilde = ~     ; caron = v
; All of these are above the character, apart from the cedilla which is below.
; \ is the escape character: \0 means decimal zero,
; \dnnn where nnn is a decimal number is the ordinal value of the character
; \xnn where nn is a hexadecimal number
; e.g.: \x32 is the ASCII space character
; Two \\ is the character "\" itself.
0               ; ID number
0               ; version number
1               ; level number
DUTCH           ; from set
CP850           ; to set
\0 \0           ; NUL
\0 \x1          ; SOH
\0 \x2          ; STX
\0 \x3          ; ETX
\0 \x4          ; EOT
\0 \x5          ; ENQ
\0 \x6          ; ACK
\0 \x7          ; BEL
\0 \x8          ; BS
\0 \x9          ; HT
\0 \xA          ; LF
\0 \xB          ; VT
\0 \xC          ; FF
\0 \xD          ; CR
\0 \xE          ; SO
\0 \xF          ; SI
\0 \x10         ; DLE
\0 \x11         ; DC1
\0 \x12         ; DC2
\0 \x13         ; DC3
\0 \x14         ; DC4
\0 \x15         ; NAK
\0 \x16         ; SYN
\0 \x17         ; ETB
\0 \x18         ; CAN
\0 \x19         ; EM
\0 \x1a         ; SUB
\0 \x1b         ; ESC
\0 \x1c         ; FS
\0 \x1d         ; GS
\0 \x1e         ; RS
\0 \x1f         ; US
\0 \x20         ; space
\0 !            ; exclaim
\0 "            ; double quotes
\0 £            ; # -> pound sterling sign
\0 $            ; dollar
\0 %            ; percent
\0 &            ; ampersand
\0 '            ; quote right
\0 (            ; parenthesis left
\0 )            ; parenthesis right
\0 *            ; asterisk
\0 +            ; plus
\0 ,            ; comma
\0 -            ; minus
\0 .            ; period
\0 /            ; slash
\0 0            ; zero
\0 1            ; one
\0 2            ; two
\0 3            ; three
\0 4            ; four
\0 5            ; five
\0 6            ; six
\0 7            ; seven
\0 8            ; eight
\0 9            ; nine
\0 :            ; colon
\0 \d59         ; semicolon
\0 <            ; less than
\0 =            ; equals
\0 >            ; greater than
\0 ?            ; question
\0 ¾            ; @ -> Vulgar fraction 3/4
\0 A            ;
\0 B            ;
\0 C            ;
\0 D            ;
\0 E            ;
\0 F            ;
\0 G            ;
\0 H            ;
\0 I            ;
\0 J            ;
\0 K            ;
\0 L            ;
\0 M            ;
\0 N            ;
\0 O            ;
\0 P            ;
\0 Q            ;
\0 R            ;
\0 S            ;
\0 T            ;
\0 U            ;
\0 V            ;
\0 W            ;
\0 X            ;
\0 Y            ;
\0 Z            ;
i j             ; bracket left   -> ij
\0 ½            ; backslash      -> vulgar fraction 1/2
\0 |            ; bracket right  -> Vertikal line
\0 ^            ; circum
\0 _            ; underscore
\0 `            ; quote left
\0 a            ;
\0 b            ;
\0 c            ;
\0 d            ;
\0 e            ;
\0 f            ;
\0 g            ;
\0 h            ;
\0 i            ;
\0 j            ;
\0 k            ;
\0 l            ;
\0 m            ;
\0 n            ;
\0 o            ;
\0 p            ;
\0 q            ;
\0 r            ;
\0 s            ;
\0 t            ;
\0 u            ;
\0 v            ;
\0 w            ;
\0 x            ;
\0 y            ;
\0 z            ;
\0 ¨            ; brace left     -> dieresis
\0 ƒ            ; bar            -> guilders sign
\0 ¼            ; brace right    -> vulgar fraction 1/4
\0 '            ; tilde          -> accute accent
\0 \x7F         ; DEL
=== Cut ===

Note the special Dutch character ij (Dutch Guilder sign) at position 124.

Another one is the ij (Latin small ligature ij) at position 91. In the Dutch

MvdV>> Your ZC uses CHRS: LATIN-1 1

MK> Nope.  Last time I noticed it was "CHARSET: LATIN-1".

So the identifier used is LATIN-1.

MvdV>> It /is/ current practise wether you like that or not.

MK> No it isn't.  The majority is still using buggy abandonware that isn't
MK> even aware of CHARSET nevermind CHRS.

Wrong. The majority of messages written in Fidonet is written in Cyrillics. The readers/writers of those messages use software that uses the CHRS kludge.

Cheers, Michiel

* Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)

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